Chapter 46: Rebirthing

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"Wait... that's Godzilla." Gigan stated, pointing at the corpse. "What's Godzilla's corpse doing here?"
Indeed, Godzilla's corpse hung limp and lifeless from his wrists, wearing only his pants, with no jacket or training tape on him.
"It's quite simple." Ghidorah explained. "Godzilla's heart is essentially a small nuclear reactor. We can harness the nuclear energy he produces to power Mecha Titan Ghidorah."
"But... he's dead." Slattern said. She didn't know about Ghidorah's plan either, and was also quite confused. She did smirk in admiration while she looked Godzilla's half-naked body.
"Hold on... If Godzilla's here, who did they bury?!" Gigan asked. He was incredibly perplexed. Ghidorah had never done something like this before.
"They buried a clone." Destroyah explained. "A braindead clone to be exact. It looked exactly like him, but it was essentially nothing more than a chunk of meat. It will dissolve in a few days."
"Wait, you made a clone of Godzilla... just so his allies would think he's dead." Gigan said.
"Yes, that's exactly what happened." Destroyah explained like it was normal.
Gigan was still dumbfounded, but shrugged and decided to just go with it. However, Slattern's question still wasn't answered.
"So explain to me how we're gonna get energy from a corpse." She asked.
"We won't be." Ghidorah explained. "He's only mostly dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Shall we wake him up?"
Gigan and Slattern were still dumbfounded and unnerved by this revelation. They looked at each other in confusion, but eventually grinned at each other as they began to understand Ghidorah's plan. Everyone nodded, and Ghidorah pulled another lever on the wall. Blue glowing liquid flowed through the clear tubes and into Godzilla's body. This was the same adrenaline solution Ghidorah had pumped into himself during the initial battle. But this was a much more concentrated version. He grinned as he watched Godzilla's eyes twitch. Very soon, he would rise from his grave.

Somewhere in the spiritual realm...

A white empty void was all Godzilla could see when he woke up. He groaned as he realized he was lying down on something. It felt like plastic or glass, something smooth. Memories flooded his mind. He remembered fighting with Ghidorah, but that was about it. Now, he had no idea where he was. He stood up and looked around, his eyes eventually falling on a strange figure, sitting on the ground, and facing away from him.
"Didn't expect you here so soon." The figure said, his voice low and gravely. "Doesn't matter. You'll be out of here sooner. It's not your time."
"Not my time?" Godzilla asked. He shook his head in confusion. "I'm sorry, but who are you?"
"Name's Dagon." The figure nodded, not looking back at him. "C'mere, sit down."
Godzilla's brow furrowed. The name was familiar. He trusted him, somehow. He walked foreword and sat down next to him. As he got closer, he could see the figure was huge. He was much taller than Godzilla. He could also see his clothing up close. He wore traditional samurai garb, with a dark charcoal colour. His skin was also grey, but a lighter shade. Instantly, Godzilla recognized his face.
"You... look like my dad." He said.
Indeed, Dagon looked almost exactly like Gojira, save for an X shaped scar across his face, and one grey blind eye. He smirked and looked at Godzilla.
"Well I should. He's my son after all." He said.
Godzilla froze for a moment. "You... you're my grandfather?" He asked.
"Little slow on the uptake, huh?" Dagon chuckled. "Just like your dad."
"W-wait, wait a sec... this isn't possible. Dad told me you died years before I was born..." the words slowly began to sink in. His heart sunk as he realized he couldn't feel it beating. "... I'm dead too, aren't I?"
"'Fraid so, kid." Dagon nodded. "I was watching that fight by the way, you were good. Real good. Gojira taught you well. You slipped up near the end though, that's where Ghidorah got you."
Godzilla nodded. He was still wrapping his head around what had just happened. A moment ago he was on earth fighting his mortal enemy, the next, he was here, talking to his dead grandpa.
"So... he won in the end." He said, scratching his head. "And the others... Anguirus, Rodan... Mothra... they're safe?"
"As far as I know." Dagon shrugged. "If I'm being honest, I don't get what you see in that Mothra girl. Not my type I guess. She's a little too... small for my taste."
Godzilla chose to ignore that comment. He was in no place to retort.
"God, this is gonna break her heart..." Godzilla sighed. He looked up around him, the white nothingness surrounding them.
"So this is it, huh?" He asked, trying not to sound disappointed. "The afterlife I mean. Just waiting in this... emptiness?"
"Well, if you were listening, you'd remember I said you'll be out of here soon." Dagon said. "And the living aren't supposed to know death until it's their time. This is more of a... waiting room before you gotta go back."
"I'm... going back?" Godzilla asked.
"Yeah, you got a long time left on Earth, kid." Dagon chuckled. "In fact, you'll be waking up in just a few seconds."
"... You're the one who brought dad back too, didn't you?" Godzilla asked.
"Oh I'm not the one bringing you back to life." Dagon explained. "But I may have had something to do with that too."
Before Godzilla could reply, Dagon stood up. Godzilla could see his full height now. He was huge, nearly twice Godzilla's height. Godzilla remembered Gojira told him his ancestors were all enormous. It reminded Godzilla of his Titan counterpart. Which gave him another question.
"Before I go, I have to ask something..." He said, standing up as well. "Do you have a Titan counterpart too?"
Dagon grinned. "Yeah, I do." He said. As he spoke, Godzilla became aware of a presence above him. He looked up to see a massive being. It looked like Titan Godzilla, but so much bigger. He estimated about as tall as Mt. Fuji, maybe taller. He couldn't see it fully, as it was obscured by some sort of mist, but his bright red eyes shone through clearly. Its giant head stared down at Godzilla, piercing his soul. A massive tail swung over their heads, breaking through the mist. Godzilla instinctively ducked as it passed over them, while Dagon didn't flinch. Instead, he just grinned down at Godzilla with pride.
"I shouldn't tell you this, but I think you need the warning." He began. "When you wake up, you're gonna feel more pain than you've ever felt before. And you're gonna be confused as hell. You aren't gonna remember most of this, but try to remember that. Good luck, kid."
"Wait, what do you mean I-" Before Godzilla could finish his statement, he felt like the world had been flipped on its side, and he was falling backwards.
"Oh, one more thing... I wish I could have known you in real life." Dagon said, tipping his hat. Godzilla reached out to him as he became smaller and smaller in his view, and the white void became darker and darker, eventually going completely black. And then, he felt it. The pain Dagon had mentioned. It felt like every cell in his body was being ripped apart. He screamed, but he could feel again. Feel his heart beating too fast, feel his lungs emptying, feel the intense pain of being shocked by something. Then it stopped. And he heard the one thing he did not want to hear. He heard Ghidorah's voice.
"Morning, sunshine." He grinned.

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