Chapter 35: Into the Godzillaverse

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Everyone on Monster Island had now gathered back in the meeting place, waiting for Gamera's return. Godzilla crossed his arms and looked out onto the much smaller crowd. Some people, like Kong and the Jaegers, had left for their homes after the battle. The Raptors were resting up with Rexxy as well. However, the only one Godzilla had hoped would leave, Manda, was still on the island. In fact, Godzilla caught a glimpse of Manda side-glaring at him.
"So, Ghidorah has a pet dragon now?" He muttered. "This is ridiculous."
Godzilla chose not to reply. He instead continued to wait for Gamera, but he was taking his sweet time. In the meantime, someone else appeared through the clearing.
"I hope we're not too late." Kong chuckled, followed close behind by Varan and Gorosaurus. Godzilla made his way over to them.
"You came back?" He asked.
"Of course. We couldn't stay away after that video you sent us." Kong stated. Godzilla nodded.
"I'm sorry I dragged you back into all this." He said. "You should be back on Skull Island looking after your kid, not fighting someone else's battles."
Kong raised his eyebrow. "Remind me, was I not one of the first Kaiju you approached to join you back in 2015?"
Godzilla nodded again. When Ghidorah had returned to Earth after nearly 15 years, Godzilla assembled an army of powerful Kaiju to stop him. Kong was indeed among the first.
"I've been apart of this since the beginning." Kong assured. "This is as much my fight as it is yours."
Godzilla smirked. "Glad to hear it." He said.
"Oh, one more thing." Kong stated. "Hannah told me to tell you she was going to kick your ass for keeping me from her."
Godzilla couldn't help but laugh. "Honestly, I probably deserve it." He said. "I'll be sure to have you back on Skull Island with her and your kid before they know it."
Moments later, the sounds of jets alerted everyone to Gamera descending from the sky with his jet boots. He was holding a light grey metal box under his arm.
"Good, everyone's here." He said, landing on the grass below.
"Yup. Now can you please explain to us what the space dragon is?" Godzilla asked.
"I can. But in order to explain it, I have to explain something else." Gamera began, setting the box on the ground. "Godzilla, how familiar are you with the multiverse theory?" Gamera asked.
"... Not very." Godzilla admitted, shrugging. He looked to Mothra, who was now standing next to him. She could tell he wanted an explanation.
"It's the theory that there are an infinite number of universes similar to this one." She said. "Basically it states that every choice we make creates two universes; one where something happens, and one where something else does."
"Correct." Gamera nodded. "Now, what if I told you that it isn't a theory? It's true."
"And you know this... how?" Rodan asked. He was understandably skeptical.
"Because I've seen many of them." Gamera said.
"Wait... so Ghidorah found that dragon thing in an alternate universe?" Godzilla asked.
"Godzilla, that monster is Ghidorah." Gamera explained. The entire crowd fell silent. That was not the explanation they were expecting. Gamera could tell that they didn't fully understand. It was a hard concept to grasp.
"Let me explain." Gamera began. "About a year ago, I was traveling with a group of mercenaries in space. Things were going well, until Ghidorah found us and confronted me. But he didn't want to fight. He explained he only wanted information. He knew the Atlantean scientists had studied the multiverse theory, and tried to threaten me into telling him the secret to accessing alternate universes."
"So you told him how to do it?" Mothra asked.
"Of course not." Gamera continued. "I told him I had no idea what he was talking about."
"So you lied to him." Godzilla said.
"No, I do not lie." Gamera stated, almost offended by his accusation. "At the time, I truly had no idea what he was talking about. I told him while the Atlantean scientists had studied the theory, there was no known way to travel to another universe. He was unpleased, but he seemed to believe that I didn't know. So he let me live, along with the mercenaries, but not before draining our fuel supply and leaving us stranded in deep space. Luckily, I was able to use my mana energy to send my companions to a refuelling station, while I went back to the ruins of Atlantis to look for clues or anything that would lead me to the answers of dimensional travel. If Ghidorah was trying to access an alternate universe, I knew I had to stop him. And to do that, I needed to learn how to do it first. Then I found it. In the research of the Atlantean scientists, I discovered instructions on how to travel the multiverse."
"So it is possible then..." Godzilla muttered. This was all a lot to take for him, but he was beginning to understand. He still had many questions, however. "So in these alternate universes, there's other versions of us too?"
"Indeed there are." Gamera explained. "As I said, I've traveled to a few of them myself. There are universes where we all appear in different forms and bodies, and some where we don't even exist at all. I even found one where we're simply fictional characters in stories. My point is, there are literally an infinite number of universes, and I believe I found the one Ghidorah brought his creature from."
"Wait... you said that creature is Ghidorah." Godzilla said. "So is there a universe where we're all three headed dragons?"
"Not necessarily." Gamera chuckled. He opened the box he had brought with him, and pulled out a small circular device. He placed it on the ground, and a small light in the centre began to project images into the air. The images showed various monsters and creatures. Many of them looked fearsome and frightening, while others appeared friendly and kind. But all of them looked absolutely massive.
"Ghidorah's 'Titan counterpart' as I call it, comes from a universe where all Kaiju are massive monstrous creatures." Gamera continued, manipulating the images with his hands. "I captured images of some of them. These creatures may look terrifying, but believe it or not, they share the same soul as some of you."
"No way!" Rodan said, approaching the device and its array of floating images. "Which one's me?"
"That would be this one." Gamera said. He pushed an image towards Rodan, who's eyes widened as he saw the creature the image depicted. It was a pterodactyl-like thing with giant wings that seemed to allow it flight. It appeared to have armour made of hardened lava as it burst out of a volcano.
"Holy shit... that's awesome!" Rodan said.
"Um... what do I look like?" Mothra asked. Gamera sent an image her way. It depicted what appeared to be a giant butterfly with big bright blue eyes and colourful wings. It was covered from head to pincers in a fluffy-looking fur of white and brown.
"Oh my..." Mothra gasped. She didn't know what to think of it. Battra eyed the creature as well.
"Interesting..." He shrugged. "What about me?"
An image appeared before him of a similar looking creature to Mothra's counterpart, but with black and yellow armour in place of fur, and a golden crest above its glowing red eyes. It appeared to be much more vicious and violent. Battra said nothing, but nodded in approval, as he thought it looked extremely cool.
"Oh, I gotta see mine." Anguirus chuckled. An image appeared in front of him. His counterpart was a spiky dinosaur-like creature with a dark brown shell and heavy-looking armour. It looked like an ankylosaurus on steroids.
"Whoa. I like it!" Anguirus nodded.
"What's this ugly one?" Zilla asked. He was pointing to what appeared to be a massive blueish-grey lizard with a square jaw and long claws. Gamera chuckled.
"I believe that one would be you, Zilla." He said.
"Aw man..." Zilla pouted.
The group saw many other counterparts from the images. It was strange and surreal to see different versions of themselves and those they knew. But as alien as these creatures seemed, somehow everyone was able to recognize themselves and others. Kong was a massive gorilla with human-like qualities. Jet Jaguar was a silver humanoid robot with red armour. Muto was a six legged insect-like creature red lights running down its body. Even some of their enemies were there, like Biolante, who appeared to be a mass of plant matter with a huge gaping jaw. Or Gigan, who seemed to be a giant avian creature with blades on its hands and a buzzsaw in its chest. Hedorah was a blob-like being with giant bloodshot eyes. Even Slattern and some of the previously deceased Kaiju from the breach were there, looking much different from the others. Godzilla guessed they were from yet another alternate universe. They also saw what appeared to be a team of gigantic robots, seemingly piloted by humans. It didn't take them long to realize these were how the Jaegers from that world appeared. Of course, Ghidorah was there was well. And as per Gamera's explanation, it was the exact same creature Ghidorah had brought to their world.
"So you see, this is where Ghidorah found his Titan." Gamera concluded. "He found this alternate universe, somehow captured his Titan counterpart, and brought it to our world to wreak havoc."
"Wait... we haven't seen my counterpart yet." Godzilla said. "Where is it?" Godzilla somehow already knew what his was going to look like. Gamera nodded, and brought up another image.
"Of course. I forgot the most important one." He sent the image to Godzilla, and everyone gathered around to see it. By far, this one was the most intimidating. Godzilla's Titan counterpart was a giant reptilian beast with a long dragging tail, dark green scales, and spiky dorsal plates running down its back. Its mouth was full of sharp teeth, its eyes were full of rage and fire. The others were in awe and amazement. Godzilla recognized it immediately. This was the other creature he had seen in his dreams and visions. The one fighting the three headed dragon. Now he knew why. The creature was him, and the dragon was Ghidorah. Even in another world, the two were destined to battle. That is what his dreams and visions had been telling him.
"You understand now, Godzilla, don't you?" Gamera asked.
"Yeah... I think I do." Godzilla nodded. "In order to defeat Ghidorah's counterpart... we have to bring mine to this world too."

Ghidorah's Ship

Ghidorah chuckled to himself as he watched the destruction on his window screen in his throne room. His Titan counterpart had just finished stomping on an entire city block and was now flying overhead, shooting lightning onto the streets below. Smoke billowed out as fires engulfed the city. And Ghidorah found it all incredibly amusing.
"I should have done this years ago." He chuckled. His thoughts were interrupted as the door swung open behind him. It was Gigan. He eyed the screen and smirked at the utter destruction. While he didn't find it as amusing as Ghidorah, he didn't hate seeing it either.
"Ah, Gigan, perfect timing!" Ghidorah said. "My Titan was just about to level another city. Care to watch with me?"
"I would but I just came in to tell you we got a message." Gigan replied. "It's from your scientists on Venus. The first wave of the new MechaGodzillas are almost in the final stages of production."
"Wonderful!" Ghidorah said. While he had wanted to build his factory on Earth rather than Venus due to the abundance of resources, Venus was now the only viable place to build it.
"I still don't see why we still need an army of MechaGodzillas when we got this thing." Gigan said, gesturing to the screen.
"It never hurts to have backup." Ghidorah stated. "With my loyal army of Kaiju and robotic soldiers, along with my Titan, we will be unstoppable."
Gigan simply nodded. "I'll let you know when the MechaGodzillas are finished."
Ghidorah nodded back as Gigan left the throne room. As he exited, Destroyah entered. However, he wasn't as confident as Gigan.
"My lord..." He began. "I must tell you something about your Titan."
Ghidorah's smirk fell immediately. "And what is that?" He hissed.
"... Well, as you know, the frequencies we were using to control it failed." Destroyah said.
"Yes, because you disobeyed my orders." Ghidorah interrupted. "But no matter. He may not listen to you, but I seem to be able to communicate with him well. I imagine it's because we share the same soul."
"R-right... well regardless, I developed a contingency in case we ever lose control of it." Destroyah explained. Ghidorah hesitated for a moment. Despite his confidence in his communication with his Titan counterpart, he knew that if his plan were to somehow fail, it would be his most devastating loss yet. Having one more backup plan certainly would only help him.
"I'm listening." He said.
Destroyah nodded, sighing in relief. "Well, as you may have noticed, the Titan's middle head controls the other two. If we were to, perhaps, remove the middle head, we'd have a direct way to control the Titan ourselves by replacing the head."
"Replace it?" Ghidorah scoffed. "And what exactly would we replace it with?"
Destroyah smirked behind his mask. "I took the liberty of designing something that would allow us to directly control your Titan, should need arise." He explained, handing Ghidorah his tablet computer. Ghidorah eyed the screen, quickly taking in what he saw. And he liked what he was seeing, grinning widely at the tablet.
"Destroyah..." He began. "You genius!"

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