Chapter 12: Nuclear Family

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"Gypsy! Gypsy, wake up!"
Coyote's voice stirred Gypsy back to reality. He looked up and saw her concerned face staring down at him. As soon as she realized he was alive, she hugged him tightly.
"Oh thank god, you're alive." She exhaled. "I saw the stab wound and thought..."
"I know..." Gypsy responded, hugging her back. "How did you two survive?"
"They only knocked us out." Cherno, who was also in the room, responded as she helped him to his feet. "They overpowered us way too quickly. They could have killed us if they wanted to."
"Who were those guys anyway?" Coyote asked. "They were definitely Kaiju, but none I've seen before. Are they in the database?"
Gypsy reached for his arm-mounted computer, but remembered it was missing. He grabbed his discarded gauntlet off the ground, and found the computer wasn't broken. He turned it on, and the cracked screen flickered to life. He searched the criminal Kaiju database, using descriptions of the five assailants, and found the Kaiju who attacked them.
"Megalon... Shinomura... Megaguirus..." Gypsy muttered. He trailed off as he realized something strange. "Wait a minute..."
"What?" Coyote asked, crowding behind him.
"All these Kaiju were reported dead years ago." Gypsy explained. He opened each of their pages. "Megalon, killed by Kiryu. Shinomura, killed by Godzilla. Megaguirus, killed by Mothra."
"That couldn't have been them..." Cherno shook her head. "That doesn't make sense."
"One of them had Megaguirus' wings." Gypsy remembered. "She must've gotten them from the weapons storage. Nobody would know that they're here besides Megaguirus herself."
"...Well... who were the other two?" Coyote asked. "There were five in total."
"The others were Dogolas and Shin Godzilla." Gypsy said. "Escaped from this very facility. The other three must've come here to break them out."
Coyote nodded. In the confusion, she didn't recognize them, but now she definitely did. She had helped catch Shin Godzilla herself, after all.
"... What do we do now?" Cherno asked. Gypsy paused for a moment.
"I think I know who we're dealing with." He said. "And if it's who I think, we're gonna need a lot of help."


Evening had just begun to fall, and Godzilla sat eyes front as his boat sped foreword. Mothra was sleeping, now seemingly relaxed after her episode back at the resort. Gojira was in the seat next to Godzilla, still just as silent. The tension between them was so thick neither of their swords would be able to cut it. Godzilla didn't want to fight with his father anymore, but he did have one more question.
"Hey... why didn't you tell me you were Kiryu?" He asked. Gojira paused before his answer.
"... Well, you knew anyway, didn't you?" He replied.
"I found out eventually, yeah." Godzilla said. "But you never told me. Why not?"
"Because... you know I don't care much for humans." Gojira explained. "But you do. You care for them a lot. And I just thought if you found out that the very people you tried to protect ended up turning me into a war machine, you'd hate them just as much as I do. I didn't want that for you. I didn't want you... to be like me."
Godzilla nodded. It was the first time he'd gotten a straight answer since they left. It was somewhat comforting.
"So, I answered your question, now you answer mine." Gojira said, adjusting himself in his seat. "Your mom... she's alive, isn't she?"
Godzilla looked over at him. He wasn't expecting him to bring this up. "How'd you figure that out?" He asked.
"That ring on Mothra's finger; It's the one I proposed to her with." Gojira explained. "I figured she gave it to you."
"Yeah... she still has her wedding ring though." Godzilla assured.
"Good to know." Gojira chuckled. He sighed and nervously dragged his hand through his hair. "Jesus, I'm gonna have to meet her, aren't I?"
"Yup." Godzilla smirked. "You've got a lot of explaining to do, old man. To her and to Komi."
"Shit, I am not ready for that." Gojira laughed, nervously wiping his brow. "What the hell am I even gonna say to them? 'Hey, sorry I told Godzilla you never existed and then got turned into a robot and died'."
Godzilla chuckled. "You'll figure it out." He said. "Better figure it out soon too. We're here."
Gojira looked up, only to see Monster Island just beginning to come into view. He gulped down his nervousness as they approached the island faster and faster. Soon enough, they arrived. Godzilla gently woke Mothra up.
"We're here." He said, softly. Mothra stirred awake, yawning and stretching her arms.
"Oh... hey..." She sighed, smiling as she saw Godzilla's face.
"You feeling alright now?" He asked. Mothra nodded.
"I don't know what that was before..." She confessed. "I've never had an episode like that. But... it is true. Desghidorah is back. I can sense his soul is back in the realm of the living."
Godzilla nodded and placed a hand on her shoulder. "If he is, we can take him. You know that." He said. Mothra nodded. The two stood up, roped the boat onto the dock and climbed onto it. Gojira was slightly more hesitant, but also came onto the dock. Anguirus, Rodan, and Battra were there to greet them.
"Good to see you, Godzilla." Rodan said. "We're really sorry we had to interrupt your honeymoon."
"It's fine." Godzilla assured. "The fate of the world comes first."
Gojira stepped up next to him. "Guess I have some reintroductions to make, huh?" He chuckled.
"Oh, right. I guess that comes first then." Godzilla laughed, patting his dad on the back before turning back to the others. "Where's Komi and mom?"
"Right here." A voice said behind Rodan and the others. They stepped out of the way, to reveal Gojirin and Komi. Gojirin had her arms crossed and a stern look on her face. Komi just seemed neutral. She looked like she didn't know how to react. Gojira gulped as he saw his wife and daughter approach him. He took a hesitant step foreword. Gojirin was face to face with him now. Neither wanted to say the first word. But the look on Gojirin's face made it seem she wanted him to do it. Gojira glanced at Godzilla for some kind of help, but he just shrugged in return.
"Uh..." Gojira began. "Before you say anything, I just wanna-"
His sentance was cut short when Gojirin's fist connected with the side of his face. The crowd around them gasped almost in unison. Godzilla tried to stifle a laugh. Gojira winced for a moment, but the punch didn't seem to effect him that much, since he was still standing perfectly still. It definitely hurt though.
"Okay, I may have deserved that-" Again he was interrupted when another punch met the other side of his face. That one hurt a lot more.
"Yeah, probably deserved that one too." He admitted, rubbing his jaw. "But since I know how strong you are, I can't help but think you're pulling your punches-"
Gojirin grabbed Gojira by the collar and pulled him close to her face. It looked like she was gonna do something even worse to him, until Gojira held his hands up in defeat.
"Look, I'm sorry, okay?!" He said. "I... I don't have any excuses for what I've done to you or our family. I never wanted this. After I thought you died, I just... I couldn't handle the grief. I didn't want Godzilla to be subjected to it too, but... I should have told him the truth. I'm sorry."
Gojira preemptively recoiled, waiting for another punch, or something worse. But it never came.  He opened one eye and looked at her. She didn't look mad anymore. Instead, she pulled him in even closer and kissed him. Nobody expected this, especially not Komi. Everyone backed off from the impromptu makeout session. Finally after a few seconds, Gojirin broke the kiss.
"You're a bastard. But I missed you so damn much." She said. A loving smile crossed her face, which put Gojira at ease.
"So... we're good?" He asked.
"For now." Gojirin smirked. "Our kids gave me a second chance, I may as well do the same for you."
As Gojirin mentioned their kids, Gojira remembered Komodithrax. He turned to face her, and saw she was looking at him too.
"H-hey... dad." She muttered. Gojira eyed her up and down. He almost didn't recognize her. The last time he saw her, she was no more than two years old. But as soon as he saw her eyes he knew, this was his daughter. Komi felt the same way. Memories came flooding back to her from when she was young.
"You... really grew up, huh?" Gojira chuckled nervously. Komi said nothing. Instead, she just hugged him. Nothing needed to be said. At least not now. Godzilla looked at his family, finally together again. He couldn't help but feel emotional. But unfortunately, they didn't have time to dwell on it for too long.
"As much as I'm happy to see us all together like this, we don't have much time to waste." He said. The others seemed to agree.
"Alright, so what's the plan?" Gojira asked.
"Well, we know Ghidorah is planning something big. Bigger than anything he's ever pulled before." Battra began. "And if we're going to beat him, we'll need a lot more help than usual."
"We already know three MechaGodzilla units have landed on Earth." Mothra added. "Godzilla and I fought one, and you guys fought the second one. But where did the third one land?"
"I saw a report about that this morning." Komi explained. "Apparently, it landed near Mount Rausu. They said it attacked a small town until a local Kaiju defeated it. I think it was a certain friend of ours."
"In that case, the tests are over." Godzilla stated. "And now Ghidorah will be gearing up for his real invasion."
While the others discussed this, Anguirus eyed something appearing on the horizon. A military boat of some kind was approaching the island.
"Uh... guys?" He said, pointing towards the boat. Everyone looked where he was pointing, seeing the boat approaching. Godzilla recognized it immediately.
"The Jaegers? What are they doing here?" He asked. The boat approached the dock, and the Jaegers stepped out. Gypsy was first, followed by Coyote and Cherno.
"Let me guess; you found out about Ghidorah too." Godzilla asked, hands on his hips.
"Correct. He sent some of his minions to the Shatterdome earlier today." Gypsy explained. He opened his holographic wrist computer, which was on his now repaired gauntlet. It showed the mugshots of Shin Godzilla and Dogolas. Godzilla grimaced as he saw them. Knowing both of them were out of prison only added to the dread he was already feeling.
"These were the Kaiju they freed. Looks like he's building a new army." He continued. "We came here to see if you had any more information."
"We do." Rodan nodded. "He's making a legion of robots with SpaceGodzilla, and they're going to invade soon. Godzilla and Mothra fought one, we fought another, and our friend Caesar fought a third."
"I see. It's worse than we thought." Gypsy said, closing the hologram.
"Wait a sec... where are the other two?" Godzilla asked. All five of the Jaegers usually travelled together, so it was odd to see just the three of them like this. The Jaegers fell silent as he mentioned their fallen allies.
"They're gone." Coyote stepped up to say it. "They were killed during the breakout. We notified their families just before we left."
Godzilla was taken aback by the news. He always knew death was a possibility in his and the Jaeger's line of work, but every time he heard of the death of one of his allies or friends, he was shocked. The other Kaiju also fell silent as the wave of shock washed over them.
"Their sacrifices won't be in vain." A voice said from inside the boat. Everyone looked up to see the source of the voice. Soon enough, they saw the silver hair of Jet Jaguar come into view. The director of the EDF stepped onto the dock and crossed his arms.
"And here I thought officiating a wedding would be the biggest part of my week." He chuckled.
Jet's partner and co-director, Moguera, stepped out as well. It looked as if the two had been upgraded after Jet's promotion. They seemed to have been given new armour, and now lacked their masks. Jet had also taken to wearing a bright red scarf, while Moguera had some more militaristic weaponry. He looked much more tankier than the last time Godzilla had seen him.
"Good to see you alive again, 'Kiryu'." Moguera said, eyeing Gojira.
"Har har." Gojira rolled his eyes. "Hey, you work with the army, right? Would you mind doing me a favour and getting Stenz off my back?"
"Don't worry. He works for us now anyway." Jet said. "We'll make sure he leaves you alone."
"Good." Gojira smirked.
"Anyway, that's not the reason we're here." Jet said. He turned to Godzilla and Gypsy. "We know what Ghidorah's planning too. We even have the location of where he's heading next. Skull Island."
"Skull Island? What could he want there?" Gypsy asked. Skull Island was the home of the legendary King Kong. Godzilla and Kong were rivals in the past, but they had become good friends over their years of knowing each other. Aside from the wedding, they hadn't seen much of Kong recently. This was because just before the wedding, Kong's wife had given birth to their son, and he had more responsibility now. What Ghidorah could possibly want with the island was beyond Godzilla's comprehension.
"No idea." Jet shook his head. "But we have reason to believe he's sending someone there, and they will arrive soon. We'll need someone to go there and intercept them.
"I'll go." Battra spoke up. All eyes turned to him. "You'll need someone who can fly and survive the storms that surround the island. I can do both."
"So can I." Mothra spoke up. She walked over to her brother and stood next to him. "I'll go too. I wanna give Ghidorah a piece of my mind for ruining my wedding."
Suddenly, Leo landed next to them, surprising them both.
"You're not having all the fun." He chuckled. "You think I'm gonna let my little siblings fly into danger without me?"
Mothra smiled up at her big brother. This was the first time she had seen both her brothers since her wedding, and having the last of her family back together warmed her heart. Seeing Godzilla's family reunite had made her long for her own family back, and this was as close as she could logically get. But she was more than happy with what she had.
"Perfect. You can leave whenever you're ready." Jet approved. "In the meantime, I also came here for one more reason. I want to send out a message to all our allies calling them here. And Godzilla, I want you to command them."
Godzilla nodded. "Sounds good to me." He smirked.
Jet nodded back and pulled out his communicator. "I'll be sending a video message to all Kaiju in our database. With any luck, that should be enough to defeat Ghidorah and stop his new army."
Godzilla had seen their Kaiju database. He had even helped to add to it. Any one of them would be a powerful ally, but with all of them, they'd be unstoppable.
"In that case, I'd better get ready." He said. He and the other Kaiju and Jaegers dispersed, except for Jet. He turned on the communicator and began his message.
"Attention, all Kaiju allied with the Earth Defence Force." He began. "We are about to face a threat bigger than we have ever seen before. This message goes out not only to you, but to every Kaiju or powered being allied with us. We need you now more than ever. If you are willing and able, join us on Monster Island within the next 24 hours. This will be the fight of our lives. But with your help, we can win."

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