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Before the story begins I just wanna say a few things. First of all, I wanna say thank you to everyone reading this. Wether you've been a fan from the beginning or you just recently picked up the series, thank you for sticking with me. You all make writing this series worth it, and I wouldn't be writing this right now if it weren't for all of you.

Second, I just wanna talk about why this book took so long to come out. Yes, it's much longer than my previous books, but that's not the only reason. I've gone through a lot personally during the time I wrote this. I was stuck at an awful school that cost me a lot of money for teaching me basically nothing, family members passed away, I went through probably the worst breakup of my life, and I experienced depression for the first time in my life. Not to mention the global pandemic that hit around the middle of last year, and we're still feeling the effects of today. But through it all, finishing this book remained a goal for me, even when I had every reason to give up. Because I knew that finishing it would make a lot of people, including myself, happy. And being here at the finish line feels pretty good all things considered.

That's not to say it was all bad. I met some of my best friends over the course of writing this, both in real life and online (some of them are reading this right now I hope). Also I discovered my true passion, animation and art, which is what I was going to school for. I'm hoping I utilize the passion I put into this series into my future art endevours.

Now I know it sounds like this is the end of the series, but I promise it isn't. I am gonna take a break from Godzilla Warriors written content for a little while, probably until 2022. But that doesn't mean it'll be gone for good. I hope you're looking foreward to not only the future of Godzilla Warriors, but of all my creative projects.

Thank you for being a fan, a reader, a watcher, a friend, or a follower. I'm incredibly thankful for each and every one of you.

And now, it's finally time...

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