Chapter 9: Intruder Alert

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Megaguirus tapped her foot anxiously as her mini-submarine descended farther into the depths. It was being piloted remotely, so everyone inside was mostly relaxed since they wouldn't have to do anything. She looked around her at the rest of the team she'd been assigned. Shinomura sat almost motionless, observing the water around them, while Megalon was sharpening his arm blades against each other. Ghidorah had provided him with new ones made of a stronger material. They could cut through diamonds now. Megaguirus had been given a new weapon too. Rather, she had been given two. Two knives, like she had used before, but these were more advanced. They had the ability to secrete poison from inside them like a syringe. Each knife had capsules of a paralyzing agent, along with capsules of a deadly poison. One stab with the poison capsule would stop a human's heart within seconds. Megaguirus was curious to see what it could do to a Kaiju. Shinomura wasn't given a weapon, of course, as he had the ability to transform his body to create his own weapons. While the quiet was nice, Megaguirus was getting restless.
"Ugh, I'm so boooored!" She groaned, letting her head fall back over her headrest. "Hedorah, how much longer till we get there?"
"Soon enough, just be patient." Hedorah's voice crackled through the radio in the dashboard. "You're lucky I'm the one piloting this thing remotely. A regular autopilot would take twice as long."
"Well you're already taking forever!" Megaguirus whined. "Do you even know how to pilot this thing?"
"It would be a lot easier for him if you wouldn't back-seat-drive." Shinomura piped up. "Hedorah, could you give us an estimate of when we'll arrive so Megaguirus will shut up?"
"Fine. It should be just a few more minutes." Hedorah continued. "They'll think we're a transport heading in for a supply run, so you may have to kill some people on your way in. That shouldn't be a problem for you, though."
"No problem at all." Megaguirus grinned. She brandished her new knives and beamed, happy for a chance to test them out. She flipped a switch on the both of them, switching them from paralyzing to kill.


Striker Eureka yawned loudly. He and Crimson Typhoon had been waiting for the supply shipment for what seemed to be hours now.
"They're late again." Crimson stated, eyeing the clock in his heads-up display. "This is the third time this week, but this has to be the longest they've taken. I'll be complaining to the higher ups about this."
"Yeah... they've never taken this long." Striker agreed. "You don't think they ran into trouble do you? Maybe something got 'em?"
"Like what? Kaiju pirates?" Crimson mocked.
"... Maybe..." Striker pouted.
"Look, the supply shipments are kept secret from everyone. Nobody here knows where they comes from and nobody knows the route they take. There's no way they got hijacked." Crimson explained. "Probably just took too long fuelling as usual."
Suddenly, they both got notifications on their HUDs. Something was approaching the entrance.
"Looks like we'll have an explanation soon." Crimson remarked.
Soon enough, the door opened, allowing the vessel to enter. The entrance to the shipping bay was built to allow instant pressure correction and de-submersion. First, the vessel entered a tube that was filled with water. Then, the doors closed behind it and the tube drained itself back into the ocean. Then, the tubes canopy would open up, revealing the vessel and allowing the passengers and their supplies to safely come aboard. But as the canopy opened, Crimson and Striker were instantly put off. Something wasn't right.
"That's not our usual supply sub..." Striker muttered. Typically the supply vessel was a standard military submarine, but this seemed completely different. It almost looked like a spaceship. Crimson said nothing, but quickly drew his weapon. Striker did the same. Whoever was on this sub was not one of theirs. Suddenly, the door opened, revealing a dark interior. The two Jaegers stayed on their guard in complete silence. Without warning, a figure jumped out. He was clad in dark blue armour, with hair of the same colour and solid black eyes. He didn't attack them, but he shot some kind of substance from his hands. It flew into the air and wrapped itself around the security cameras, swarming like some kind of insect colony. Striker opened fire, but the figure was fast. Unfortunately, this left Striker open from an attack from another figure who had just run out of the vessel. He was huge, with heavy armour that resembled some kind of beetle, with long blades on its forearms. Striker turned around just in time for this attacker to run his blades into his abdomen, pinning him to a wall. The breath left Striker's lungs immediately as the figure pushed the blades in further.
"Striker!" Crimson called. He ran to help his teammate, but was intercepted by a third attacker. This one was female, with an insane grin on her face. She cackled and flew towards him, brandishing two knives. Crimson blocked one of them, but wasn't fast enough to block the second, which was thrust into the nape of his neck. He seized up as he felt something eject from the knife and travel into his veins. And within seconds, he collapsed onto the ground. After a few shallow breaths, he stopped breathing entirely. Meanwhile, Megalon had pulled his blades out of Striker's body, leaving him to bleed out on the floor. Megaguirus cackled louder than before.
"I really needed that." She sighed. She pulled out a small device Ghidorah had given her. It was a hologram projector, and with a click of a button, it displayed a map of the entire facility, along with the routes they had to take.
"Okay, one of us should go and free the prisoners." She began. "It's a shorter walk to the cells, and you'll get some backup once you free them. Meanwhile, I'll take whoever doesn't go there so we can get my fathers wings back."
"I'll free the prisoners." Shinomura volunteered. "I can slip inside their cells and free them from the inside."
"In that case, I'll be going with you." Megalon added.
"Perfect! Make sure you don't get spotted." Megaguirus added. "There's three other Jaegers at this facility, and they're most likely concerned about their cameras going out."
Shinomura nodded, eying the swarms of his organisms that clouded the view of the cameras.
"Don't worry, they won't suspect a thing." He said. He dispersed his humanoid form into larger swarm that would be nearly unseeable to the human eye. His organisms were microscopic and gave off a low heat signature, and to an untrained eye, they appeared nearly invisible. The swarm flew past the other Kaiju and through an unlocked door into the facility proper. Megaguirus raised an eyebrow.
"Huh... wish I could do that." She muttered.
"No time to think about that now." Megalon explained. "Come, let's get your wings."
"You read my mind, big guy." Megaguirus agreed, flying past him as the two made their way into the facility themselves.

"Huh. That's weird..." Coyote Tango muttered.
"What's wrong?" Gypsy asked, leaning over her chair. She was on security duty for now, and was observing the screens of the security cameras.
"The cameras for the supply docking bay just went dark." She explained. "They're not off, it's like they're just filming a black screen."
"I'll go check them out. Might be an issue with the cameras themselves." Gypsy stated. Right as he said it, the cameras slowly flickered back to life. It was as if something was covering them up and it just went away.
"Oh, there we go. Must have been a glitch or-" Coyote didn't get to finish her sentence. She gasped and nearly fell out of her chair as her hand flew to her mouth. Gypsy was confused until he saw the screen for himself.
"No..." Was all he could mutter. Crimson and Striker were dead. Both from what appeared to be blade wounds. There was blood all over the ground.
"... Oh my god..." Coyote eventually breathed. "Who could have done this?"
"Whoever came in on that submarine." Gypsy guessed. He pointed to the docking station, where a small submarine sat. It wasn't their usual supply run vessel.
"I'll deal with the bodies and control the perimeter." Gypsy stated. "Meanwhile, you and Cherno search for whoever did this. They must still be here."
Coyote nodded and switched off the screen, before she pressed a button on the wall to initiate a lockdown. Nobody would get in or out.

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