Chapter 22: Extinction

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"You looked a lot different last time we met." Blue growled. She and her sisters circled Shin, inching closer and closer. His purple flame blades shown brighter and brighter as they approached.
"I evolved." He said. "Something you never got to experience. You're creatures of science, made artificially by someone else's hands."
"So what makes you any different?" Delta spat. She wanted to rush him and bite his throat out, but she knew that would most likely result in her death. Shin laughed at her question.
"Like I said. I evolved." He said. Without warning, he swung out with his blades, aiming at Blue, who quickly dodged out of the way. All four raptors immediately attacked. First Echo, rushing behind him and latching onto his back. All four of her claws dug into his flesh.
"I wonder... do you bleed purple?" She hissed. Her claws tightened in his skin, digging deeper. He growled in pain. Thinking quickly, he swung his head back, hitting Echo in the nose and throwing her off balance. Her left hand dislodged from his chest. With another blow from Shin's elbow to her temple, she was off of him. But as she rolled onto the ground, Shin was open for another attack. Deltas claws ripped across his chest, and then his face. He backed up quickly. Any second shorter and her claws would have reached his heart. But his new wounds actually gave him an advantage. Suddenly, his now exposed flesh glowed bright purple. Delta was stunned, staring at his glowing wounds. Shin grinned as blasts of energy shot out of them like lasers, hitting her straight on. She flew backwards, landing on the ground and rolling on the pavement. Blue looked between her fallen allies. It seemed Echo was getting back up, but Delta was still on the ground.
"Charlie, go help out Delta!" She ordered.
"What? You can't take this dude on your own!" Charlie retorted.
"I'll be fine." Blue assured. "Hurry, she needs you!"
Charlie bit her lip, but did as she was told. She rushed over to where Delta was lying. She could see burn marks from Shin's attack on her chest and face. She was unconscious, but beginning to stir.
"Delta, c'mon, wake up!" Charlie said, trying to shake her awake. Eventually, it worked. She groaned and opened her eyes.
"Uhhg... Charlie?" She groaned.
Before Charlie could say a word, the click of a gun's barrel alerted her to a presence behind her.
"Uh oh..."
She turned around to see not just one, but three MechaGodzilla units closing in around her, and three more following them, all aiming guns at the two. Charlie helped Delta to her feet.
"Shit... this ain't good." Delta winced, waiting for the rain of bullets to kill them both. But it never came. Instead, all three units before her were broken in an instant. The other three took aim at a new target; Rexxy. She roared as she threw the corpse of a unit at the three remaining ones, throwing them off guard. Then she grabbed two of them before they could react, crushing their heads into the third. Charlie and Delta stared up at Rexxy with wide eyes. She looked at them, dropping the remains of the units she was holding.
"You two alright?" She asked.
"... You... are so freaking cool." Delta stated.
Rexxy couldn't help but chuckle at this. "Thank you." She said. "Now where are the others?"
Charlie pointed to where Blue and Shin were fighting. Echo had managed to pick herself back up and was attempting to fight as well, but she was weakened from her earlier attempt. Rexxy growled and rushed into the battle. Shin didn't notice her approach. Out of nowhere, Rexxy grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into a nearby wall. He grunted in pain, and opened his eyes slowly.
"You?!" He hissed. He recognized her from Isla Nublar.
"I remember you too." Rexxy stated. "You are much like me, a failed experiment. I was created for profit, you were created for domination. We are one in the same."
"I'm not like you, bitch." Shin spat. "I'm evolution incarnate, you're just a science project-"
Rexxy slammed his head into the wall so hard the bricks cracked.
"Evolution? You're a joke." She continued. "You can change your form, but that isn't evolution. Evolution takes time. I evolved from the vicious creature the humans created me to be into what I am now. You are still exactly what Indominus intended for you to be. A tool of destruction, and nothing more. That is all you will ever be, Shin Godzilla."
She expected him to attack her due to her insulting statements, but no attack came. Perhaps her words demoralized him, she thought. But her answer came when she saw the grin on his face.
"I may not have evolved, but your little sisters are about to be extinct." He chuckled, pointing towards the raptors. Rexxy's eyes widened as she looked back to them. All for of them were together, and once more, they were surrounded by MechaGodzilla units. Rexxy threw Shin to the ground and punched him in the head, knocking him out instantly. She stood back up and growled at the robotic soldiers threatening her sisters. Then, she ran. She ran as fast as she could. And before the units could open fire, Rexxy did the only thing she could do. She stood before them, arms outstretched. She closed her eyes tightly as she could as the bullets tore at her tough skin and scales. Some of them bounced off, some of them grazed her, but some of them got through. The raptors huddled behind her, safe from the attack. But they were aware of the sacrifice she was making for them. A tear rolled down Blue's cheek as she watched Rexxy take thousands of bullets for her. Finally, the bullets stopped. The units had completely exhausted what was in their clips. Now was their chance. The raptors emerged from their hiding place and roared, rushing at the units before them. Before any of them could reload, they were nothing more than scrap metal, ripped apart by raptor claws. Rexxy fell to her hands and knees, unable to stand any longer. Blue rushed over to her.
"Rexxy! Are you alright?" She asked.
"Not quite..." She admitted. "But... I am not dead yet."
She used her claw to scrape some of the bullets out of her skin. None of them were deep enough to do real damage.
"A-are you sure?" Blue asked.
"Child..." Rexxy smirked. "I am a descendant of one of the most powerful animals in history, the tyrannosaurus rex. It will take more than that to kill me."
She tried to stand, but her knees buckled. The raptors rushed to help her up.
"We need to find a safe place for her to rest." Blue said. The other raptors nodded, and began moving her to a safer location.

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