Chapter 32: Disbelief

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Gamera, Jet, Moguera, and Hokmuto gathered around as Gamera's ship landed on the beach. Komi, Muto, Zilla, and Radon were there too. As the ship landed and the doors slid open, everyone applauded their triumphant return.
"Congratulations, Godzilla." Gamera said. "I trust everything went well?"
Godzilla stepped off the ship, but he ignored him. Instead, he went straight to Hokmuto. Before he could say anything, Godzilla grabbed him by the arm.
"W-what are you..." Hokmuto stammered, but Godzilla didn't listen. He searched all over Hokmuto's clothes, and eventually found what he was looking for. A small microphone had been placed on his back. It was tiny, about the size of an eyelash. But Godzilla grabbed it and crushed it in his hand. Now Hokmuto understood why he was upset.
"Look, I had no idea he bugged me!" He said. Godzilla wasn't hearing it.
"Get the hell off my island. Now." He growled.
"It wasn't my fault!" Hokmuto argued.
"I don't give a shit! You almost got us killed!" Godzilla shouted. Gamera stepped between them.
"Godzilla, relax. He had no clue." He said.
"He still doesn't have a damn clue." Godzilla growled, pushing Gamera away, and approaching Hokmuto directly and grabbed his collar. "I don't care where you go, I want you off of this island now. And if I ever see your face again, I'll-"
"That's enough, Godzilla." Mothra stated, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Please, just let him go."
Godzilla glanced between her and Hokmuto, and finally, he breathed a deep sigh and let him go. Hokmuto sighed too, but his was a sigh of relief.
"T-thanks..." He said. Mothra glared at him.
"I didn't do that for you." She sneered. "I think you should leave now. Thank you for your help, but we don't need it anymore."
Hokmuto hung his head. He knew nothing he could say would allow him to stay on Monster Island. So with a defeated sigh, he turned around and took off into the sky. Meanwhile, Godzilla turned to face the others, who all were surprised by his outburst.
"Sorry about that..." He said. "I don't know what came over me."
"It's alright, Godzilla." Gamera nodded. "You're probably just stressed. You did get chased on the way back here after all."
Suddenly, his memory was jogged. He remembered the dragon that had almost killed them out in space. He realized that he had to explain it to them, but he didn't know how.
"We weren't chased by one of Ghidorah's ships." He said. "We were chased by... something else."
Gamera raised an eyebrow. "You did seem frantic when we talked." He said. "What was it?"
"It's kinda hard to explain..." Godzilla admitted. "It was... a dragon."
Everyone stared at him silently. Nobody dared to say anything. At least, until Jet raised his eyebrow. He opened his mouth, but the words lagged behind.
"Ah... a dragon?" He asked.
"Yeah." Godzilla nodded.
"Like... from mythology." Jet replied.
"Yup." Godzilla nodded again.
"A giant flying reptile." Jet said.
"With three heads." Godzilla added.
"Right..." Jet muttered. "Gamera, did you pack enough oxygen on that ship? I think Godzilla's been hallucinating."
"No, he wasn't. It's real." Anguirus piped up.
"Yeah, it almost ate us." Rodan added.
Mothra and Battra nodded in agreement. Jet eyed all of them with a confused glare.
"So it was a shared hallucination then..." He said. "Oxygen deprivation can do that sometimes. Plus you were all in the vacuum on space so that may have effected your perceptions..."
"No." Gamera interrupted. He paused for a moment before he continued. "I believe them....
Godzilla's eyes darted to him. "You do?"
"Yes. I've seen it too." Gamera nodded. "It was gold, right? With red eyes and two tails?"
"Thats the one! You have seen it." Godzilla nodded.
"Then it's as I feared." Gamera muttered. He pulled out his pipe and lit it. "I had hoped we could have defeated Ghidorah before this happened... but it seems he succeeded in his true plan."
Godzilla remembered what Gamera had said before. He said he knew of Ghidorah's other plan.
"You knew about this the whole time, didn't you?" Godzilla accused. Gamera nodded.  Godzilla bore his teeth. "Then why didn't you tell us!?"
"Tell you what, what Ghidorah had a new pet three headed dragon that was going to destroy us all?" Gamera asked. "You wouldn't have believed me."
Godzilla realized that for the most part, he was right. But not for him.
"... I saw that thing in my dreams before..." He admitted. Gamera eyed him quizzically, and everyone else looked at them the same way. All except Mothra, who had known about his nightmares.
"You did?" Gamera asked, taking a long drag off his pipe. Godzilla nodded, and Gamera's eyes squinted at him. "What else was in these dreams?"
"Sometimes there was a dragon... and other times there was some kind of dinosaur, I think." Godzilla explained. "What do you know about that?"
Gamera nodded. "A dinosaur..." he muttered to himself. But before the conversation could continue, Jet interrupted them.
"Alright, that's enough." He ordered. "I've seen a lot, and can believe a lot of things. But if there's one thing I can't believe is that Ghidorah has a pet dragon and dinosaur-"
"The dinosaur doesn't belong to Ghidorah." Gamera interrupted.
"What?" Jet raised an eyebrow.
"The dragon belongs to Ghidorah. The dinosaur belongs to him." Gamera explained, nodding towards Godzilla. His eyes widened. But before he could inquire further, Moguera stepped out of the Gotengo and got their attention.
"Hey guys?" He said. "You're gonna want to have a look at this."

Everyone gathered around a large screen in the Gotengo, watching what Moguera wanted them to see. It was news footage. The footage showed Okinawa, seemingly in the middle of some kind of storm. Clouds had descended from the sky, sparking with lightning and thunder.
"Looks like a freak electrical storm or something." Moguera guessed.
"Weird..." Jet muttered. He eyed the footage carefully. "Any idea where it came from?"
"None." Moguera shook his head. "But by all looks of things, it seems to have come from the stratosphere. It just fell right out of the sky." Jet eyed Godzilla and smirked.
"Maybe it's related to your magical space dragon then." He joked. Godzilla glared at him, but continued to watch the footage. A helicopter camera was filming the city, focusing mostly on the storm. The news reporter mentioned that most of the citizens had been advised to stay in their homes until the storm was over. Suddenly, the camera view zoomed into the ground, in the middle of a large road. Three figures were standing there, almost completely motionless. They seemed not to be disturbed by the storm whatsoever. Godzilla quickly realized why. The figures were Ghidorah, Gigan, and Slattern.
"Well look who's back..." Moguera muttered, noticing the three as well.
"Did you really think they'd stay away that long?" Godzilla asked, crossing his arms. "He didn't bring his ship or anybody else. Obviously he doesn't want a big fight right now."
"I'll send the Jaegers over there to deal with them." Jet said, beginning to use his communicator to send them a message. But Godzilla stopped him.
"No, I'll go." He said. "I'm gonna finish this."
Jet breathed a frustrated sigh. "Godzilla, you just got back from space. You're in no shape to fight anybody." He said.
"I'm the strongest Kaiju on Earth. I can take them." Godzilla growled.
"You just told me you were chased down by a dragon." Jet shot back. "Clearly, you're in no right mind-"
"I know what I saw!!!" Godzilla snapped. Jet wasn't expecting such an explosive response, and  instinctively backed up in surprise. Godzilla quickly calmed himself down, but his mind wasn't changed.
"I'm going to face him, no matter what." He said. "I know you're worried about me, but this is something I gotta do."
Jet sighed and nodded. "Okay. Fine." He said. "But I still don't think you should go alone."
"I'll go with him." Mothra piped up. Anguirus, Rodan, and Battra agreed. Godzilla seemed to be okay with this. And Jet agreed,
"I'll arrange for a helicopter to drop you off." He said. "Should be about an hour. Might wanna rest up before you leave."

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