Chapter 2: Readjustment

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"Well, that went well." Gigan joked. He and Biolante were back on Ghidorah's ship now, on the elevator from the docking bay up to the atrium.
"As well as it could have." Biolante chuckled. They paused for a moment, before Biolante blushed and turned towards Gigan.
"Hey... would you ever want to get married?" She asked. Gigan's eyebrows raised and he glanced at her. He didn't answer at first, but as he thought about it, he eventually shrugged.
"Huh... never really thought about that." He said. "Would it be any different? I mean we already live together and everything."
"I know that." Biolante chuckled. She leaned closer to him until she was touching his arm. "But wouldn't it be nice to... make it official?"
Gigan smirked at her. He loved it when she got all romantic. "Tell you what; if Ghidorah's plan works out, we'll be done with all this Godzilla bullshit." He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close. "And if we're done with that, you and I will have plenty of time to 'make it official'. Does that sound okay to you?"
"That sounds perfect." Biolante smiled. They both leaned into a kiss, but it didn't last long before the elevator hit the main floor. They let go of each other and stood side by side, quickly clearing their throats or fixing their hair as the doors opened. They had expected to see Ghidorah greeting them, and were surprised to see someone else in his place. Before them stood the newest member of Ghidorah's army, Slattern, a powerful Kaiju from another dimension, and the last of her kind alive in this one. She was recruited by Ghidorah to help him open a portal to another universe in order to retrieve a weapon. But as they worked together, Ghidorah began to develop feelings for her. She realized she had feelings for her too, and agreed to stay with him and be a part of his army.
"So, how was the wedding?" She asked.
"Slattern? Where have you been?" Gigan asked. She hadn't been on the ship for months. Nobody knew where she had gone, and when someone asked Ghidorah, he only stated she was working on something important. This was the first time Gigan had seen her in almost half a year.
"I've been taking care of some personal business." Slattern explained, walking towards them. "But now, I'm back. And Ghidorah has some orders for you. Biolante, he wants you to check on the MechaGodzilla production. Gigan, he wants you to-"
"Hold up. Since when do we take orders from you?" Gigan sneered. Slattern sneered right back.
"They're not from me. They're from Ghidorah." She explained, a mocking tone not even attempting to hide in her voice.
"And where the hell is he?" Biolante asked, crossing her arms.
"He's busy." Slattern continued. "He told me to give the orders to you."
"Well, the funny thing about that is, I'm Ghidorah's second in command, not you." Gigan growled, stepping towards her. Before he could take a second step, Slattern rushed him, grabbing his arm and flipping him around, holding it behind his back. Before he had time to react, she slammed his face against a wall nearby. Gigan winced in pain and embarrassment as Biolante gasped in shock.
"Whoever's closest to the king calls the shots when the king's away, right?" Slattern spat. Gigan didn't answer, prompting Slattern to tighten her grip on his arm.
"Right?!" She growled.
"Y-yeah, you're right!" Gigan shot back. His voice was muffled due to his cheek being pressed against a wall.
"Good. Now, I think I've had Ghidorah way closer to me than you have, if you catch my drift." Slattern continued. Gigan rolled his eyes. One thing he hated about Slattern was her constant innuendo. She let go of him, allowing him to rub his arm.
"Do you understand me now?" She asked, flashing a deceptively sweet smile. Gigan nodded. "Good. Now, as I was saying, Ghidorah wanted you to head to Destroyah's lab. He's got a surprise for you."
Gigan grumbled, and made his way down the hall. Slattern smirked as she watched him leave. Biolante glared at her before leaving as well. Nobody was exactly pleased with Slattern's inclusion to their team. Everyone knew Ghidorah's relationship with her, which meant she could walk all over them and nobody could do anything about it. At least, not without incurring Ghidorah's wrath. Slattern's seeming disappearance a few months ago seemed like a welcome change of pace, but now she was back. Gigan muttered about this to himself as he made his way to the laboratory. Whatever Destroyah had in store for him, he was looking forward to it. As he walked, he passed another member of Ghidorah's army; Hokmuto. Gigan grinned. Hokmuto was an Earth Kaiju, unlike many of the rest of them. He was the former lover of a member of Godzilla's army, Muto. But after the two had a falling out over, they split up. Ghidorah ended up recruiting him. He was the newest member of the army before Slattern came along, and as such he was the target of a lot of hazing.
"Hey, Hokmuto!" Gigan called.
"Leave me alone, Gigan." Hokmuto muttered in response.
"Aww, what's the matter?" Gigan teased. "Let me guess, you still miss your ex?"
One of Hokmuto's throwing knives struck the wall next to Gigan's head, and Hokmuto quickly walked away. Gigan smirked and pulled the knife out of the wall.
"Sheesh, what a drama queen." He chuckled, flipping the knife in his hand before he continued to make his way to the lab.

Okinawa, Japan
Okuma Resort

Mothra laughed as she pulled Godzilla down onto the bed with her. It was midnight, and the two had only recently arrived at the resort they planned to have their honeymoon. Both were still somewhat in shock; just a few hours ago, they had officially become a married couple. Both were still in their wedding clothes, though they had both unbuttoned and unzipped. Godzilla's tie hung loose over his neck, and his cuffs were undone, and Mothra's opera-style gloves had been tossed over the beds backboard. As the two lay in bed, Godzilla with his arms wrapped around Mothra from behind, she smiled and gazed at her golden wedding ring. A tear dropped onto her cheek.
"I can't believe it." She said. "I can't believe we're actually finally married."
"Yeah, it's pretty great." Godzilla agreed. He planted a kiss on the back of Mothra's neck, and was met by her elbow being lightly jabbed into his stomach.
"What was that for?" He asked, laughing a little bit.
"For not proposing sooner!" Mothra giggled. "What took you so long?
"I dunno, I guess I was just nervous. I was afraid you'd say no." He explained.
"Did you really think I'd say no?" Mothra asked.
"To be honest, I don't know what I was thinking." Godzilla shrugged. He pretty sure Mothra was drunk, which, knowing her low tolerance for alcohol, wasn't hard to believe. "How many drinks did you have back at the reception?" He smirked.
"Just a few." Mothra assured, acting somewhat smug. "It's my wedding, I'll do whatever I want. Besides, you had just as many."
"Yeah, but I can't get drunk, and you're a lightweight." Godzilla reminded. He shook his head and sighed. While he knew that Mothra could barely handle any amount of alcohol, he had to admit that seeing her drunk was a little bit funny, and extremely cute. He looked around the room as he lay in bed with her. It was the best room at the resort. Similar to Mothra's dress, almost every hotel in Japan wanted to host them for their honeymoon. But they had determined this was the best one. Just glancing around the room they had only just arrived in, Godzilla could tell he was right about their selection. He was broken from his trance when he saw Mothra turn her face to him. She had a deep red blush across her face.
"Hey... did you know that you were my first kiss?" She asked.
"Yeah, you told me that." Godzilla said.
"Was I yours?" Mothra asked, a twinge of hopefulness in her voice.
"No." Godzilla admitted. Mothra deflated slightly as she heard him say this.
"Oh... so who was your first?" She asked.
"Why do you want to know?" Godzilla asked, gently nuzzling her neck, partially an attempt to get her to stop prying. This made her giggle, but didn't make her stop talking.
"C'mon, just tell me. Pleeeease?" Mothra pleaded, looking up at him with her best puppy-dog eyes. Why she wanted to know about his past romantic life, Godzilla had no idea. But he decided to play along. They were married now, which meant they couldn't hide things from each other anymore.
"To be honest, I don't remember." He shrugged. Mothra responded by playfully shoving a pillow into his face.
"You're lying!" She laughed. "I was your first. I knew it!" Godzilla pulled the pillow away from his face, shoving it into Mothra's. She laughed and threw the pillow behind them.
"No, seriously. I don't remember." Godzilla replied. "I think it was with some human girl I knew when I was younger. I think her name was... Musume or something."
"Younger? How old were you?" Mothra chuckled.
"I dunno... 19 maybe." Godzilla guessed.
Mothra shrugged. "Whatever, it doesn't matter now." She said. "I'm the only one you get to kiss now."
They lay in content silence for a few moments, before Mothra noticed Godzilla's hands drifting down her body, eventually resting on her hips. She looked up at him with a flirtatious look in her eyes. "Well anyway, it's our wedding night and I'm drunk. What do you want to do?"
Godzilla smirked, his left hand drifting from her hip to her chest. "I have some ideas." He rolled over until he was on top of Mothra. She shuffled until she was directly underneath him. Godzilla removed her hair ties and placed them on the bed side table next to them while she began to undo the buttons on his tuxedo. After unzipping the back of her dress, he leaned down and kissed her as she grasped onto him. She started moaning softly as the kiss continued. Godzilla discarded his suit jacket and threw it onto the ground, and Mothra did the same with her dress. She gasped and moaned harder as she felt Godzilla running a hand up her stocking-covered leg, signalling for her to open her legs for him. They only broke the kiss for a brief moment to stare into each others eyes.
"I love you, Mothra." He said.
"I love you too, Godzilla." She replied. They then continued their kiss while they began to undress the rest of the way and pulled the covers up over themselves. Godzilla clicked off the lamp on their bedside table, the lights in the room went off, and their honeymoon began for real.

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