Chapter 39: Clash of the Titans

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The Titans were relentless as they ripped into each other. Titan Godzilla was a brute, slamming his opponent into buildings and pounding him into the ground. Meanwhile Titan Ghidorah was more agile and vicious. He snaked around Titan Godzilla with his three heads and attacked him on all sides, while also beating him with his wings. The animalistic nature of these creatures lead to a both entertaining and horrific battle. Luckily, Titan Godzilla knew to keep their fight away from the battle on the ground, as well as their humanoid counterparts. He spun around and smacked Titan Ghidorah with his tail, hitting all three heads at once and slammed him into another building. After regaining his bearings, all three heads growled at him before the titan flew up into the air. Titan Godzilla gritted his teeth. He knew Titan Ghidorah had a massive advantage in the air. But he still had a way to fight. His dorsal plates began to glow from the tip of his tail to the top of his head, making his entire back light up a bright brilliant blue. Once he was charged up, he released his atomic breath into the air at Titan Ghidorah, who reacted half a second too late. The beam hit him in the left wing, making the three heads screech in pain. They growled at Titan Godzilla yet again, before he also began to charge up energy. He released several bolts of lightning at him, striking him in several places. Luckily, Titan Godzilla had thick skin, literally. His dark grey scales deflected most of the lightning, but it still hurt quite a bit. The two fired beams at each other for a while, before finally, one of Titan Godzilla's beams hit the right wing. Titan Ghidorah screeched once again, before falling to the ground. Both wings were ruined now, and he had no way to fly. While he tried to get up, Titan Godzilla grabbed him by the tails, dragging him towards him. He picked up the dragon and swung him around, smashing him into more buildings, before finally letting him go and sending him flying into a skyscraper that collapsed onto him. But he knew Titan Ghidorah was not dead. He had fought him enough times that it would take more than that to kill him. He trudged his way over to the destroyed building as Titan Ghidorah began digging his way out of it. Once he was Titan Godzilla approaching, he screeched and sent another bolt of lightning from his middle head. Titan Godzilla blocked the lightning with his hand, grimacing as he continued to approach him. Once he had reached him, he slapped his hand over the middle head's mouth, shoving the lightning back inside, and making him choke on it. He then grabbed his head by the jaw, while with his other hand, he grabbed his neck. The other heads seemed to realize what was about to happen, and tried to shoot more lightning at Titan Godzilla, but to no avail. Titan Godzilla gripped the middle head hard and pulled, tearing into the golden scales and flesh with all his strength. The other heads screeched in pain while the middle head was being pulled. But even Titan Godzilla's brute strength was not enough to yank his head clean off. Instead, he charged up another atomic breath, and used it as a laser cutter to slice the rest of the flesh, finally decapitating the Titan for good. Without the middle head, the other two went lip, and the rest of the body fell back into the rubble. And just like that, it was over. Titan Godzilla had won. And he let it be known with a mighty roar into the sky.

The loud bellowing roar from Titan Godzilla distracted Ghidorah from his battle. He quickly realized his own Titan had gone quiet. The realization hit quickly. Slowly, he turned around to see the aftermath of the Titans fight. He saw his own Titan, his counterpart from another dimension, dead and decapitated in a pile of rubble. And he saw Godzilla's Titan standing victorious over his own Titan's severed head.
"No..." Was all he could say. Meanwhile, Godzilla lowered his weapon. He knew that this shock would prevent Ghidorah from fighting anymore.
"Looks like your out of luck." He smirked. Ghidorah swivelled around and glared at him. He pondered over his options. He could continue to fight, but he doubted he would win. There truly was nothing else he could do; he had lost. But, then he remembered; Destroyah's backup plan. He grinned, but tried not to let Godzilla see.
"Congratulations, Godzilla. You've won again." He hissed. "But I promise you this! My luck is just about to improve. You will see."
"Uh huh." Godzilla said, sarcastically rolling his eyes. While Ghidorah wanted to kill him more than ever now, he restrained himself as he flew into the air, ordering his army to retreat. In seconds, the MechaGodzillas dispersed, heading back to Ghidorah's ship, which had been parked just outside the battlefield. Once everyone was on board, it took off into the air. But while Godzilla expected it to zoom back into space, he was surprised to first see it hover over Titan Ghidorah's body. Several cables shot from the bottom of the ship and latched onto the massive creature, and dragged it up with it. Then, as Godzilla expected, it took off into space in the blink of an eye. He could already hear the cheering from the surviving human soldiers below. Once more, they had won. And Godzilla couldn't help but smile. Suddenly, he heard something land behind him, followed by a few others. Turning around, he could see Gamera, Mothra, and Rodan behind him.
"Looks like our Titan plan worked out." Gamera said. "Even in other worlds, Ghidorah is no match for the mighty Godzilla."
Godzilla was about to say something, but all of the sudden, he got a strange rush through his body. Not a rush of energy, but a rush of fatigue. It felt like it was swimming. He placed a hand on his forehead and furrowed his brow. Before he could ask himself what happened, he noticed his vision becoming blurry. The others began to worry.
"Godzilla?" Mothra said. Godzilla could barely hear her. His breath was quickening as he felt his mind was going blank. Right as he tried to speak once more, he fell to his knees and collapsed. The last thing he heard was the muffled sound of Mothra calling out to him as his vision went completely dark.

Ghidorah's Ship

"Didn't go so well?" Shin asked as he saw Ghidorah, Gigan, and Slattern return to the ship. Everyone else had been waiting for them ever since they left. While Slattern and Gigan were looking as dejected and defeated as they felt, Ghidorah didn't seem worried at all. Gigan found this incredibly strange.
"Hey... we kinda got our asses handed to us back there." He said. "Plus your Titan got stomped... but you don't look bothered."
"I hate to agree with Gigan, but he's right." Slattern agreed. "This war hasn't gone the way we wanted it to at all... we're not giving up, are we?"
"Of course not, my dear." Ghidorah stated. "It is true, this war has gone on for longer than I had hoped. And it hasn't yielded the results I had hoped either. But all of this will be in the past very soon."
Everyone looked at each other confused, not sure what Ghidorah was talking about. As far as they all knew, his Titan counterpart was their endgame. With it gone, they had nothing left. But one other person in the room knew exactly what he was referring to. Destroyah grinned behind his mask when Ghidorah looked over to him.
"Destroyah, enlighten them on your brilliant plan." He asked.
"With pleasure." Destroyah replied. He pulled out his handheld computer and sent a hologram to the projector in the centre of the room. It was a 3D rendering of Titan Ghidorah.
"What's this about?" Gigan asked.
"As you can see, this is Ghidorah's Titan counterpart." Destroyah explained. "While we now know Ghidorah was able to communicate with it directly, I had devised a way for us to control it should it ever turn against us. Ghidorah requested that I keep it as a plan B."
"That's all well and good..." Hedorah spoke up. "But the Titan is dead. There's no way to control it."
"On the contrary." Destroyah replied. "In fact, Godzilla's Titan has given us the perfect opportunity."
He pressed some buttons on his computer once again, and the hologram began to change. The middle head disappeared, along with its wings, and in their place was something entirely new. While it resembled the other heads, this new head was entirely robotic, with two bright green glowing eyes. Along with this, a new set of mechanical wings adorned its back, and it had new metallic armour all over its body. Everyone in the room was enthralled.
"I give you Mecha Titan Ghidorah." Destroyah explained. "The mechanical parts are already being built on Venus. And once they are, it will only take us a short time to attach them to Titan Ghidorah's body."
"There is one issue though." Ghidorah added. "That being that the Titan is dead. We have no way to restart its heart. Therefore, we simply need a new power source to keep it running."
"So we'll just use super energy, like we do for the ship?" Shin asked.
"No. Our supplies of super energy are low enough as it is." Ghidorah explained. "It will take too long to get enough for it. But don't worry..." A wicked grin spread across his face. "I have a new plan. One that will get us the power supply we need, and destroy our greatest enemy once and for all."

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