Chapter 42: Long Live the King

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Shibuya City, Japan

Finally, Godzilla had arrived. After he, Anguirus and Rodan arrived in Tokyo on their boat, they rented a truck to take them to Shibuya. Luckily, Anguirus knew how to drive, so Godzilla was able to focus on his coming fight.
"So... what do you want us to do again?" Rodan asked.
"I want you to watch the battle from a distance." Godzilla explained. "And if something goes wrong, you jump in. But only if this turns out to be a trap. Otherwise, if Ghidorah shows up alone like he said, I just want you to watch."
"You sure you don't want us to help you out?" Anguirus asked. "I mean, if he's alone, we'd have the advantage, right?"
"No. If Ghidorah's gonna honour his word, I will too." Godzilla said. Anguirus nodded, but he didn't exactly agree. Either way, they had finally arrived at the centre of the city. They parked  behind a building so nobody would see them, but they could watch the fight. Godzilla took a deep breath and stepped out of the truck.
"You've got this, Godzilla." Anguirus assured. Godzilla smirked and closed the door before taking his sword off his back and approaching the city centre. His footsteps echoed against the walls of the buildings around him. His fingers constricted around the handle of his katana and his eyes shot from left to right. Ghidorah was here, somewhere. And Godzilla wasn't going to let him get the upper hand. Not this time. Suddenly, he felt something, and gasped sharply. He swivelled around and drew his katana, ready to attack, but saw nothing. Just as suddenly, he felt something else, then again, and again. It was just rain. Godzilla looked up at the dark thundering clouds above him, and rain began to pour down. Godzilla felt a sense of calm wash over him. Something about the sight of the droplets hitting the ground, the feel of the cold water upon his skin and hair, and the smell of the wet ground made him feel at peace. This calm was not to last, as thunder struck before him, illuminating the silhouette of a figure floating above the ground. Godzilla's heart began to race, and his hands clenched around his sword handle. Ghidorah was here. He stared Godzilla down, his glowing white eyes piercing his soul. Slowly, he lowered himself to the ground.
"You've arrived." He said, unclasping his cape. It fluttered off into the wind. It would hinder his movements if he kept it on.
"I always keep my word." Godzilla replied. He held his sword in front of him, pointing at Ghidorah, and moved his legs into a proper fighting position. Every muscle in his body tensed. As soon as Ghidorah made a move, he would rush him. Lightning stuck once more. Ghidorah remained motionless, but Godzilla flinched. It was slight, but Ghidorah saw it. A grin spread across his face as he recognized the chink in Godzilla's armour. The grin transformed into a chuckle, and the chuckle grew into a laugh. Godzilla gritted his teeth as he realized what Ghidorah was laughing at. He wanted to attack right now, but he restrained himself. The rain matted his hair into his face, but he didn't care. Every muscle fibre, every drop of blood, every single cell in his body was focussed on one thing; killing Ghidorah. Eventually, Ghidorah's laugh faded, and his white glowing eyes went dim. He had disappeared into the darkness of the city. Godzilla furrowed his brow in confusion, but didn't lose his focus. He scanned the area, looking for a sight or a sound to alert him to Ghidorah's presence, but none came. Lighting struck once more, and Ghidorah instantly made his presence known. He was right in front of Godzilla, rushing towards him with a direct strike. Godzilla blocked the attack with half a second to spare. The force of the attack pushed the two of them back a few feet, with Godzilla's sandals grinding into the wet dirt below him. His sword illuminated with atomic energy, lighting the immediate area, and he released a shockwave, sending Ghidorah back, but only by a few inches. This gave Godzilla enough time to flip backwards, landing on his feet, and rush Ghidorah with a loud battlecry. Ghidorah blocked this attack as well, and retaliated with another strike.
"I see you're not pulling your punches this time." Ghidorah grinned.
"Shut up and fight!" Godzilla snapped, pushing Ghidorah back, and sending an atomic blast at him. Ghidorah narrowly dodged the attack, laughing wickedly as the blast exploded behind him.
"You know, you're just like your father. Cursed with a stubborn fighting spirit." Ghidorah accused.
"My only curse is you!" Godzilla shouted, rushing Ghidorah. He slashed at him relentlessly, with Ghidorah countering nearly every attack. The two were equally matched, and there was no clear winner. At least, not yet. Ghidorah was well aware of his opponents skill. But he also knew of Godzilla's stamina. Eventually, he would lose strength. And in that moment, he would get desperate, and that's when Ghidorah would strike. But that moment never came. Godzilla's stamina was unwavering. He kept going, slashing at Ghidorah over and over. But Ghidorah was no slouch either.
"One of us will die before this fight is over, Godzilla." Ghidorah growled. "Wether it takes all night, all month, all year, even until the end of time, one of us will die. I will never stop, and neither will you!"
Godzilla said nothing, but he silently agreed. He was prepared to do anything to stop Ghidorah for good.

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