Chapter 45: Heart to Heart

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Mothra sat on her bed, facing the wall. Even a day and a half later, it still just didn't seem real. She ran a hand against Godzilla's spot in their bed, and it still felt warm, as if he had been sleeping there a minute ago. She sighed and looked down at her hands, still clutching his sword. She couldn't bring herself to just let go. She pictured Godzilla walking through the door at any minute. Just as she thought this, she heard the door open. Her heart skipped a beat and she swivelled around, but Godzilla was nowhere to be found. She wasn't sure if she had actually expected Godzilla to be there, but she was still disappointed. Instead, it was Gojira standing in her doorway.
"Hey... this a bad time?" He asked.
"...No, come in, please." Mothra nodded. Gojira walked into the tent, followed by Gojirin and Komi. Mothra stood up to greet them.
"How're you holding up?" Gojira asked.
"I'm alright..." Mothra lied. "... And you?"
"Well that's actually why we're here." Gojirin explained. "We thought maybe it would help if you talked to someone going though the same thing as you."
Mothra suddenly realized she hadn't even thought about how Godzilla's own family must have been coping with his death. She felt horribly selfish for only thinking about it now.
"Oh my god, of course you're all hurting as much as I am." She realized. "I'm so sorry I... I didn't even think about that."
"It's okay." Komi chuckled. "It's... kinda hard to think about anything else."
"N-no, I... I've been selfish." Mothra said. "I'm not the only one who's devastated. I should have been more considerate."
"Really, it's fine." Gojirin assured, holding Mothra's hands motherly. "You were in his life for longer than any of us were after all. He really did love you like nothing else."
"Like you said at the funeral, he loved all of us, but I think he loved you way more." Gojira chuckled.
Mothra nodded. Talking to them did make her feel much better. "I'm so sorry for your loss... no parent should ever have to bury their child."
The others simply nodded in response. But that did remind Gojira of something.
"Speaking of which, Battra told us about... y'know." He said, rubbing the back of his head. Mothra blushed and looked at the ground.
"Oh... y-yeah." She replied.
"How far along are you now?" Komi asked.
"About a week now. It... um... happened during our honeymoon." Mothra explained. "I knew I was pregnant before he left to fight Ghidorah, but I thought that if I told him it would only distract him... but now I really wish I had."
"Still, you're going to be a great mom." Komi beamed. She hugged Mothra close to her. "And it's not like you won't have help raising them. All of us are gonna chip in."
Mothra smiled and hugged Komi back. It felt amazing to smile again. All of her in-law's words helped her feel so much better.
"Listen, I was gonna invite everyone out tonight for drinks." Gojira said. "You should come, I think it would do you good to get your mind off things."
"...I can't drink right now." Mothra stated. "Pregnant, remember?"
"Oh yeah, right." Gojira chuckled. "Well you should still come out with us. You deserve to have a little fun."
Mothra was still hesitant, but she began to realize Gojira was right. They'd been through a lot lately, and she deserved to go out and enjoy herself.
"You're right... I do." She said.

Anguirus, Rodan, and Radon sat together watching television in their lounge cabin, while Battra leaned against the wall watching with them. They were watching the news, waiting for a tip as to where Ghidorah would attack next. With Jet, Moguera, and Gamera off finding Titan Godzilla, they had nobody to try to find Ghidorah for them. After a while, Gojira, followed by Mothra walked into the lounge.
"Hey, you guys feel like going out tonight?" Gojira asked. "I was thinking some drinks would help us get our minds off... things."
"That sounds fun, actually." Anguirus nodded. "I'm in."
Everyone else seemed to agree, but they wanted to finish watching TV first.
"What're you watching?" Mothra asked.
"The news. We're waiting for some kind of hint about Ghidorah." Radon explained.
Mothra nodded and moved behind the couch to watch with them. As the broadcast went on, the reporters began to change topic. Now they were talking about a mass evacuation from Okinawa. The EDF had ordered the evacuation of the entire prefecture due to the Titan Ghidorah attack. Never before had an evacuation of this size taken place in the history of Japan. The screen switched to an on-the-scene interview, and everyone was surprised to see Jet Jaguar was the one being interviewed.
"So how does the EDF plan to get everyone out of the prefecture?" The interviewer asked.
"Well it won't be easy." Jet explained. "We've managed to secure temporary housing for the evacuees, but transport will be an issue. Right now we're planning to modify the Gotengo and our other battleships to transport civilians. If all goes well, we'll begin the evacuation later today."
"Damn... all of Okinawa?" Anguirus asked.
"Well Titan Ghidorah managed to level most of the city." Rodan explained. "There's a lot they gotta rebuild."
The reporters changed stories once again. This time, the headline read "Godzilla Missing."
"Once again, we still have no word on the whereabouts of the Kaiju Godzilla." The reported explained. "He was reported arriving in Shibuya late two nights ago by a truck rental service, but was not seen leaving."
The energy in the room changed in an instant. Nobody had realized that the public wouldn't know about Godzilla's death. Mothra breathed in deeply to stop herself from crying again. The reporter continued, but as he spoke, the screen became filled with static and the image began to glitch out. The signal was being corrupted. After a few seconds, the screen changed completely. Now it showed Ghidorah, sitting on his throne.
"I have hijacked this signal to deliver a message." He explained. "Godzilla is not missing. Godzilla is dead."
Everyone was at full attention now that Ghidorah was onscreen. Mothra could feel the rage build up in her body as she watched her husband's murderer gloat.
"The night before last, I challenged Godzilla to a duel between the two of us." Ghidorah continued. "Foolishly, he accepted. And I won. If you don't believe me, I happened to have drones recording the event. See for yourself."
As he gestured to the camera, the screen switched to show footage of Ghidorah fighting Godzilla. The footage was indeed real. Mothra turned away and closed her eyes as the footage showed Godzilla's final moments. Rodan noticed the effect it was having on her.
"Turn it off." He said. "Turn this off now."
"I can't, it won't let me!" Anguirus said, trying desperately to turn off the TV. Ghidorah must have somehow taken control of all TVs the signal was broadcasting to. They were forced to watch Godzilla die. Soon after, the screen switched back to Ghidorah.
"Now that you know your best chance of stopping me is gone, I expect you to comply with my eventual takeover." He explained. "And as for Godzilla's remaining allies, I have only one thing to say. Where is your saviour now?"
If Ghidorah's message continued, they didn't get to hear it. Because Mothra had put her fist through the screen. Her hand bled from the glass now embedded in it, but she didn't care. Her spirit was engulfed with rage. The only thing on her mind was finding Ghidorah and killing him.


"That went well." Ghidorah said once the camera shut off. He had just hacked into every major live news network on Earth to broadcast his message about Godzilla's death. Now the whole world knew of what had happened. They knew their saviour was gone. After the broadcast was finished, Gigan approached him.
"We're here." He stated with a grin.
"Wonderful." Ghidorah grinned back. What Gigan was referring to was Mecha Titan Ghidorah. They had arrived near Venus, where the cyborg Titan was waiting for them. Once they reached it, Ghidorah, Gigan, Slattern, and Destroyah boarded into a pod to fly a bit closer to it. The middle head of the Titan, which Titan Godzilla had blown off, was replaced with a mechanical prosthetic, as per Destroyah's designs, and the chest was completely replaced by a silver chassis with a glowing green light in the middle. The wings had also been replaced by long mechanical ones, which they noticed were slightly longer than the organic ones.
"Wow..." Gigan breathed. "So how do we control this thing?"
"The controls are on the inside." Destroyah explained. "I'm working on a way to control it from the ship, but for now a few of us will have to drive it ourselves."
Just as he had said, Mecha Titan Ghidorah's chest opened up, allowing the pod to enter it. The inside was dark and filled with equipment and controls. There were also three curved screens in front of the controls. They were dark, but Gigan could guess they were meant to show what the three heads could see. The four stepped out of the pod and eyed their surroundings.
"This is nice..." Slattern remarked. "But I bet it looks even better with the lights on."
"Oh yeah, you said you need a power source for this thing." Gigan said. "What's powerful enough to get this thing going?"
Ghidorah grinned. Something seemed to make him incredibly happy.
"There's only one thing with enough energy to power it." He said. "Or should I say... one person."
He grabbed a lever and pulled it downwards. Immediately, the lights switched on, and they could all see what was powering the Titan. It was a man. His wrists were bound and hung above his head and a device was attached to his back while his feet were stuck in the ground. Several clear tubes were stuck in him as well. Gigan was shocked at first, but then confused as he began to recognize the man. It was no ordinary man. Hanging in front of them was the corpse of Godzilla.

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