Chapter 10: A Peculiar King of Omashu

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Sorry, sorry, my last chapter was really late, so sorry about that. I've been falling behind, AHHH. Anyways, it's here's this one, and I hope you enjoy!


|A Peculiar King of Omashu|


Half a week later, we make it to Omashu. We finally stopped and hiked up hills, both steep and low, until we finally hit the city. 

"The Earth Kingdom City of Omashu!" announced Aang, triumphant. I looked up and I gazed over the sight, my eyes squinting in the sun. 

The city rested majestically on a sandy mountain, with the mountain holding the walls of Omashu in place. There were vast, bumpy, grassy lands surrounding us where we stood, and mountains seemed to be on every inch you turned to look at. You can tell that this was part of the Earth Kingdom without anyone telling you this is part of the Earth Kingdom. Everything seemed so stable. It reminded me of Kyoshi Island and their training hut; its modest aura made me so happy for some reason. 

"God, Aang, do you just happen to have friends that live in unique places from heaven?" I said in complete awe. 

"Wow! We don't have cities like this in the South Pole," exclaimed Katara. 

"They have buildings here that don't melt," Sokka said. He seem really surprised by this fact. 

"Well, let's go, slowpokes. The real fun is inside the city!" encouraged Aang. He leaped from the hill we were standing on to grass below us and started to run.

"Wait, Aang. It could be dangerous if people find out you're the Avatar," warned Katara. 

"Yeah, people will be all on you and make you indiscreet," I added. 

"You need a disguise," said Sokka. 

"So, what am I supposed to do, grow a mustache?" Aang taunted. 

That gave me an idea. "Actually, yeah you can. Here, I have an idea, come on." 

Everyone looked at me in confusion, especially Aang, but he shrugged and followed me to Appa. I found a few of Appa's shedding and gestured them towards Aang. "This is what's going to help," I answered. 

"How?" wondered Aang. 

"You'll see, just close your eyes and wait," I ordered. He obeyed. 

I adjusted the hair on Aang's face, giving him a bushy mustache and a bundle of hair on his head, covering his apparent arrow. Aang giggled a few times from me tickling him. "Ok, now open your eyes."

Immediately, Aang went to scratch his face. "Wait, no, don't do that, you'll mess it up. Just sort of wrinkle your nose and move it around to lessen the itch," I warned. 

"Ugh, this is so itchy," he groaned. "How do you live in this stuff, Appa?" I chuckled and Aang glared at me. 

"If I had some makeup left over from Aiya, I'd use it to cover up your arrows instead," I offered with a huge grin on my face. 

"Are you sure this is a good disguise?" asked Aang anxiously. 

"Positive! The hair makes you look like you are old, and you fit the description. Technically, you're 112 years old, you're short just like an old person, and I assume you have a great old person voice impression! It's genius," I assured confidently. 

"It really is a great idea, Safiyah," complimented Katara. I smiled at her in response. 

"Eh, whatever, it's just a regular idea, I could've thought of something much better," Sokka huffed. I glared at him in irritation. 

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