Chapter 15: Godfall

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A loud noise rang out over Skull Island. Everyone stood at attention. They began looking around for the source of the sound. The same questions ran through everyone's minds. It was obviously a gunshot, but they couldn't tell where it had come from. Was there a MechaGodzilla they had forgotten about? No, it couldn't have been; their guns didn't sound like that. But after a few second, Kong knew exactly where the shot came from. He had heard it before when Gigan shot him.
"Oh no..." He muttered. His fears were confirmed when swivelled around and saw Gigan, fully recovered from being knocked out, holding onto Leo by his shoulder. Leo was bleeding from the chest. Everyone quickly followed his gaze. Mothra gasped as she saw them.
"Leo!!!" She screamed. She flew towards them, with Kong and the others close behind. Gigan saw her approaching and quickly dropped Leo, aiming his gun at her instead. But before he could pull the trigger, he quickly realized his glasses were damaged, and his targetting system was down. He tried to shoot her without it, but found that he eas out of ammo. Realizing their advantage, Kong thrust his hand out towards him. A strong gust of wind picked Gigan up and sent him flying and into the ocean. With Gigan gone, everyone rushed to Leo's side. Mothra and Battra knelt down on either side of him. They could immediately see what Gigan had done. A bullet was lodged in his heart. He was breathing, so they could tell he was still alive. Mothra grasped his hand and squeezed it.
"W-what happened?" Was all she could think to ask.
"Gigan... he was... trying to shoot you..." Leo managed to get out through his pained voice. "I tried... to stop him..."
A twinge of pain shot through Mothra's heart. He got shot because he was protecting her. She almost felt guilty.
"I... I can heal you. I just need to get the bullet out." She stammered. She looked up at Kong. "Hana did it for you, so she can do it for him too, right?"
"Gigan shot me in the stomach, not the heart." Kong explained. "It would be too much effort for one person."
"Then we can take him back to Monster Island!" Mothra reasoned.
"We won't make it in time..." Kong said, solemnly. "He's fading too fast."
"Well we have to do something!" Mothra said, tears beginning to fill her eyes.
"There's... nothing we can do." Battra added. He didn't want to admit it, but he was afraid it was the truth. Mothra didn't want to believe it either. She kept telling herself there must be a way to save him, but if there was one, she could only see the fact that she couldn't find it. It was too late. Leo squeezed Mothra's hand as tightly as he could, but his grip was wavering.
"It's alright..." He assured with a strained smile. "I'm just... glad... that you're safe..."
He placed a reassuring hand on Mothra's cheek, wiping away a tear with his thumb, before turning to Battra. He grabbed his hand as well, but Battra refused to look at him. Wether it was out of sadness, fear, anger, shame of showing any emotion at all, or a mix of all four, Battra didn't know. But Leo didn't care. He knew his little brother could still hear him.
"Don't blame yourself for this..." He said. "None of this... was your fault..."
Battra simply nodded, but those words brought Battra more comfort that Leo knew. Finally, Leo's eyelids began to droop as his strength wavered. He used the last of his strength to face his gaze towards the sky. He smiled. He wasn't worried or scared. He knew what awaited him on the other side. And while he had hoped he wouldn't see it until years down the line, he accepted his fate with open arms.
"I'll tell mom and dad... you said hi..." He managed to say before he closed his eyes.
"Leo please, don't go!" Mothra begged. Her tears began to fall freely now. Battra closed his eyes and looked away before anyone could see his tears. But all the tears in the world couldn't save Leo. His hand went limp in Mothra's grip as he breathed his last breath. And that was it. Mothra's eyes went wide. She couldn't believe he was gone. The one who had been there for her the longest was out of her life forever. All she could think to do was hug Leo's body as close as she could and sob uncontrollably. The others said nothing, letting her have her moment. Battra was especially silent. He didn't want to show his emotions, but he had just died inside. Now he knew what his feeling of dread was trying to warn him of. Leo had told him not to blame himself, but he couldn't help but do so. He could have prevented this if he had just listened to his heart, or at least that's what he told himself. He couldn't stand to be around anyone right now. He needed to leave. He quickly stood up and walked away from the rest of the group. Mothra looked up from Leo as she watched him walk away.
"B-Battra? Where are you going?" She sniffled.
He didn't answer her. He continued to walk away from her, even as she got up and tried to follow him.
"Battra, wait!" She called. But she couldn't catch up. He walked to the edge of the water before he shot into the air and flew away. Mothra ran to catch him before he took off, but he was too fast for her. He was out of sight by the time she reached the water. She dropped to her knees and looked down at the ground. She felt so... defeated. Kong placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Everyone deals with grief differently." He comforted. "I'm so terribly sorry for your loss, Mothra."
"It's fine..." She wiped her tears and placed her hand on his. She stood up and breathed in a deep sigh. "I'll grieve later. Right now I need to get back to Monster Island."
"What about Battra?" Kong asked.
"Don't worry about him. I have a good feeling that I know where he went..." Mothra said, gazing up at the sky where Battra had disappeared. She knew exactly where he was going, but she told herself not to follow him. Now, she needed to get herself and Leo back home.

Gigan gasped for air as he breached the surface of the water. He coughed and sputtered as he frantically looked around for Skull Island, but he couldn't see it. It was too far away. He had somehow ended up miles away from the island, and subsequently, his ship.
"Dammit!" He cursed, slamming his fist into the water. He started to formulate how he was gonna get back to the ship, until suddenly, he heard a sound. It was a loud buzzing, and it was getting louder and louder. Something was approaching him. He looked up to see another ship descending from the clouds. He grinned at first, but scowled when he realized who Ghidorah had most likely sent to pick him up. His suspicions were confirmed when the ship hovered over the water in front of him, and the door opened. Slattern was standing there, smirking smugly at him.
"Get in, loser." She said. Gigan rolled his eyes and swam over to the ship.
"Can't you drop a ladder or something?" He asked.
"Nope." Slattern replied. Gigan rolled his eyes at her. He morphed his arm into a long hook to help extend his reach, and managed to get himself up into the ship.
"So how'd the mission go?" Slattern asked.
"You wanna shut the fuck up?" Gigan snapped.
"Oh, not well?" Slattern said in mock concern. "Well, Ghidorah's not gonna be happy when he finds out you let all those Kaiju go."
"I managed to kill one of them. That should count for something." Gigan muttered, attempting to dry his jacket by wringing it out.
"That's right, you did kill one. And you left the other five to go back to Monster Island." Slattern chuckled. "Ghidorah should have sent me. If I were there, I would have slaughtered them all."
"Yeah, or tried to sleep with one of them, right?" Gigan muttered to himself. He tried to walk away from her, but suddenly he could feel Slattern grab him by the throat. Within seconds, he found himself pinned against the wall, with Slattern glaring up at him.
"Wanna repeat that?" She growled.
"What? I thought that's what you do!" Gigan choked out.
"Not anymore. I belong only to Ghidorah now." Slattern explained. She let go of Gigan's throat and let him fall to the floor. While he coughed and recovered from his windpipe being crushed, Slattern sauntered to the controls and sat down in the driver's seat.
"Now, let's head back so I can see you get punished." She grinned, pulling the ship up into the air. Gigan glared at her.
"I could kill her right now and dump her body in the ocean, nobody would find out." He thought to himself. But he knew he'd never get away with it. Ghidorah knew everything.

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