Chapter 10: Break Out

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Shin Godzilla paced listlessly around his laser guarded cell. He had only been captive for about two months, and it was two months too long for him. Not only was it small, it was boring. Nothing to do but pace around and stew in his own rage. Luckily, he'd made a new "friend" of sorts. In the cell right across from his stood the alien Kaiju Dogolas. He had attempted to destroy Godzilla and take over the world a few years back, but had ultimately failed. After his defeat, he was taken to the Shatterdome. Dogolas was an opportunist rather than a fighter. His strategy involved finding other more powerful Kaiju to fight for him, while he plotted from the sidelines. It worked, for the most part. He had conquered many planets this way over his centuries of life. But Earth was his greatest challenge yet. He had chosen Shin Godzilla to become his newest champion. However, being locked up, they couldn't do much.
"Calm yourself, Shin." Dogolas assured, seeing his new ally becoming more and more frustrated. "An opportunity will present itself soon enough."
Shin growled at him. "You've been saying that for the last 6 months, asshole." He snapped. "When the hell is this grand plan of yours gonna kick in and get us the hell out of here?"
"Patience. I'm sure our combined reputations have attracted the right people." Dogolas said. "It's only a matter of time."
Shin scoffed and plopped himself on the floor of his cell. As far as he knew, he was gonna be there forever. But suddenly, he heard a shrill alarm. The lights in the room went red and flashed on and off.
"Attention; the Shatterdome is now on lockdown." A voice blared over the intercom. "A break-in has occurred. Until the intruders are found, all prisoners must remain in their cells."
Dogolas grinned under his silver mask. "The time has come, my boy." He stated.
"You sure that's for us?" Shin asked.
"Who else could it be for?" Dogolas replied.
Mere seconds after the announcement, a soft buzzing filled the air. The buzzing grew louder and louder as it approached them. Finally it reached its crescendo, as Shin now saw something entering his own cell. Some kind of cloud or mass was somehow slipping through the laser screen, and was forming into a shape before him. Shin said nothing, amazed and somewhat frightened by this new stranger. The being, or beings, formed into a solid humanoid figure, and cracked its neck as it became fully rigid.
"Shin Godzilla?" The figure asked.
"... Yeah?" Shin replied. The figure turned around to face the other cell.
"Dogolas?" He asked
"I am." Dogolas nodded.
"Then you're the ones I'm looking for." The figure explained. "My name is Shinomura. I work for King Ghidorah. Perhaps you've heard of him."
"Yeah... some of your buddies came after me a while back." Shin growled. It was true, before he was taken to the Shatterdome, Ghidorah had sent Hedorah and Destroyah to recruit him. Shin had refused, violently.
"He told me aboutf that. I can assure you Ghidorah does not want your servitude." Shinomura explained. "Only your co-operation."
"Yeah right." Shin muttered. Dogolas, on the other hand, was much more receptive to Shinomura's offer.
"We'd be happy to offer out co-operation to your employer." He said. "But we have some... conditions."
"I'm sure Ghidorah is willing to hear them." Shinomura nodded. "But here is not the place to discuss such things. My allies are also in this facility, and they have much less time to work than we do. We'll need a decision from both of you now."
Shin and Dogolas eyed each other, seeming to silently discuss their options. Finally, they both nodded.
"We're in." Shin said.
"Good." Shinomura smirked. Once more he dispersed his form into a cloud of organisms and disappeared into the walls. Within mere seconds, the laser doors was shut down, and flickered out of existence. Shinomura's humanoid form appeared outside the cells soon after.
"Now come with me." He ordered. The three ran down the hallway, trying to shut out the disorienting blinking red lights as they made their way to the submarine Shinomura had arrived in. But Dogolas had one more thing on his mind.
"Ah, wait a moment. Something slipped my mind." He said. Shinomura stopped and looked at him.
"What?" He said.
"I'll need my cape." Dogolas explained. "I know where it is. We'll need to take a detour."
"If it's where I think it is, my allies are there right now. We can meet them there." Shinomura nodded.
"We'd better hurry up then." Shin growled. "I have a feeling the Jaegers are gonna start looking for us."
"My associates have already killed two of them. The other three should be no problem." Shinomura explained.
Shin grinned. "I'm starting to like you more and more already."

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