Chapter 28: Switching Sides

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Muto breathed a deep sigh. She held her hands clasped in her lap, but she still couldn't stop herself from shaking. Her encounter with Slattern and Hokmuto earlier had left her rattled to say the least. After getting back to Monster Island, she found a place to be alone and hadn't left since. But she wasn't alone for much longer. A bright green flash of light made her jump, and she looked up to see Battra in front of her. He had teleported back to the beach.
"Where were you?" She asked. Battra looked at her like he didn't know someone else would be there.
"Nowhere..." He stated plainly.
"You're have your weapon out." Muto replied. "Were you in a fight or something?"
Battra realized he was still holding his katana's hilt, and quickly put it away. "I wasn't anywhere, okay?" He said it more defensively than he meant to sound.
"Okay, fine. Don't tell me." Muto let up. If she was being honest with herself, she didn't really care. But she was happy to see him again. While she wanted to be alone, being with him was just as good. "... Do you wanna sit with me?"
Battra nodded and sat next to her. He blushed as she rested her head on his shoulder. He cleared his throat.
"So... um... what are we?" Battra asked. Muto's brow furrowed.
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"I mean... what's our relationship?" Battra elaborated. "Am I your boyfriend now or..."
Muto pursed her lips to keep from laughing. "You've really never been with a girl before, have you?"
Battra shook his head. Muto couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. He was adorable.
"Let's just take it slow for now." She said, resting her head against his shoulder again. "And if it works, it works."
Battra nodded. He awkwardly lifted an arm and placed it on Muto's shoulder. His face turned red, but it felt right to him. It felt right to Muto too. But they didn't get to enjoy the peace for much longer. The sound of engines whirring alerted them to something above them. Muto looked up to see a ship approaching them.
"Shit, it's another attack." She said. She got up and started unsheathing a knife, but Battra held a hand in front of her.
"Wait... that's not one of Ghidorah's normal transport ships." He said.
Muto quickly realized he was right. In fact, they both recognized it as an escape pod. They had both worked for Ghidorah in the past, so they were somewhat familiar with his arsenal. Whoever had arrived on Monster Island was not attacking them, but escaping from Ghidorah. And when the door opened, they both saw who had arrived. Hokmuto stepped out onto the sand towards the two of them.
"H-hey, Muto." He greeted. But his expression fell when he noticed Battra standing next to her. He was immediately reminded of what Gigan had told him, and quickly realized he might have been telling the truth. Muto, of course, was not happy to see him.
"What the hell are you doing here!?" She demanded.
Before Hokmuto could say another word, he passed out, falling onto the sand. Muto's anger left her, replaced with only shock. She ran over to him and helped him up. Up close, she now saw the bruises and fresh wounds all over his body. Someone had really beat the crap out of him. She considered leaving him to bleed out, but she remembered what he had done for her during the battle. He saved her. As much as she hated to admit it, she owed him.
"We need to help him." She decided. She gestured for Battra to help her carry him, and the two lifted him, taking him to where the others were.


Hokmuto woke with a groan, and his eyes fluttered open. The first thing he saw was a large scaled humanoid creature lying on a bed next to him. He sat up quickly out of fright, but he quickly realized he recognized her from the battle. She was the T-rex Gijinka. He remembered she was injured during the fight, and guessed he was not in some kind of medical examination room. He also remembered what had happened just minutes before, when he escaped Ghidorah's ship and arrived on Monster Island, only to pass out in front of Muto. Now he was covered in bandages, and lying in a strange bed. He also realized Godzilla, Jet, Battra, and Muto were standing in front of him.
"You're awake, good." Godzilla said. "Now you can explain what the hell you're doing here."
Hokmuto sighed. "I cut my ties with Ghidorah." He said. "I don't work for him anymore."
"We got that part. You wouldn't have come here with an escape pod if you didn't." Godzilla said. "What we're wondering is, why would you think coming to us was a good idea, and what makes you think we'd be okay with it?"
"... I guess I didn't think this through." Hokmuto admitted.
"Nope." Muto agreed. "Normally I'd beat you within an inch of your life, but looks like someone beat me to it."
Hokmuto nodded. "That's thanks to Krystalak and Obsidius." He explained. "They caught me before I could leave and kicked my ass. I think Ghidorah ordered them to."
"So Ghidorah knew you were escaping?" Jet asked.
"Yeah. He wasn't happy about me punching Slattern either." Hokmuto said. Muto's eyes widened.
"You... punched Slattern?" She asked.
"I did." He admitted. "When you told me what she did to you I-"
"You're here for me aren't you?" Muto realized. Hokmuto said nothing. Muto was now even angrier.
"You are here for me!" She scoffed. "You really thought I'd take you back just because you saved me from Slattern? After all you've done?"
"N-no, that isn't true... okay maybe a bit." Hokmuto admitted. "But I thought... maybe I could help you guys."
He saw their reactions were mostly negative. Everyone else seemed to be done with him, especially Muto. But Godzilla was willing to give him a chance.
"I'm listening." He said. Everyone looked at him like he was crazy, even Hokmuto, but he was still grateful.
"Godzilla, are you sure about this?" Jet asked, making sure Hokmuto couldn't hear him. "Can we trust him?"
"Think about it. Ghidorah didn't want him anymore." Godzilla explained, also quieting his voice. "If he really thought Hokmuto was a threat, he wouldn't have just kicked his ass, he would have killed him. He thinks Hokmuto isn't even worth killing. We can use that insignificance to our advantage."
Jet had no idea what he was talking about, but simply shrugged. "If you say so..." He said.
Godzilla nodded and turned back to Hokmuto. "Go on."
"Look, I've worked for Ghidorah for a year now. I know things." Hokmuto explained. "I'll give you all the information I have."
An idea sprung into Jet's mind. "... Do you know where Ghidorah's keeping his MechaGodzilla units?"
"Yeah!" Hokmuto nodded. "There aren't many left. We couldn't make any more on the ship, that's why Ghidorah wanted to build the factory to make them on Earth."
"So we were right." Godzilla said. He gestured for Jet to follow him out of the room so they could discuss the matter in private, and the door closed behind them. Muto and Battra were left alone with Hokmuto. He rubbed the back of his head nervously.
"Look, Muto..." He began. "I screwed up, I know. But if you could just give me a second chance..."
Muto glared at him. She couldn't believe he'd really come to Monster Island to be with her. Suddenly, she got an idea; something to show Hokmuto she was one hundred percent done with him.
"Hey, Battra, come here." She said. Battra looked at her, only for her to gently grab his face and pull him into a kiss. Battra was surprised, but didn't mind in the least. This only confirmed to Hokmuto that what Gigan had told him was true. He really had missed his chance. After a while, Muto and Battra ended the kiss and left the room, leaving Hokmuto alone. He was beginning to think this was a bad idea.

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