Chapter 24: Temporary Scars

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Heyyyy y'all! Hope you're doing well, of course. Uh, new chapter! Not much to say, sooooo hope you enjoy, as always, and happy reading!


|Temporary Scars|


I'm standing helplessly, my knees about to go out and I try to stand confidently but my screaming trembles stop me. I'm roughly breathing and my hands clutch raging flames, depending on them for survival. But the logic inside tells me no force of any kind could help me now. 

My father stands in front of me, complacent etched on his face and is simpering victoriously. The fire he's holding somehow makes him more intimidating; our surroundings are dark, black. I can't even tell what I'm standing on. Confusion fills me precariously; I'm in a battle I never asked for. 

Why can't I move? I think helplessly. Do I have a death wish?

A glowing white light catches my eye, like an angel or a good omen. I look up and notice several separate bodies, all a lit. I can't see their faces, they're blurred. The bodies are wearing vivid and loose clothing, almost like robes, and I'm drawn to them. So drawn to them, but I can't make a step. 

"HELP ME!" I shriek. But it's like nothing comes out; I'm mouthing wordlessly. I can't see the bodies' faces but I can tell my distress isn't an inconvenience to them. They pose serenely, something that brings me envy. 

I turn back to my father, quivering in my coarse situation. By then it's too late, because white lightning edged with sharp sapphire blue races straight at me. 

My eyes jolt open but I don't get out of my spot, still processing. Already, bits of the dream are escaping away from me, even the flash that haunts me. 

I untie the cloth around my waist and open my robe. I lift my shirt and stare at the leafy, flesh colored scar on my stomach, stretching horizontally across. I gaze higher up on my torso and see the beginning of another scar at my collarbone, a much larger one. It stretches vertically across my sternum, between my breasts and it's a pale pink. It's almost like a blade cut through. 

"Someone should just paint me already. With all my scars, I'm a damn piece of art," I joke bitterly to myself. I get up and get ready, putting my hair in loose twist. I'm alone in the tent, so I assume everyone's outside.

I walk outside, finding everyone situated in different places around the river. Katara is practicing her water bending, Sokka's resting on a boulder, fishing, and Aang's situated into a focused stance. I see a squat but straightened man with pale hair standing in front of him. It's hours past dawn, which irritates me. I've gotten back to the habit of starting with the sun, and I hate when that rhythm's broken.

I assume the old man is actually Jeong Jeong himself, and I consider walking over there to meet him. But he seems unrelenting and focused with Aang, so I stride over to Katara instead. 

"Hey Katara," I greet her. 

She doesn't lose grip on her water and turns her head to me. She cheerfully says, "Oh, good morning, Saf! Did you sleep well?"

"More or less, thanks. Jeong Jeong's helping him?" 

"Yes, but so far he just has him doing breathing exercises, I guess?" 

"Really? Huh." 

"Yeah, but by the looks of it, he isn't enjoying it."

I look over to Aang and he just looks so dull, and I laugh at his impatience. "Well, I'm gonna go say good morning to Sokka, ok?"

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