Chapter 19: Calm Before the Storm

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The sound of Mothra's soft breathing filled the tent as she slept, holding a hand on Godzilla's chest. His hand was on hers, but unlike her, sleep wasn't an option for him. As he stared at the ceiling, the sounds of the island mixing with the sound of Mothra's feint breathing, thoughts flooded his mind. One in particular refused to leave him. It was the reason keeping him from sleep. He had been having nightmares for the past few months. Bad ones. Preparing for the wedding had kept them from him for the most part, but recently, they had returned. He breathed a sigh of defeat. He wasn't going to sleep for a while, so he decided to get up and walk around for a bit. He gently removed Mothra's hand from his chest and sat up, getting out of bed. He left a kiss on her forehead before leaving the tent. The cold air nipped at his skin, but he didn't mind. He looked at the beach, seeing a line of tents along it. Jet had set them up for the temporary recruits. It looked like everyone was asleep. Godzilla sighed to himself. He wasn't sure how many of them knew exactly what they were getting into. He thought back to the last time Ghidorah attacked. He only brought a small army with him, and recruited some others from Earth. Godzilla defeated him back then. He remembered not long after, in fact only a few days later, SpaceGodzilla reappeared as well. Then there was Desghidorah and X. Godzilla chuckled, remembering the fact that he and Ghidorah had actually teamed up then. He thought maybe it would lead to their rivalry coming to an end, but nothing had changed since then. Then about a week later, Bagan reemerged from his volcanic prison, along with the alien Dogolas. Soon after, Shinomura reappeared, followed soon after by the emergence of the Kaiju from the rift, mainly Slattern. Then after the Jurassic World trip, which was supposed to be a relaxing vacation but became a fight for survival, Godzilla, Mothra, and Anguirus were sucked into the realm of Zenith, and were forced to defeat the demonic Red in order to escape. That may have been their hardest fight to date. Then there was Clover, an ancient Kaiju who had brainwashed Komi and nearly killed Rodan, and now, all of that had lead to this moment. And as much as Godzilla hated to admit it, he was scared. Not just scared, terrified. People close to him had already died from this war, and now he was going to send everyone into battle at once. He couldn't help but imagine a high body count. From behind him, he could hear a yawn. He didn't bother looking behind himself, as he knew it was Mothra approaching him,
"Godzilla? What are you doing up?" She asked. Her hand held her lacy night robe around her waist.
"I can't sleep. It's alright, don't worry. Go back to bed." Godzilla said. Mothra approached him.
"What's wrong, babe?" She asked, placing a hand on his arm. Godzilla sighed. He couldn't keep anything from her.
"I'm just... I've been thinking about the survivability of this whole thing." He said. "We've already lost so much. There's a lot of us going into this battle. And something tells me a lot of us aren't coming out of it. What if... what if this is the fight I don't walk away from?"
"Don't say that. It scares me." Mothra said, grabbing onto Godzilla tightly. He hugged her back and kissed the top of her head.
"Is that why you're not sleeping?" She asked.
"Yeah... and no..." Godzilla admitted. "I've been having the nightmares again."
"About the monsters?" Mothra asked.
Godzilla nodded. The nightmares typically involved one of two gigantic creatures destroying Tokyo, or both of them at once.
"Did I ever tell you what they looked like?" Godzilla asked.
"You said one was a dinosaur, and the other was a dragon." Mothra recalled.
"That really doesn't describe them." Godzilla said. "The dinosaur is dark green, almost black. It stands upright, more like a human. Sometimes it looks kinda like a guy in a suit. And it has these spiky plates running down its spine and its tail. And the dragon has three heads, and shimmering golden scales covering its entire body. It also has massive wings."
"Wow... that sounds... horrifying." Mothra said.
"It's even scarier knowing it's not just a dream." Godzilla added. When they escaped Zenith, their ally Solomon rewarded them by allowing them to see into their possible futures. Mothra saw her wedding to Godzilla. Anguirus saw a group of Jaegers from the future. And Godzilla saw the three headed dragon from his nightmares destroying Tokyo.
"And then there's Ghidorah's 'wedding gift'." Godzilla continued.
Mothra remembered the golden scale Ghidorah had given them. She furrowed her brow.
"You don't think..." She said.
"I do." Godzilla nodded. "I think the three headed dragon and Ghidorah have some kind of connection."
Mothra shook her head in thought. Her rational mind told her there was no way Ghidorah had any connection to some three headed dream dragon. But she couldn't deny the golden scale Ghidorah had given them. It wasn't from any animal or creature she had seen before. If Godzilla's dream dragon was real, it would most likely be covered in the same golden scales.
"... I'm sure it's nothing." Mothra assured. "There's no such things as monsters."
"If you say so..." Godzilla said. But her words did nothing to quell his worries. "Don't worry about me, Mothra. I'll be fine. You should head back to bed."
"Only if you come with me." Mothra said, grasping onto his hand. Godzilla smirked and kissed her hand.
"If you insist." He chuckled. The two prepared to head back to bed, but as they turned around, they saw Jet approaching them.
"Oh good, you're awake already." He said. "I was just getting ready to wake everyone up."
"Why, what's going on?" Mothra asked.
"Something just entered the Earth's atmosphere. Something big." Jet explained. Godzilla's heart sunk.
"...How big?" He asked.
"About as big as Ghidorah's ship." Jet said.
Godzilla and Mothra looked at each other. Looks like sleep wasn't an option for either of them anymore.
"How much time to we have?" Godzilla asked.
"About an hour." Jet said. "Looks like they're landing in Tokyo. I've already issued an evacuation notice, and I've secured transportation for everyone in the city."
Godzilla nodded. "We'll wake the others up." He said. Jet nodded and made his way over to the tents. Mothra grabbed Godzilla's hand.
"We're gonna be okay." She assured.
"I know." Godzilla replied. But truthfully, he wasn't so sure.

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