Chapter 18: Game Plans

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Ghidorah's Ship

The whole ship was silent. Tensions were high, to say the least. Everyone watched carefully as Ghidorah paced back and forth in front of Gigan, who was hanging his head out of either shame or frustration.
"So you failed your mission, got all of units I sent with you destroyed, and allowed five Kaiju to escape back to Monster Island." Ghidorah growled.
"I killed one of them..." Gigan muttered.
"This is not a good time to talk back to me, Gigan." Ghidorah snapped. "Of all my allies I never thought you would fail me this gravely. Perhaps I was wrong to put so much trust in you."
Gigan seethed, but remained silent. He had been on Ghidorah's side since the very beginning, and he wasn't about to let his loyalty go unrewarded. Ghidorah sneered down at him.
"You're lucky I have so much to do now. Your punishment will come later." He said. "Right now, I need to find a new spot to build my factory."
"How about Tokyo?" Hokmuto spoke up from the crowd around the two. Ghidorah scoffed at the idea.
"Why the hell would I do that?" He spat.
"I've been thinking." Hokmuto continued. "And I think we should strike with the units we have now, and build a factory later. And I think Tokyo is the perfect place."
Ghidorah scoffed again, but Hokmuto's confidence intregued him. "Out of pure curiosity, what advantage do you believe we would have attacking such a populated area?" He asked.
"That's just it; it's populated." Hokmuto explained. "If we can level the city just with the units we have now, the people of Earth will see how powerful we are. No one would dare stand against us."
"That's ridiculous." Gigan spat. He didn't want to stand up to Ghidorah, but he had no problem shutting down Hokmuto. But to his surprise, it didn't seem like anyone else was on his side.
"No, he's right." Shin spoke up as well. "Well, almost. There's still the Godzilla problem after all."
"Not just Godzilla. I've intercepted a transmission from the EDF director Jet Jaguar." Destroyah stated. "They're gathering a massive army."
"So what? We have our units." Hokmuto stated. "A few of them can take a couple units down easily, but can all of them stand up against our whole army, as well as all of us? Remember, just one of them almost killed Godzilla."
"I'd say it's worth a shot." Shin shrugged.
Ghidorah thought on the idea for a moment, until finally, he grinned. "I agree. It is worth a shot." He said. "Tonight, we attack Tokyo with everything we've got. And Godzilla's little gang will see exactly what they're dealing with!"
Everyone in the room cheered. Everyone except Gigan. When Ghidorah noticed his silence, he turned to him and grinned smugly.
"Watch yourself, Gigan. You may lose your position as my right hand man sooner than you think." He said.
His words struck a nerve in Gigan. He could feel his heart drop. It felt as if everything he had worked for was slipping out of his fingers.
"No way am I letting that happen." He thought to himself. He knew he'd find a way to get back on Ghidorah's good side. He just had to bide his time. Meanwhile, Ghidorah approached Destroyah and SpaceGodzilla.
"Get my secret weapon ready. The world is about to witness my true power." He grinned. To his surprise, Destroyah seemed to hesitate. His grin became a sneer.
"What? Is there a problem?" He snapped.
"Well... yes." Destroyah admitted. "While it's been in this dimension, we've been keeping it docile and subservient using certain audio frequencies. But recently, it broke out of our control."
"What do you mean, out of our control?" Ghidorah growled. "Figure it out."
"We're working on it, but we can't get the frequencies right again. Everything we've tried has just made it angrier." SpaceGodzilla added. "It's going to take us some time to find the right frequencies."
Ghidorah snarled. He had been excited to unleash his secret weapon ever since he had acquired it, and every delay made him angrier.
"No matter. You two will stay on the ship during our attack until you can get it right." Ghidorah ordered.
"Of course, my lord." Destroyah bowed. The others dispersed from the room, each getting ready to prepare for the attack. This would be a fight to remember.

Monster Island

Godzilla had never seen that many of his allies and friends gathered like this before. There were even more people here than were at his wedding. Everyone was chatting, murmuring, catching up with old friends, arguing with old rivals, or greeting people they'd never met before. Jet crossed his arms as he too looked over the group.
"I did say you'd be commanding them, Godzilla." He said. "The floor's all yours."
Godzilla nodded and stepped towards everyone. "Everybody listen up!" He announced. Within seconds, all eyes were on him. Once he was sure he had everyone's attention, he began to speak.
"I'm sure Jet has told you all why you're here." He said. "And I'm sure most of you would like to know exactly what we're up against. These new MechaGodzillas Ghidorah is making aren't like the ones we've fought before. One of them nearly killed me. A group of them probably would succeed. Thats why we need all of you. With all of our powers and abilities combined, Ghidorah and his robots don't stand a chance. As far as I'm concerned, we've already won!"
Everyone cheered at his speech. Godzilla smirked. He truly did believe they had a fair shot. But now, it was time to make a game plan.
"Alright, so what do we know about Ghidorah's new plan so far?" He asked. Mothra was the first to step forward.
"Gigan was sent to Skull Island to build some kind of factory." She explained. "My guess is Ghidorah can't keep producing MechaGodzillas on his ship. He wants to build a factory on Earth."
"In that case, he's definitely going to send someone else soon." Gypsy said. "He might even show up himself."
"But where is he gonna attack next?" Zilla spoke up.
"We don't know, but what I do know is when he does show up, we'll be ready." Jet explained. "If what Mothra says is correct, and he can't produce any more units, all we need to do is stop him from building his factory on Earth, and we'll keep his numbers down."
Anguirus furrowed his brow and scratched his chin in thought. "What if someone were to get onto his ship and destroy the units he has now?" He asked. "If he can't make more, and we stop him from setting up his factory, he'd be screwed."
"I like where your head's at, but that's impossible." Gypsy stated. "We haven't mastered space travel like he has."
"What about the Gotengo?" Godzilla asked. The Gotengo was a flying battleship owned by the EDF. It served as a mobile base of operations for them. Jet was the pilot before he became the director, but he kept the role after his promotion.
"That's true, it is equipped for space travel, right?" Moguera added.
"Only in controlled tests, but even then, it can't light speed travel like Ghidorah's ship." Jet explained. "He'd see us coming and zip away to another galaxy in seconds."
"Take mine then." Gamera spoke up. All eyes turned to him. "The one I arrived in, I mean. It's fast, small, and capable of light speed. You can slip onto Ghidorah's ship undetected, destroy the units, and slip out."
"How many people can your ship hold?" Godzilla asked.
Gamera shrugged. "Four or five people. But you may have to squeeze."
"Looks like we have a plan, then." Godzilla smirked.
"Did you forget you have no idea where Ghidorah is?" Manda asked, crossing his arms. "I thought we were supposed to be strategizing, not spoutin nonsense."
Godzilla was about to curse Manda out, but he realized he was actually right.
"We will know soon." Jet spoke up. "The EDF has placed small undetectable satellites just outside Earth's atmosphere. As soon as something large enough enters the atmosphere, the satellites will shoot out tracking devices to attach to it. From there, we'll have 24 hours to track them before the devices shut off to prevent detection."
"So it's a waiting game then." Titanosaurus said. "We just have to bide our time until Ghidorah attacks, and then we can track him."
"Yep, and then we'll follow him and fight his army on his turf." Godzilla nodded.
"But when he attacks, he's most likely going to bring the whole army to us." Mothra speculated.
"Not necessarily." Battra added. "It'd be too risky for him. If he's short on MechaGodzillas, he won't bring all of them. Just enough to intimidate us."
"In that case, I'd suggest everyone rest up." Godzilla said. "We've all had a long couple of days, and we don't know when Ghidorah's gonna show up. Take a break while you still can."
Everyone seemed to be ready to do just that, especially Battra. He just wanted to lay down and forget the world for a few minutes. But as he was about to leave, someone grabbed his arm. He turned around to see Muto standing behind him.
"I... I heard about Leo." She said. Battra nodded.
"Yeah..." Was all he said. He had hoped coming back to Monster Island and seeing Muto again would be a fun reward, but due to the previous events, it was more bittersweet than anything.
"If you need anything, just ask, okay?" Muto said.
Battra nodded, and opened his mouth to speak, but when he looked up, he could see the last few people leaving the area. Godzilla with Mothra on his arm, Rodan and Radon holding each others hands, Komi with her arm around Zilla, even Anguirus and Cherno chatting as they all walked out of the forest. And now Battra was alone with Muto. Maybe now would be a better time to reveal his true feelings.
"Actually... there is one thing." He said.
"Of course... anything..." Muto said, already knowing what was on his mind. She bit her lip and gripped his collar, pulling herself up to his eye level to give him another kiss. He wrapped his arms around her tightly as he pulled her in closer. He noticed as he had his hands on her, she appeared to be getting warmer. After a while, they broke the kiss and stared into each other's eyes. Muto's red eyes were glowing brightly, illuminating her face with a crimson glow. They only did that when she was experiencing extreme emotions. Something told Battra she wanted more than just a kiss.
"Hey... if you're feeling up to it, come to my tent tonight." She propositioned. "I wouldn't mind having someone there to keep my bed warm... and maybe I could help take your mind off things."
Battra had a feeling he knew what she was suggesting. He blushed as Muto walked away from him. He couldn't help but notice she was swinging her hips a bit more than normal, enticing him to follow her. He did just that, which he could see put a smile on her face. She was right, he needed to take his mind off things. He needed her. Perhaps he'd get his reward after all.

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