Chapter 3: Wicked Passion

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"Ah, Gigan! Good to see you." Destroyah said. He looked up from his computer and made his way over to Gigan.
"You too. Slattern says you got something for me." He replied. But Destroyah could tell he wasn't in the best spirits.
"Something troubling you?" He asked.
"Eh, I'm just not too keen on taking orders from Ghidorah's new bang buddy." Gigan growled.
"I see. Well, this should cheer you up." Destroyah confirmed. "Your new arms are finished."
Gigan perked up and a smile spread across his face. He had been waiting for these new prosthetics for a long time.
"Now we're talking!" He said, rubbing his hands together. "I knew this was gonna be good."
"Here, take off your old arms and I'll go get the new ones." Destroyah explained. Gigan nodded as Destroyah made his way over to where the arms were stored. As he retrieved them, Gigan stuck both arms into a machine mounted on the wall. He twisted his arms, unlocking the prosthetics from his biceps, and pulled them away. Now he was left only with two nubs ending at where his elbows used to be. Right on cue, Destroyah returned with the new ones. He placed them on the table, on a kind of metallic pedestal allowing them to float in midair.
"So, what's new about these again?" Gigan asked, eying the metallic texture if his new appendages.
"Mostly just performance enhancements." Destroyah explained. "Faster transformation, quicker movements, if everything has gone to plan, they should even be able to move a split second before you think."
"Damn, sounds pretty awesome." Gigan nodded.
"That's not all..." Destroyah grinned behind his mask. He picked up a small controller in his hand and pressed a button on it. As soon as he pressed it, the arms began to transform. They shifted and changed from a normal forearm shape into weaponry, as usual. But rather than Gigan's typical bladed weapons, they now appeared as firearms. One hand had morphed into the shape of a pistol, and the other had become some kind of minigun. Gigan was amazed.
"That's what I'm talking about!" He grinned widely. "Alright, lets try them out."
"Ah, not quite yet." Destroyah said. "You have no ideas how to use them yet. You should train up with them for a few hours first. We set up a firing range in the training room."
"Whatever, I'll learn as I go." Gigan shrugged with his nubs. "C'mon, either you gimme those arms, or you gotta scratch my nose for me."
Destroyah groaned and picked up one of the prosthetics. "At least let me show you how to load them." He insisted.
"Ugh, fine." Gigan rolled his eyes. "I'd cross my arms, but I don't have any right now."
While Destroyah instructed Gigan on how to load ammunition into them, his thoughts began to wander. He rolled his eyes and looked up from Destroyah's instructions, catching a glimpse of someone walking up behind them. Seeing this figure made him do a double take, and on second glance, he knew who he was looking at.
"I see you're learning how to use my new designs." The figure said. "I'm glad they've finally become useful."
Gigan grimaced, as did Destroyah when he realized who was behind him. Standing behind them was SpaceGodzilla, the one who had designed not only Gigan's new arms, but also the mechanical MechaGodzilla soldiers Ghidorah had commissioned. But due to events a few years previous, Gigan and Destroyah did not trust him at all.
"Well go on. I'd like to see them in action." SpaceGodzilla grinned.
Destroyah growled at him, and handed one of the prosthetics to Gigan. He complied as well, sticking out his left nub. It connected to the end of the arm and clicked into place, and immediately Gigan could move it on his own. He wiggled his fingers around, and was surprised by how it felt. As Destroyah had said, it was almost as if they were predicting his movements. He decided to test them out a but more, and began to morph it into different shapes. He started with his regular blade, before transforming it into an axe, and then transforming that into a chainsaw.
"This feels amazing!" Gigan chuckled. "That's surprising, considering who they were made by."
SpaceGodzilla didn't seem offended by his insult, however. Instead he just chuckled, crossing his arms.
"You'd better watch that silver tongue, Gigan." SpaceGodzilla taunted, taking a step towards him. "Remember that Ghidorah instructed you to treat me like your other teammates."
"That is how he treats his teammates." Destroyah chuckled. SpaceGodzilla scowled at him, before going back to his devious grin.
"Come now, surely you're both not still upset about that little incident a few years back." He said.
Gigan's grimace only tightened. "Oh, you mean when you put us all under mind control and tried to take over the galaxy?" He asked. "Why would we be upset about that?"
"Ah, that's in the past." SpaceGodzilla waved it aside. "You'll have to get over your personal hangups if you want to focus on the mission."
Gigan scoffed as Destroyah affixed the other arm to him. Being done with the lab, he decided now would be the best time to leave. He pushed past SpaceGodzilla and began to walk to the door. Still, even this couldn't stop his smug smirk.
"I certainly hope we can put all that behind us." He called after Gigan, who stopped in his tracks. He wanted nothing more than to take his chainsaw arm and turn SpaceGodzilla into a fine red mist. But he knew Ghidorah would kill him if he did, so he refrained. Instead, he turned his head slightly towards him.
"We're gonna be partners for now, wether we like it or not." He said, beginning to walk towards the door again. "So as long as Ghidorah trusts you, I guess I'll trust you."
Before he closed the door, he took one final look at SpaceGodzilla.
"Oh, and by the way..." He grinned. "Ghidorah doesn't trust you."
Before SpaceGodzilla could get a word out, the door slammed shut behind him. Gigan laughed to himself as he wiggled his new fingers. He then remembered his new transformation options. He was fascinated by the option of turning his hands into guns. He decided to try it out. His arm began to transform again, and when it was finished, his hand was now replaced by what appeared to be a handgun. Not only that, but a reticule had appeared in his glasses, which he assumed was to help him aim. He'd need that later, he thought, since he'd never fired a gun in his life.
"I'd better start practicing..." He muttered to himself.

The clack of Slattern's long black nails echoed along the white metal walls as she made her way to Ghidorah's throne room. She hadn't seen him all day, but she received a call beckoning her to the throne room a few minutes ago. Ghidorah wanted to see her, and he wanted to see her now. Finally, she reached the doors. They weren't locked. They didn't need to be. Nobody would dare disturb him unless they were called. Slattern opened the doors, making them swing open slowly. She smiled as she saw the throne, facing the front window of the ship. She could see Earth only a few hundred thousand miles before them, with the Sun shining brightly behind it.
"You summoned me, my king?" She called into the room. She couldn't see it, but a wide grin spread across Ghidorah's face as he heard her voice.
"Yes, I did." He said. "Come in."
Slattern nodded and smiled, stepping into the room. The doors closed behind her. She walked to the throne and swung her way in front of it, one hand placed a on her hip and the other on the corner of the throne. Now she could see Ghidorah in his full glory, his golden armour reflecting the light of the sun. He truly did look like a god. Slattern bit her lip playfully as she observed him and his glory. It turned her on quite a bit. Ghidorah's grin grew as she came into his view.
"I've missed you." He said, standing up from his seat and wrapping his arms around her. He was over a foot taller than Slattern, and seeing him tower over her made Slattern go absolutely crazy.
"But I've only been away from you for the day." Slattern chuckled, feeling Ghidorah's fingers caress her cheek. She wrapped her arms around him as well, placing one hand against his chest plate and the other on his waist.
"Too long." Ghidorah hissed sensually. He tilted his mask out of the way and dove in for a kiss, which Slattern gratefully accepted. She closed her eyes and moaned into the kiss, placing her hand on his cheek. Ghidorah moved a hand to the back of her head and began moving forward with her. He pressed her up against the glass of the view window as they continued to passionately kiss. Slattern removed Ghidorah's mask so it was out of the way. He didn't mind in the slightest as his long brown hair flowed freely. After a few moments, they broke the kiss, and Slattern went to his ear instead.
"Take me right now." She hissed sensually, her leg drifting up his side. But to her surprise, Ghidorah pushed it back down.
"What's the matter? Don't you want my body?" Slattern asked, beginning to undo Ghidorah's belt. But he grabbed her hand before she could get too far.
"You know I do. It's taking all my strength to refuse you." Ghidorah breathed, caressing her chin as she pouted. "But I must not distract myself, not now." He continued. "We are closer than ever to victory. We must stay focused. We can't allow carnal desires to cloud our judgement."
"If you say so." Slattern chuckled, giving him another kiss as they moved away from the window. Ghidorah sat back down on the throne and Slattern took her seat on his lap. "Now, does my king have an assignment for me, or did you call me in here for my entertainment value?"
"Of course, I do have a command for you." Ghidorah nodded. "But first, show me the vision again. I want to witness my victory one more time before it becomes reality."
Slattern nodded, and placed her hands on the sides of his head. "Close your eyes." She whispered. Ghidorah did as he was told, and Slattern closed hers. Her species had some powers over the minds of others. With hers, she was able to show others visions that she could conjure up in her own mind. And she had one for Ghidorah that he found particularily entertaining. She placed her forehead against his, and the vision began. Ghidorah could see an almost painterly scene before him, with fire and smoke throughout. The scene showed himself on a massive throne made of twisted metal. Next to him was, of course, Slattern, along with Gigan, Biolante, Hedorah, and Destroyah, with two on either side, as well as the rest of his army behind him. And Ghidorah's favourite part; before them lay the burned and bloody remains of his enemies, be they Godzilla's allies, humans like the Jaegers, or any being who had ever stood in his way. And above them all was Godzilla, dead and hung by his wrists on an X-shaped cross made of solid gold. Ghidorah grinned as the vision ended and Slattern pulled away.
"Soon, it will be a reality." She said. "You and I, ruling this world, and eventually the whole galaxy together. All beings, no matter how powerful, will bow to you. It's what you deserve."
"What we deserve, my love." Ghidorah added. The two kissed again, but pulled away soon after.
"Now then, what are my orders, your highness?" Slattern smirked.
"Yes, of course." Ghidorah remembered, placing his helmet back on. "Send out the test MechaGodzilla units. Biolante should have put in the coordinates by now."
"As you wish, my beloved king." She nodded, departing after giving him one final kiss. The doors slid shut behind her. She grinned slyly. Every little visit with Ghidorah left her invigorated and full of passion. Her eyes narrowed and her grin spread wider as she imagined what kind of damage the MechaGodzilla units would cause. This was going to be so much fun.

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