Chapter 47: True Revenge

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Godzilla breathed heavily as the pain stopped. His eyesight slowly returned to him, and he saw his mechanical surroundings. Not only that, he saw his apparent captors.
"W-where am I?.." Was the first this he said. "Wait... I... I was dead... why am I not dead?.."
"You can thank me for that." Ghidorah said. "For both killing you and giving you life again."
Godzilla struggled to understand the situation. He felt like he had woken up from a nightmare and just entered into another one. He tried to move, but his arms, legs, and back were stuck in place.
"I wouldn't try to move." Ghidorah stated. "My machine is the only thing keeping you alive, after all. Also I doubt you'd be able to take the restraints out of your spine. Without taking your spine out along with it, of course"
"My spine?..." Godzilla saw several wires and tubes behind him, but wasn't able to see his own back. He doubted he wanted to even if he could. He was beginning to understand what was happening. He glared down at Ghidorah.
"What is this?" He snapped. Ghidorah grinned, which didn't make Godzilla feel any better.
"I'm glad you asked." He said. "You are now the power source for my true secret weapon. Your Titan was kind enough to blow the head off of mine, so I had to replace it."
Godzilla could now see Gigan, Slattern, and Destroyah at three controls, and the screens in front of them. The screens showed Ghidorah's ship in open space from three different points of view, but Godzilla could also see the three heads of Titan Ghidorah. However, the middle head was now mechanical. It didn't take long for him to figure out what had happened.
"You're using me to power your titan?" He asked.
"You catch on quickly." Ghidorah chuckled. "Yes, Godzilla, you are about to help me achieve great things."
He turned back to his crew mates. "I think it's time to debut our new and improved Titan." He said. "Take us to Earth."
"With pleasure." Gigan smirked. He was driving the middle head, and apparently the wings as well. Godzilla could feel the Titan moving, and could guess they were heading towards Earth as Ghidorah had ordered.
"I don't get this." He shook his head. "Why bring me back? You had your revenge, you got what you wanted. Why do all this?"
Ghidorah grinned, still not looking at Godzilla. He turned towards him slightly. "Oh, Godzilla..." He said. "Killing you was never my revenge. You'll see. I will show you."
Godzilla wasn't sure what he meant, but he knew he didn't like it. 

Earth, somewhere over the China sea

Jet stared out the window at the ocean below. Behind him, nearly 1000 evacuees were packed into the Gotengo, with even more on the different levels of the ship. While the search for Titan Godzilla had been put on hold, he still hoped he could possibly spot him while the evacuation was happening. Next to him, Moguera approached.
"Give it a rest. We're not gonna find him now." He said.
Jet sighed, knowing he was right. "Yeah..." He said. "First, lets focus on getting these people to safety."
Moguera nodded. Currently, the Gotengo was on autopilot heading straight for Shanghai, China, where temporary accommodations were available for everyone on the ship. It wouldn't be comfortable, but it would only be for a short while until this war was over and they could repair the city. Jet sat back down in the chair at the main controls. Despite being on autopilot, he would still be able to take over if need be. But he doubted that would happen. He was prepared for a smooth ride. Which is exactly why when he heard a ping from the radar device in the dashboard, he was confused. He looked down at the screen before him, which showed their path over the ocean, as well as any other vehicles like planes or ships in the area. And something had just appeared on it.
"... Moguera, can you come look at this please?" He asked. Moguera eyed the screen carefully, lifting up his visor to do so.
"... Something's coming towards us." He stated. Indeed, the object was approaching them, and fast. Jet looked up out the window, but could see nothing. That is, until he squinted his eyes at the horizon. There, he saw it. Some kind of object speeding towards them. As it got closer and closer, he began to recognize its golden colour. His eyes widened. He now knew what was approaching them. Despite its new robotic prosthetics, it was unmistakably Titan Ghidorah speeding towards them.
"Oh dear God no..." Was all Jet could whisper. 

Godzilla's eyes widened as he saw the Gotengo appear on the screens. He glared angrily at Ghidorah, who was simply smirking confidently.
"What's going on here? Why are we heading for the Gotengo?" Godzilla demanded.
"You talk too much." Ghidorah said. "But to answer your question, if I'm correct the Gotengo should be carrying out an evacuation right now."
Godzilla immediately understood. There were probably thousands of people on the Gotengo right now. And Ghidorah planned on destroying it.
"Stop, you can't-" He was interrupted as pain wracked his body once again. He gritted his teeth and shouted in agony. He wasn't sure what was happening, but Ghidorah knew. While drawing Godzilla's energy wouldn't hurt him normally, if they needed extra energy, they could force enough adrenaline into his bloodstream to force him to go Burning. Godzilla could feel his skin tear as his burning muscles expanded slightly. His heart beat faster and faster and faster. His ears rang, his head pounded, and his eyes and throat began to glow red hot. And suddenly, it all stopped. He collapsed, still hanging by his arms, and panted uncontrollably as his body cooled down.
"I believe we have the energy we need to use the maser cannon now." Ghidorah said. "Gigan, test it out on the Gotengo."
"Maser... cannon...?" Godzilla muttered. Nobody answered him. He could hear something charging up, and could see on the screens that the middle head had opened its mouth. Red energy began to gather in it. Godzilla guessed this was the maser cannon Ghidorah has mentioned. And it was aimed straight at the Gotengo.
"...Please... stop..." Godzilla panted. But once again, nobody listened to him. Instead, the maser canon opened fire, shooting a bright red beam at the Gotengo. The ship exploded immediately, splitting into two halves as a ball of flame erupted from the middle. Both halves fell into the ocean below, causing a massive splash. Ghidorah grinned wider than he had ever grinned before.
"It appears we sunk their battleship." He chuckled to himself. He couldn't help but laugh, but he wasn't just laughing at the destruction of the Gotengo, but at Godzilla's status as well. He looked behind him to see Godzilla hanging by his arms, head slumped downward, and his hair hanging down over his face. Watching thousands die in front of him and having nothing he could do about it, while also being the non-direct cause of it, appeared to have broken him.
"Why so glum?" Ghidorah smirked. He leaned down to get to his level. "In case you hadn't realized it by now, this is my true revenge, Godzilla. Making you a weapon to destroy everything you sought to protect. Mecha Titan Ghidorah will help me conquer the world. And you will watch, with no ability to stop me. Your friends will die, your allies will die, everyone and everything you love will die. And you'll be the cause of it all."
"... I'll.... kill you..." Godzilla whispered.
"What was that?" Ghidorah asked. Godzilla looked up through his hair, and Ghidorah could see his eyes had gone from blue to a deep red. Godzilla's eyes changed colour depening on multiple factorsm the biggest one being his mood; they were blue when calm or happy, green when aggitated, and red when angry. Ghidorah had seen his red eyes before and knew what it meant, but he had never seen them this shade. They were dark like blood now. He guessed this colour was to show that Godzilla was angrier than angry.
"When I get out of here..." Godzilla hissed, "I'm going to kill each and every fucking one of you."
"Hm... is that right?" Ghidorah asked. Before Godzilla could answer, Ghidorah punched him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him.
"You're in no position to make threats, boy." Ghidorah hissed back. "What makes you think you'll get out of here? Your friends think you're dead. They don't know what I've done to you, and they never will. Nobody's looking for you. No one will find you. You belong to me now. Get used to it."
He punched Godzilla in the stomach again, and then in his face. Another punch to the other side of his face sent a splatter of blood onto the ground.
"Understand now?" Ghidorah growled. In response, Godzilla spat blood into his face. Ghidorah wiped it off with a sneer.
"Stubborn prick..." He snapped. He turned back to the others at the controls. "Let's get out of here."
With that, the Titan took off into the sky, leaving the wreckage of the Gotengo sinking into the water below, along with the dead bodies of thousands.

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