Chapter 6: The Guardian Returns

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Rausu, Japan

Caesar walked through the bustling market, the hood on his cloak covering his face. He held a staff in his hand, using it as a walking stick as he made his way to the local fisherman. He needed some food, so he decided to leave the great volcano be for a moment. About a year ago, he and Godzilla imprisoned a powerful Kaiju known as Bagan in the volcano. He decided to become the new guardian of the volcano, making sure Bagan would never escape again. But to his surprise, this job didn't entail much other than sitting on his own and watching a volcano do nothing. He could understand why Baragon would have wanted to give it up. It wasn't all bad, however. As he walked down the street, he noticed people glancing at him in some kind of recognition. People knew who the great Kaiju guardian of Mount Rausu was. He was somewhat of a local legend. He noticed some people murmuring as he walked past. They were clearly talking about him. He pulled his hood down further over his face. While the notoriety was nice, he wasn't exactly one for fame. He hated the thought of a mob of fans swarming him or getting his pictures taken. So he thought it best to hide his face in public. Some kids ran past him, laughing as they played with their toy swords. He smirked. This wasn't the first time he'd seen kids playing like that. Godzilla had made playing with swords cool again, it seemed. It had been a while since he'd seen Godzilla, he thought. Nearly a whole year. He chuckled to himself. Even in this small town, news traveled fast. He had heard talk of Godzilla getting married. Of course he had received an invitation as well, but he had to refuse. He couldn't abandon his post for too long, especially to somehwere as far away as Monster Island, unless it was an emergency. However, he thought, he highly doubted Bagan was going to escape again, and he got incredibly bored just sitting on his own all day.
"Maybe it's time I pay Monster Island a visit." He said to himself. He looked back up, snapping himself out of his daze, and froze. Something was falling from the sky. His brow furrowed as he looked at it, and quickly realized it was coming towards him. He looked around him, seeing the crowd of people that were all staring up at the falling object.
"Everyone get back!" Caesar shouted. The crowd quickly dispersed, running away from where the object was about to impact the ground. Like a meteor it crashed down into the street, sending out shockwave that knocked the hood off Caesar's head. Now everybody recognized him. Murmurs filled the crowd. Everyone gathered around him snd the strange object that fell from the sky. They wanted to see their local legendary guardian investigate this anomaly. But Caesar didn't care about people recognizing him. He slowly approached the object, holding his staff in a defensive position. He stepped cautiously, squinting quizzically at the large metal device. Suddenly it released a hiss of steam, making the crowd around them gasp. It split open, revealing what appeared to be a black robotic figure. It was perfectly still, until the visor on its face began to glow a bright red. Several lights on its body flickered to life as well. The robotic figure stepped out of the device and looked around, finally focussing on Caesar. It seemed to lock onto him, and Caesar realized this.
"I don't know what you are, or who sent you here," He said, getting into a battle stance, "but I have a feeling you're here for me. Now you're not the first robot I've fought and destroyed. So I'm going to give you a chance to-"
"I am a MechaGodzilla unit prototype sent by King Ghidorah to eliminate you." The robot interrupted him. Caesar's demeanour dropped from determined to annoyed.
"...I see." He growled. "Then I assume there's no convincing you not to fight me."
The MechaGodzilla reached into the pod and picked up a small device. With a click of a button, it transformed into a staff similar to the one Caesar was holding. The robot also got into a battle stance.
"Alright, have it your way." Caesar shrugged. He ran towards the MechaGodzilla, who ran towards him as well. The two met in the middle, with the MechaGodzilla swinging its staff down at Caesar, who blocked with his own staff. He kicked the it in its chest, making it stumble backwards, before taking a swing at its head. The robot dodged out of the way of the swing, and then another as Caesar attacked again. Since swinging high wasn't working, he decided to attack low. He swung again at the MechaGodzilla's legs, knocking it to its back. Somehow, it managed to land on its hands, and sprung up, backflipping to its feet again. It landed next to the pod it came out of, and reached down into it. It pulled out a small object, and flipping it open. Caesar realized it was a switchblade knife. The MechaGodzilla held the knife in a ready position, getting into a fighting stance before its opponent.
"You really do not want to do that." Caesar warned.
The MechaGodzilla flipped the knife around in its hands and charged towards him. Caesar sighed and closed his eyes.
"I suppose it can't be helped." He said. When he opened his eyes again, they were glowing bright yellow. Light poured from his eyes like flames as he stared down the robot charging at him. After a few more moments, Caesar unleashed his power, shooting columns of pure sunlight from his eyes. They hit the MechaGodzilla dead on. It guarded itself with its arm. They were built with projectile-deflective armour, but that wouldn't do much against the intense heat being fired at it. Its armour began to warp and melt around its endoskeleton. Caesar walked forward slowly, continuing the onslaught from his eyes. But this energy could only last so long. Eventually, Caesar was forced to clench his eyes tightly shut. He collapsed to one knee and grabbed his head, groaning from the amount of energy he had expelled. When he finally looked up, he could see it wasn't for nothing. The MechaGodzilla was gone. Completely vaporized. All that was left was a few chunks of metal. Caesar breathed a sigh of relief. It was done. The crowd around him began to cheer for his victory. While Caesar enjoyed the praise, he wasn't too pleased.
"This is no time to celebrate. Everyone get to safety." He ordered. "One of these things may show up again, and it may be more than one next time. So go back to your homes and stay there for now."
The crowd quickly dispersed, following Caesar's orders. Meanwhile, he picked up he staff and leaned on it to catch his breath.
"This is a younger man's fight." He said to himself. "Godzilla has this covered. But me..." He let out a chuckle. "I'm getting too old for this shit."

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