Chapter 17: Orange Sky

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Infant Island

As soon as Mothra landed on Infant Island and her feet touched the soft white sand, a wave of memories flooder her mind. The scent of the air, the sight of the greenery all around her, the sound of waves lapping at the shore, all of it was incredibly familiar. Even the very sand itself was nostalgic. But she didn't have time to reminisce, she had to find her brother. And as she saw the hilt of his katana thrown onto the ground haphazardly, she realized which way he had walked off to. She made her way towards the hilt and picked it up, only to spy Battra's headband on the ground as well, a few feet away. She picked it up too. She looked at the path the items had been thrown in, and quickly realized where her brother had gone. She breathed a deep sigh. She wasn't looking forward to where she was going, but she had to go. It wasn't far from where she was now. She began to make her way towards it, and after a few minutes of walking, she reached her destination. She was right, Battra was there. He had come here to see their old home. Or at least, what was left of it. It was burnt to a crisp, of course, and nature had overtaken the remains of the house in their absence. Vines and leaves and flowers covered the whole destroyed structure. It would have been almost beautiful had it not been caused by such tragic circumstances. Battra sat in front of it on a fallen tree, holding his head in his hands. Mothra breathed another sigh and approached him.
"I thought I'd find you here." She said. Battra barely even flinched. He only took his hands down from his face when she sat next to him. His eyes were red and his cheeks were wet. He wanted to hide it, but Mothra could tell he had been crying a lot.
"You alright?" She asked.
"I'm fine." Battra snapped, glaring at his sister. Mothra was expecting him to be hostile, so she wasn't offended. She did flinch a bit at his glare. Battra also realized how he sounded, and quickly backed down, staring at his feet.
"Sorry..." He said.
Mothra nodded and looked at the ruins of their old house. Two gravestones were erected in front of it. They never did get to bury their parents; there was nothing left of them. But the gravestones served as their final monument. This gave Mothra an idea.
"We should bury Leo here." Mothra suggested. "I think he would have wanted that."
Battra just nodded. He didn't want to speak. Mothra understood why. She didn't mind, she was happy just to sit with him. It had been so long since the two of them had been here. Mothra remembered being a child, playing in the forest and on the beach. She noticed the differences between this island and Monster Island. While Monster Island was more of a rocky terrain, with patches of green here and there, Infant Island was teeming with life all over. Almost the entire island was a forest, aside from the white sandy beach. It was also much smaller than Monster Island. The silence allowed Mothra to think about these things. After some time, Battra broke the silence.
"It should have been me." He murmured.
"What?" Mothra asked.
"If one of us had to die, it should have been me, not Leo." Battra said, louder this time.
"Battra, don't say that-" Mothra began.
"It's true." Battra interrupted. "Why did Leo have to die? He was a good person. He was a hero. Both of you are. I'm nothing like that. After all I've done, I deserve to die, not him."
"That's not true!" Mothra stated. "You're not evil, and you don't deserve to die. Leo protected both of us for a reason, didn't he?"
Battra didn't reply. He just looked at the ground trying to hold back tears. Mothra placed a hand on his.
"I know how you feel, Battra. I think I'm the only person in the world who does right now." She said. Battra still said nothing. Mothra moved closer to him.
"You don't have to hide your emotions in front of me." She said. "Battra, I love you. And Leo loved us both. You know that, right?"
Battra still refused to say a word, or even look at her. But Mothra couldn't help but notice his lip beginning to quiver. She also noticed the fresh tears roll down his cheeks. She had never seen him shed a single tear before. She leaned in close and hugged him tightly. He reciprocated the hug gratefully, and let even more tears out as they held each other. No more words had to be said. They just sat on the tree, mourning their brother together.


Godzilla, Jet, and Gypsy met the Raptors, as well as the T-Rex, at the helicopter. Owen stepped out as well soon after. He was the Raptor's trainer and caretaker back at Jurassic World. After the park shut down, they were put in his custody.
"Gotta say, I've always wanted to see Monster Island for myself." Owen chuckled. "Kinda wished I could see it without Ghidorah about to attack us."
"It's great to see all of you again." Godzilla smirked. He looked over the Raptors. There was Charlie, who had barrelled into him earlier, along with Blue, the de-facto "leader" and older sibling of the Raptor Squad. She was the most human-like of all the Raptors, and carried herself with an air of dignity. There was also Delta, Blue's "second in command". She was a vicious fighter, and wanted nothing more than to rip her enemies to shreds. She used to be jealous of Blue being the leader, but it seemed she had since matured. It looked like she actually was happy to be here. Then there was Echo. Back when Godzilla first met her, she was a creepy sadist, obsessed with the colour of blood. But after their first adventure, she mellowed out quite a bit. And finally, there was the T Rex. Towering over the Raptors, she was never meant to be an attraction at the park like they were. She was the first of the Gijinkas, and by far the most unstable. She had more dinosaur traits than them as well, with scales covering more than half her body. She looked at Godzilla as an equal.
"You met Rexxy before, right?" Owen asked.
"I'm sorry, did you just say Rexxy?" Godzilla replied. The T-Rex seemed to be somewhat annoyed by this name.
"It isn't a name I chose." She muttered.
"It was my idea!" Charlie proudly proclaimed.
"Of course it was." Godzilla chuckled, ruffling Charlie's hair.
Rexxy rolled her eyes. "Yes, we have met before. Godzilla, Blue, and I defeated Indominus together."
Godzilla remembered the events of that day well. While on vacation in Jurassic World, he was forced to get involved with an evil Gijinka experiment named Indominus. She had attempted to create more hybrid Gijinkas like herself with Godzilla's DNA, but was only able to create one. Godzilla shuddered at the thought of him. The resulting experiment was an incomplete clone of him with frighteningly strong powers and nearly unlimited potential. Indominus named him "Shin Godzilla". A year later, Godzilla locked Shin up in the Shatterdome, but according to Gypsy, Ghidorah had just released him.
"I hope you all know what you're getting into." Godzilla asked. "Indominus was tough, but Ghidorah's a lot tougher."
"Don't worry about us, Godzilla." Blue stated, placing her claws on her hips. "As long as we have each other's backs, we'll be fine."
The other three nodded in agreement, while Rexxy crossed her arms. Jet checked his list of people he had sent the message to.
"Well, with you here, I think that's everyone." He stated. "I'll take everyone to the meeting spot."
"You go on ahead. I want to wait for Mothra." Godzilla said. Jet nodded, and left with the remaining Kaiju. As if on cue, Godzilla looked up to the sky, only to see Mothra and Battra descending to the ground. He went over to meet them.
"Hey. You alright?" He asked Mothra, placing a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah..." Mothra nodded. "We'll be fine." Godzilla nodded back and turned his attention to Battra.
"I heard about what happened. I'm so sorry." He told him.  
"It's alright. And thank you." Battra nodded. "Nothing we can do now but move forward. Well, that and make sure Ghidorah pays for it."
Mothra nodded in agreement. "Where are the others?"
"Jet took them back to a meeting place in the woods." Godzilla explained. "Everyone he called is here now."
"Well then, let's not keep them waiting." Battra added.

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