1.1 | snowfall on a hot night

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''Are you sure he's coming? He probably chickened out.''

''Yes, I'm sure. Reki would never miss on an opportunity to beat your ass.''

''You really think he's gonna beat my ass? That good-for-nothing kid?''

You glared daggers at the male, your arms crossed and cheeks puffed in anger. You were about to retort back when you noticed Shadow's gaze shift to behind you before he spoke. ''I thought you made a run for it.''

You turned around, seeing the person you've been waiting for and letting out a sigh. Reki halted his skateboard and picked it up, looking directly at Shadow, determination shown on his face.

''I'm gonna have you take back the fact that you dissed my skating, Shadow!'' Reki spoke, holding his skateboard up with his hand. His gaze shifted to you for a second, as if to acknowledge your presence, before looking back at Shadow.

''It's beef!''

''Shadow and Reki are at it!''

''Show some backbone!''

You scoffed at the noise as Shadow walked away to take position at the start line. Before Reki could follow, however, you placed your arms on his shoulders, startling the boy slightly. ''Man, I thought you really chickened out! I would've looked like a fool for defending you if you didn't show up!''

Reki gave you an unamused expression, sweat-dropping. ''I feel very believed-in, thanks Y/n.''

''Hey! Just like you, I've got a reputation to uphold!" you said, crossing your arms. ''Now, go out there and beat his ass! Don't make a fool of me - I mean! Of yourself!''

''Of course,'' Reki said and lifted his hand, the two of them giving each other a high-five before fist-pumping.

You bit on your nail as you watched Reki run over to the start line. Sitting down, you put you skateboard on its side, just like the others, all of them forming sort of a border. Putting your elbows on your knees, you leaned a bit forward to get a better view.

Shadow made a motion that he's going to kill Reki and the signal to start went off. The two took off and were gone from your vision in mere seconds. Quickly taking your phone out, you turned it on and started watching the live broadcast of the competition, much like everyone else.

''Go, Reki,'' you mumbled as you watched, then a moment later winced when he crashed into the bushes, not being able to take the turn.

''The antihero of the 'S' community!'' someone yelled out and you sighed, resting your head back.

- - -

'You seem kind of sad. So your friend didn't win?'

'Yeah, his arm got really injured and his skateboard got burned. I feel so bad for him, he spent so much time making it.'

'I'm sorry to hear that. I hope he'll get better soon.'

You smiled as you read the English words on your arm. Your soulmate was really nice and you really liked him for that.

'Isn't it late for you, though? Why're you still awake?' you wrote on your arm, watching the ink seep into your skin.

'No, actually. My mom and I moved to - today,' he explained, the space left between the two words probably indicating the city or country they've moved to. 'So we're in a different time zone. It's 12 a.m. right now.' your soulmate wrote, causing you to scrunch your eyebrows. You looked at the small numbers on your phone's screen, seeing what time it was.

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now