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One Month Later...

Godzilla looked up at the refurbished building and smiled. It had been a long month of rebuilding, cleaning, and general construction, but it was worth it. His and Mothra's new home was complete. It was a fairly big house. It resembled an old Japanese temple, which made sense due to Mothra's lineage. The colour was mostly red, with a little bit of yellow and black thrown in. There were two floors, and plenty of room for their new family. Godzilla smiled when he took in the reality of everything. He was starting a family. He was going to have kids. He had never faced something like this before. But he was ready for it, or so he thought, and so was Mothra. Anguirus and Rodan snapped him out of his thoughts. They had just finished putting some finishing touches on the house.
"I think that was the last of it." Anguirus said, dusting off his hands. "You're all set up here." Godzilla nodded, and looked back to the building.
"This is gonna be so amazing." He said. "Mothra's gonna love it."
"Where is she anyway?" Rodan asked, looking around the area while he wiped the sweat off his forehead.
"She's out for a walk." Godzilla explained. "She hasn't really been around here since she was a kid, so she's feeling a little nostalgic."
"Well, it was her birthplace after all." Anguirus shrugged. He crossed his arms and sighed, eyeing the house. "So I guess this is it, huh?"
"What do you mean?" Godzilla asked. "Like I said a month ago, Mothra and I may be moving, but we aren't going anywhere."
"Sure you are." Rodan chuckled. "You're gonna be a dad. That's a whole new world, and it's pretty far away from us."
"That's not true." Godzilla laughed. "Sure I'm gonna be a dad, but that doesn't mean you guys are gonna stop being my best friends. You're always gonna be part of my family. You and everyone on Monster Island."
Anguirus nodded. "I'm still gonna miss you guys."
"Yeah, me too." Rodan agreed. "Monster Island isn't gonna be the same without you."
"We're gonna miss you too." Godzilla said. "We'll try to visit sometime, but we're gonna be kinda busy from now on."
Rodan nodded and grinned. "And of course, we're gonna show up to see the kids when they're born." He said. "Oh, by the way, Radon wanted me to ask, have you figured out names yet?"
"Not yet. It's only been a month, so we haven't had a lot of time to talk about it." Godzilla answered. "...Well, I always thought Godzilla Jr. sounded good."
As they talked, Mothra appeared around the corner. She was smiling warmly as she looked up at her new home. Godzilla noticed her gaze and quickly rushed over to her.
"So what do you think?" He asked.
"It's amazing." Mothra replied. "You guys did a great job."
"Well it wasn't just us. You helped too." Godzilla reminded. She had helped, but Godzilla had gotten worried about her and talked her into working on the interior more than the structure. His worry had a reason, since she was one month pregnant. She placed a hand over her stomach as she thought of her and Godzilla's future children. It was already starting to grow slightly, and anyone looking at her could easily tell she was with child.
"I can't wait to raise our kids here." She said.
"Me too." Godzilla agreed. They grasped each other's hands and gazed at the building which would serve as their home, hopefully for years to come. Anguirus and Rodan's eyes rolled simultaneously.
"Well, we'd better get going." Anguirus said. Rodan nodded in agreement. Mothra and Godzilla turned to face them.
"Do you have to leave right now?" Mothra asked. She didn't want to say goodbye just yet.
"Yeah, we still need to help rebuilding Shibuya." Rodan said. Several Kaiju had been drafted into helping the reconstruction process to rebuild after Titan Ghidorah leveled the city. Godzilla nodded and placed an arm around Mothra's shoulder.
"And you're sure you don't need our help?" He asked.
"You guys have done more than enough." Rodan said. "You deserve a nice long break together."
"We'll be fine. You can take a while to get acquainted to your new home." Anguirus said.
After an exchange of goodbyes, Anguirus and Rodan got back onto the boat and sped back to Monster Island. Mothra sighed and rested her head on Godzilla's shoulder.
"I'm really gonna miss them." She said.
"Yeah, me too." Godzilla said. "And I'm sure everyone will miss us too. But we'll see them again."
"Is it weird that I miss Zilla too?" Mothra asked. Godzilla chuckled.
"Only if you think it's weird that I miss Battra." He replied. Mothra playfully punched him in the arm.
"Oh, c'mon." She laughed. "Now anyway, I still need to show you around the island."
"Sure... you go ahead. I'll catch up." Godzilla said. "There's something I gotta do first."
Mothra nodded and gave him a kiss on the cheek before walking away through the tall grass. Godzilla smiled, before turning his attention back to the ocean. The house was overlooking a beach in the front yard, with a beautiful view of the water that seemed to go on for miles. A content smile spread across his face as he sat down on the sand. He reflected on everything that happened a month ago, from his wedding to getting resurrected and finally defeating Ghidorah. This past chapter of his life was over, and he was almost sad to see it go. But it was time to put it behind him. And there was only one thing he had left to do now in order to do that. He had a leather bag hanging off of his shoulder. He took it off and opened the clasps, reaching inside. He slowly pulled out Ghidorah's helmet from the bag. Godzilla's smile fell. Nobody knew he had taken it. It was fully intact, despite Godzilla having dealt some damage to Ghidorah's skull. Godzilla slowly stood up as he stared at it the golden headwear. It was the last remnant of Ghidorah on Earth. And as soon as he realized this, he knew he had to get rid of it himself. With one powerful throw, he chucked the helmet into the ocean. He had thrown it as far as he could, and he could barely see it as it splashed into the water. He breathed a deep sigh of relief. Finally, it was truly over. He had closed that chapter for good, and opened the next one. Hearing Mothra's voice calling for him to join her made him aware that this chapter would be much more rewarding. And as he made his way over to her, he knew his new life had begun.

The End

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