Chapter 29: Infiltration

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Ghidorah's location had been pinpointed. It was time to go. Godzilla strapped himself into the front seat of Gamera's ship. Like he had said, it was somewhat small; it seemed about the size of a hatchback car. Mothra was next to him on the passenger seat, and Rodan, Battra, and Anguirus were squeezed into the back seats.
"Everyone settled in?" Godzilla asked. "We're gonna be in here for a while."
"It's not very roomy..." Anguirus complained.
"Gamera told us it would be snug." Mothra reminded.
Godzilla eyed the dashboard in front of him. The controls looked completely unfamiliar to him. He didn't even know how to drive a car, so he was glad he wouldn't have to figure out how to drive a spaceship. Gamera would be controlling it remotely. He had a replica of the controls on the Gotengo, and was able to wirelessly beam commands to the ship with it. He would also be communicating with them through a microphone.
"Are you all ready to go?" His voice came out over a speaker in the dashboard.
"As ready as we'll ever be." Godzilla nodded. After a few seconds, the ships engines whirred to life, and they began to lift off the ground. Everyone was pushed back into their seats as they shot off into the sky, traveling near the speed of sound. The sky became darker and darker as they exited the Earth's atmosphere. After a few minutes, the Earth was only a blue ball hundreds of miles away from them. Rodan stared at it from the back window.
"Hey... I think I wanna go back." He gulped.
"Too late for that." Godzilla chuckled. "Relax, there's no monsters up here."
"Well, there is one. And we're heading straight for him." Battra added.
The screen on the dashboard showed Ghidorah's ships location, and how far away they were from it. It appeared to be stationary for now.
"It seems his ship makes a jump to light speed automatically every 2 hours to avoid detection." Gamera explained. "We've found the most recent location, so once you arrive you'll only have about an hour and a half to get in and get out."
"Luckily we have some help to find our way around once we get in." Godzilla said. He was referring to Hokmuto, who had agreed to help them get around the ship.
"Get ready, you'll be hitting light speed soon." Gamera warned. "It'll take a few minutes to get to the ship, so try to relax until then."
Godzilla nodded, and within a few seconds the ship shot forward again. To someone looking at the ship, it would have looked like it disappeared. But in reality, they had begun traveling at the speed of light. Gamera had explained earlier that light speed travel was a technology humans hadn't accessed yet, but most technologically advanced alien species had been using it for decades. Godzilla looked out at the stars whizzing past them. They were instantly hundreds of miles away from Earth now. He leaned back in his seat and sighed to relax himself. He felt Mothra place a hand on his shoulder.
"This is gonna work." She assured. "We'll be okay."
Godzilla nodded and placed a hand on hers. They could do this. He had to have confidence if they were gonna pull this off. Soon enough, Gamera's voice came out of the speakers again.
"Coming out of light speed now. Get ready." He said. And soon enough, the blurs of light around them became stars again, and right in front of them was Ghidorah's ship.
"Jesus, it looks even bigger than it did before..." Rodan muttered.
"Has he detected us yet?" Battra asked.
"No, doesn't seem so." Gamera answered. "There's a loading bay at the back of the ship. Doesn't look like there's a door, so we'll be able to slide you right in."
Godzilla nodded again. Soon enough, they were in the belly of the beast. No turning back now. They landed inside the loading bay, passing through some kind of gravity field that kept breathable oxygen inside. Several other small ships of various sizes were around them in what appeared to be charging stations. Nobody else was around.
"Seems pretty quiet..." Anguirus remarked.
"Hokmuto told us everyone should be asleep by now." Gamera explained. "There may be one or two people patrolling the halls, but you should be home free."
"But can we trust him?" Battra asked.
"We have to. He's the only chance we've got right now." Godzilla said.
He pulled an ear piece out of his pocket and inserted it into his ear. The others did the same. The door on the ship opened, and the five Kaiju stepped into the docking bay. Rodan's view seemed affixed on the view from outside. There was nothing but stars. He gulped down his nervousness.
"H-hey, Gamera?" He asked into the ear piece. "How far away are we from Earth?"
"I'd say about... five lightyears away." Gamera said.
"... How long is that in kilometres?"
"About 45.3 Trillion." Gamera said.
Rodan almost passed out. "Wow... I think I'm gonna puke..."
"There's no time for that." Battra replied, helping him to his feet.
"I'm going to hand you over to Hokmuto now." Gamera explained. After some shuffling, Hokmuto's voice came through their ear pieces.
"You guys ready?" He asked.
"You'd better come through for us, Hokmuto." Godzilla said.
"I will. You guys are in the docking bay, yeah?" Hokmuto asked. "There should be a an elevator heading inside the ship."
Godzilla looked around and found the door he was talking about. "Okay."
"They open when they detect our retinal scans." Hokmuto explained. "But if that fails, there's a code to get in. He may have changed it since I left, but last time I checked it was 122-019-645."
Godzilla nodded and punched in the code. It worked, and the doors slid open. He smirked.
"You may be useful after all, Hokmuto." He chuckled. The five went into an elevator, which went up into some kind of lobby. It was much bigger than Godzilla had expected. There were five hallways, all going in different directions.
"Okay, where to now?" He asked.
"To the left and the right are the bedrooms." Hokmuto continued. "Down the middle is Ghidorah's throne room, and on the right to that is the laboratory, and to the left are the storage rooms. The MechaGodzillas are in the storage rooms, but... I forget which one."
"Great." Battra growled.
"That's fine, we'll find them." Godzilla assured. He motioned to the others to keep quiet. Like Gamera had said, there may have been someone patrolling the halls. All five snuck their way into the storage rooms, but the hallway quickly split into multiple halls.
"Hokmuto, how many storage rooms are there in here?" Godzilla asked.
"Like 100, I think." Hokmuto answered. "I-I don't know, I didn't spend much time in here."
Godzilla groaned. He was beginning to realize he'd put way too much trust in him. He turned to face the others.
"Everyone split up." He whispered. "The units are definitely in here somewhere. When you find it, call us over."
Everyone nodded, and split up. It seemed the storage rooms were also opened via the same code as the elevator, but most of them were empty. And if they weren't empty, they were filled with something non-important, like fuel or spare parts. Mothra was able to sense things in the storage rooms, so opening the rooms wasn't an issue. But one room did make her pause. She sensed something in it. She tried to focus her senses into the room, and realized that there was a life inside it. A young life. Less than a year old.
"...A baby?" Mothra guessed. But why would Ghidorah have a baby in a storage room? She tired using the code, but it was denied. Whatever was in this room, Ghidorah did not want anyone, even his army, to see. Mothra squinted at the keypad, desperately trying to think what could possibly be in the room. But as she thought, the sound of footsteps came into earshot. And then a voice.
"Ugh, how did we get stuck on guard duty?" The voice groaned. Mothra recognized it. It was Kumonga.
"Just shut up and keep walking." Another voice said. Mothra recognized this one as Hedorah. "Another ten minutes of this and we can go to bed."
"Yeah, yeah." Kumonga pouted.
Mothra gasped, realizing the two were just about to pass the corner and see her. She pressed her body against the wall, hoping they would pass by her and not see her. But she soon saw the beam of a flashlight appear and begin to turn the corner. They would be coming right towards her. With a split second to react, Mothra pressed the code into the keypad on another room and slipped in, with the doors closing silently right as Hedorah and Kumonga turned the corner.
"Wish Ghidorah let me come down to Earth during that battle yesterday." Kumonga chuckled. "I would have done some real damage. Ghidorah wouldn't have had to retreat if I was there."
"Oh please, you can barely tie your shoes." Hedorah mocked.
"Wanna say that again?" Kumonga growled, brandishing his claws. Hedorah pushed his face out of the way.
"Not now, I'm tired." He said. "We can fight tomorrow. For now, let's just get this over-with so we can sleep."
Kumonga pouted and growled to himself. He found himself in front of the door Mothra had sensed before. Unknown to her, they all knew about the storage room. Ghidorah was very protective of it.
"What do you think's in here?" Kumonga asked.
"Don't know, don't care." Hedorah stated. "Ghidorah keeps secrets for a reason."
"Yeah, but aren't you a little curious?" Kumonga asked.
"As a matter of fact, I'm not." Hedorah replied. "Now c'mon, you're wasting time."
Kumonga scoffed and kept walking. Mothra could hear them leaving the hallway. She breathed a sigh and tried to open the door. But she quickly realized a problem; there was no keypad on the inside of the room. No way out.
"Uh oh." She gulped.

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