Chapter 31: Nightmares Come True

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The air left Ghidorah's lungs as he fell to the ground. His body was suddenly wracked with pain. He couldn't move. But to his surprise, he wasn't dead. It seemed the gun did not fire bullets, but instead radiated some kind of beam. He was paralyzed, but he found he could still talk. "What the hell did you do to me?!" He growled.
"Not so intimidating now, are you Ghidorah?" SpaceGodzilla taunted, twirling the gun around on his finger before catching it. "This is just a little paralyzing ray I cooked up in my lab. I thought it might come in handy. You won't be able to move for the next hour or so."
"Why you miserable-" Ghidorah hissed before SpaceGodzilla stepped on his head, mashing it into the ground.
"Save your breath." SpaceGodzilla chuckled. "You'll need it when I throw you out of the airlock."
He could feel Ghidorah growl beneath his foot. It felt good, finally being the one in power for once, and seeing this once commanding figure reduced to a paralyzed heap. But after a few seconds, the growl turned into a chuckle. This made SpaceGodzilla raise an eyebrow.
"What's so funny?" He asked. He got his answer when he heard the sound of a gun cocking behind him, and felt a cold barrel against his scalp. He slowly swivelled his head around, only see Gigan pointing his gun hand at the back of his head.
"Don't move a damn muscle." He growled. "Get off of him or I'll put a real bullet in your head."
"Ah ah ah, Gigan. I wouldn't do that if I were you." SpaceGodzilla said, a sly grin appearing on his face.
"Give me one good reason!" Gigan spat. He pressed the barrel of the gun closer, and SpaceGodzilla's hand suddenly transformed into a long crystal spike. The point was sharp as a needle, as far as Gigan could see, and it was aimed directly at Ghidorah's temple.
"Shoot me, and I'll fall forward. I'll be dead, but the spike will stab directly into Ghidorah's brain." He explained. "Either he dies, or we both do. It's your choice."
Gigan gritted his teeth. On one hand, his leader was being overthrown. If he didn't try to fight back, it would be treason. On the other hand, if he did, Ghidorah would definitely die.
"God dammit..." He muttered to himself. He looked down at Ghidorah, who was staring up at him. However, instead of a look of defeat, he saw that Ghidorah was grinning. Even with SpaceGodzilla's crystal ready to destroy his brain, he was grinning. Gigan quickly realized what this meant. Ghidorah had a plan too. Realizing this, Gigan decided to play along. Feigning compliance, he lowered his gun.
"Fine. What do you want?" He snapped.
"That's more like it!" SpaceGodzilla laughed. "Now, call everyone else in here. I want them to watch their leader die."
Gigan growled, but did as he was told. He slammed his fist into the red intercom button on the side of the wall. It was a communication device meant for emergencies that would broadcast a message all over the ship.
"Everyone to the training room observation deck now." He said into the small microphone on the wall next to the button. SpaceGodzilla grinned.
"Good work, Gigan." SpaceGodzilla said. "Keep playing nice and I'll let you keep your rank as my second in command once Ghidorah is dead."
"Screw you." Gigan hissed.
SpaceGodzilla grimaced at his insult. "Perhaps you'd like to die with him then."
A grin spread across Gigan's face. "I can guarantee you one thing. Ghidorah's not dying today."
"And what makes you so sure-" SpaceGodzilla began, before Ghidorah's hand suddenly shot out and grabbed his leg. With one swift yank, he tripped SpaceGodzilla onto the floor.
"What?!" SpaceGodzilla gasped.
"You really should not have done that." Ghidorah growled, getting back to his feet, and dusting himself off.
"N-n-no, you're supposed to be paralyzed!" SpaceGodzilla stammered. "I had it set for an hour!" He tried to crawl away, but Ghidorah grabbed him again by the cape, and pulled him closer to him.
"You failed to take into account that I'm more powerful than you will ever imagine." Ghidorah responded. He grasped onto SpaceGodzilla's throat and slammed him against the wall, holding him up while he kicked and choked. Suddenly, the doors slid open, and the others walked into the room to see him flailing in Ghidorah's grasp. They seemed tired and annoyed at first, until they saw what was happening.
"Wait, what's going on here?" Krystalak asked.
"Ah, perfect timing, everyone!" Ghidorah grinned. "I was just about to demonstrate what we do to traitors on my ship."
"SpaceGodzilla tried to kill Ghidorah. He's just teaching him a lesson." Gigan explained with a shrug.
"Oh, I have a feeling he's getting more than just a lesson." Slattern grinned.
As if on cue, Ghidorah sent his fist flying into SpaceGodzilla's face. Then he did it again. And again. And again, and again, and again. After about 10 punches, SpaceGodzilla's struggling stopped. After another 10, his face was red, purple, bloated and bleeding. He was nearly completely unrecognizable. But Ghidorah wasn't done yet. He let go of SpaceGodzilla and let him fall to his hands and knees. Blood splattered onto the ground.
"Get up." Ghidorah ordered. SpaceGodzilla, shaking, began to crawl away, until Ghidorah kicked him in the side. He flew into a wall and fell back down again.
"I said get up!" Ghidorah shouted. "You cowardly insect. Are you scared because you have no computers to hide behind? Fight me!"
He punctuated his last sentence by kicking SpaceGodzilla again, making him fall once more. He shakily lifted his head, looking at the others. They were watching him getting beaten, and they were grinning. They were happy to see Ghidorah destroying him. Ghidorah saw this as well and smirked. This army was his, and nobody could take them from him.
"I suppose it's time for me to kill you, SpaceGodzilla." Ghidorah said. "But your suffering is still far from over."
SpaceGodzilla's eyes widened, at least as much as they could despite his swollen eyelids. He tried to crawl away once more, until Ghidorah stepped on his back. He could feel Ghidorah's hands grip one of his shoulder crystals.
"N... no..." SpaceGodzilla muttered. "Y-you can't kill me, you n-need me. I'm the only one who knows how to make more MechaGodzilla units!"
"The blueprints are in my ships computer. I could have more built at any time if I wanted." Ghidorah replied. "And besides, your MechaGodzilla units clearly failed me. But don't worry, I have a better plan anyway."
"No, please, no... I-I'm sorry, I'll n-never do it again, please just spare me!" SpaceGodzilla begged.
"Oh no, there's no use in begging now." Ghidorah said. "You betrayed my trust. And for that, your death is guaranteed."
As soon as he said this, SpaceGodzilla's worst fears were realized. Ghidorah's clawed fingers dug into his left shoulder crystal, and he began to pull. He was trying to rip the crystal off his shoulder. And he was succeeding. Soon enough, the skin holding the crystal to his shoulder began to rip and tear. Blood oozed out, and a piercing scream of pain escaped SpaceGodzilla's throat. Now that the skin had ripped, it was easier to Ghidorah to pull the crystal. The strings of flesh and tendon still gripping the crystal tore apart, sprays of blood erupting from the veins and vessels. The blood splattered all over the two Kaijus, as well as the floor they stood on. Finally, after one final scream of pure agony, the crystal was off SpaceGodzilla's shoulder, and in Ghidorah's hands. Before SpaceGodzilla could even stop screaming, Ghidorah turned the crystal upside down and jammed the sharp end into his back. The crack and pop of each bone and tendon breaking as the crystal stabbed into SpaceGodzilla's back was sickening. He wasn't screaming, at least not audibly. His mouth was open as if he was trying to scream, but no sound came out save for a low gurgle as blood oozed from his throat. His eyes were wide with fear and pain. He stopped moving after about 10 seconds of this. He collapsed after a few more. Ghidorah stood back up, panting from the effort, and wiped some blood off his cheek. He turned to the rest of his crew.
"Let this be a lesson to all of you." He growled. "I don't tolerate mutiny. Do I make myself clear?"
"Absolutely." Gigan nodded. The others agreed enthusiastically. Their reactions were a mix of fear, disgust, and most of all, admiration for their king.
"Good." Ghidorah said, straightening himself. "Now someone get rid of the body. I'll be in my chambers. And Gigan?"
"Yes, my king?" Gigan asked. Ghidorah placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Good work back there, my friend." He complimented. "Without you playing along with SpaceGodzilla's idiotic ramblings, I would be dead. I owe you my life."
"Ah, it was nothing." Gigan chuckled. But for the first time in a long time, he could tell Ghidorah was being sincere.
"I've been too hard on you lately." He admitted. "And with SpaceGodzilla dead I'll need someone to help me strategize my next plan of attack. I want your help."
Gigan was dumbfounded. He didn't realize Ghidorah trusted him that much, especially after he had screwed up so many times lately. "I... it's an honour... what's our next move?"
"I believe it's time to reveal my... secret weapon." Ghidorah said.

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