Chapter 30: Spring the Trap

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Battra ducked around a corner, narrowly avoiding being noticed by Hedorah and Kumonga. He had searched almost 10 of the hundreds of rooms, and was beginning to lose hope. But suddenly, a voice came over his earpiece.
"Hey... I need help." It was Mothra.
"I'm here, where are you?" Battra whispered into his mic.
"I locked myself in a storage room." Mothra admitted. "I'm not sure how far away from you I am."
"Hold tight, I'll come get you." Battra nodded. He sensed Mothra's location and made his way towards her. Soon enough, he found the room she was locked in. He punched in the code, and the doors opened, revealing a very relieved Mothra inside.
"Thanks." She sighed. "Did you run into Hedorah and Kumonga?"
"Yeah, but they didn't notice me." Battra explained.
"That's what you think." A voice said. Battra gasped and turned to the source of the voice, only to have his throat grabbed and get slammed into a wall. Hedorah had him pinned by the throat, holding him up so his feet weren't touching the ground. Mothra gasped and moved to help, but was intercepted by a grinning Kumonga. He snuck up behind her and held a razor-sharp claw to her throat.
"Don't make a sound or you both die." He threatened.
"How did you find the ship?" Hedorah demanded. "And how did you get up here?"
Battra said nothing, only gritting his teeth in defiance. In return Hedorah tightened his grip on Battra's throat.
"Is it just you two?" He continued to interrogate. "Tell us now, or I'll rot the skin off your bones."
Battra still relented, but he could feel Hedorah's powers effecting him. A burning sensation surrounded his neck as Hedorah began to slowly rot his skin. Luckily, Hedorah's hand released his throat when his arm was knocked away. Battra dropped to the ground and coughed, looking up to see that Anguirus had just broken Hedorah's arm. He staggered to his feet, quickly helped by Rodan. The distraction allowed Mothra to duck under Kumonga's claws and sweep his leg, knocking him on the ground. Hedorah and Kumonga both slowly managed to get themselves up from the ground while Mothra, Battra, Rodan, and Anguirus brandished their weapons.
"Looks like we were on patrol for a reason tonight." Kumonga chuckled.
"So, you did bring people with you." Hedorah said. "Godzilla's here too, isn't he?"
Nobody said anything. Instead, they rushed into battle. Kumonga swiped at Mothra and Rodan with his claws again and again. He was fast, insanely fast. But Rodan was faster. He saw an opening and slashed at Kumonga's claws, slicing them off. His claws were mechanical extensions of his fingers, and luckily Rodan had missed his fingertips. While he was bewildered, Mothra flew into him head on, knocking him backwards into an empty storage room. Before he could get up and run out, Mothra closed the door, locking him inside. Battra did the same thing with Hedorah after he was disoriented by Anguirus' hammer hitting him. With both locked in their makeshift prison cells, all four breathed a sigh of relief.
"I hope we didn't wake anyone." Anguirus said.
"Even if we didn't, we should still get out of here soon." Rodan said.
"Well, it looks like none of us have found where the MechaGodzillas are being held." Battra added. "This may have been a lost cause."
Suddenly, another voice came over their earpieces. All of them shot to attention at once.
"Hey guys?" The voice was Godzillas. "I found it."

Godzilla was soon joined by the others, and all five now saw the massive doors before them. This was no ordinary storage room. The doors opened as Godzilla punched in the code, and the huge room full of MechaGodzilla units was revealed.
"Wow... Hokmuto was right, there must be at least 100 in here..." Mothra said.
"No time to count them all." Anguirus said, swinging his hammer over his shoulder. "Let's just smash 'em instead."
Everyone seemed to agree. But as soon as they stepped into the room, the door slammed shut behind them. Like Mothra before, they were locked in. But nobody had been outside to do it. Someone had been waiting for them.
"Fuck, he knows we're here." Godzilla muttered.
The room was suddenly lit up by bright lights, and Godzilla realized this was more than just a storage room. A observation window was above them, and behind the protective glass was Ghidorah himself.
"Well well, we have a guest!" He said. His voice echoed over several loudspeakers in the room. "Welcome to our training room. We've been using it to store our remaining MechaGodzilla units. I had it prepared this way myself after learning that Hokmuto would be leading you right to it."
Godzilla's eyes widened. He placed a finger on his earpiece, connecting him to the Gotengo back on Earth.
"You son of a bitch! You sold us out!?" He shouted.
"W-what?! No, I-I don't know what he's talking about!" Hokmuto stated.
"Oh, don't be so hard on the boy, Godzilla." Ghidorah stated. "It's not fault he's so stupid. He didn't even notice the listening device Kystalak planted on him."
"L-listening device?" Hokmuto asked. Godzilla could hear shuffling on the other end, and could guess Hokmuto was searching his clothes for a bug. He didn't get to hear if he'd found one or not, as Gamera had pushed him out of the way and taken the microphone back.
"Godzilla, we have to abort the mission!" He said. "Get out of there now!"
"Too late..." Godzilla said. All the MechaGodzillas visors activated, and all of them stared straight at them. Ghidorah grinned as he saw them brandish their weapons.
"I regret I won't be there to kill you all myself." He said. "But at least I'll get to watch as my MechaGodzillas tear you apart. This is the end. Goodbye, Godzilla."
Godzilla gripped his katana tightly as the MechaGodzillas approached them. It appeared none of them had weapons on them, just their fists. But even so, taking down this many of them would be difficult at best. But as he looked back at his teammates, he knew they could do it. Like Mothra had told him, this was gonna work. All five began fighting the units as they attacked. Godzilla slashed some and used atomic blasts on others. Mothra's knives impaled some of them, while Battra's laser cut through ones who were closer up. It didn't seem to affect the ones farther away. Anguirus seemed to be having the most luck, knocking multiple units heads off with one swing of his hammer. Rodan tried to fly above the crowd, but his ankle was grabbed by one of the units while others attempted to attack him. Godzilla took a moment to catch his breath, and saw the mob of MechaGodzilla units closing in around them. They had each taken down at least ten by now, and they hadn't seemed to have even made a dent in the crowd. There were even more than 100. And they were beginning to get overpowered.

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