7.2 | we don't balance out

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no im not crying you are

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You watched as Langa looked at his phone, Adam's invitation open on his screen. You were uneasy on your feet, thinking about all the bad things that could happen. ''Hey, Langa . . .''

Langa looked away from his phone, away from the invitation. ''What?''

''Are you really planning on joining the tournament?'' you asked. That had been the only thought on your mind the whole night.

Langa looked back down at the invitation. ''Yeah.''

Your stomach turned. Was he serious? ''Are you sure? You might end up skating against Adam.''

''I know. But it'll be fun. You're joining, too, right?'' Langa looked at you, who looked away in return. ''What's wrong?''

''I don't know if I'm gonna join,'' you admitted, shifting your weight to your other leg uncomfortably.

''What? Why?'' Langa asked in confusion, turning to actually face you.

''I'm not good enough,'' you admitted, shrugging. ''Besides, it's probably going to be dangerous. Adam's going to compete, Langa.''

''You are good! You're extremely good, Y/n!'' Langa praised you. ''I'm sure you'll be able to get far.''

He grabbed your hands, yet you didn't dare look up at him. ''I'm not, Langa. I'm nowhere near as good as you, or as Reki, or as Joe, or Cherry, or Miya, or . . . Adam.''

''Y/n, I'm sure you can do it,'' Langa said, tilting your head so you could look into his eyes. He had a soft smile on his face, as if to reassure you. ''Let's enter together, alright? Along with Reki.''

You hesitated. Did you want to? You was probably only going to make a fool of yourself, right? What if you end up skating against someone who plays dirty? Would Reki even want to join? It's held by Adam, too. But he looks so happy . . . ''Okay, I'll join. But if I make a fool of myself, it's your fault.''

Langa laughed, causing you to laugh as well. It can't be that bad . . . right? But, if Langa ends up skating against Adam and gets injured . . .

''What're you two laughing about?''

The two looked up. ''Huh? Oh . . .'' Langa turned to face Reki, one of his hands dropping one of yours. ''Adam showed up yesterday, and-''

''I don't wanna hear it,'' Reki cut him off. ''You know how much I hate him, right?''

Langa looked down, his mood falthering. ''Yeah.''

Reki moved his board around slightly as the three stood in silence, you looking between the two boys. ''Langa . . .'' Reki called and Langa looked up. ''Can you do that thing again?''

You and Reki stood to the side as you watched Langa speed down and skate up the plank to touch the drawn start, much like he had done yesterday. ''Y/n . . . how's he so amazing?''

You looked at your best friend, not knowing how to answer.

Langa looked at his friends as he came to a halt in front of them. ''Is this good?''

''I . . . If you jumped ten times, how many times can you reach . . .'' Reki asked.


''Sorry,'' Reki rubbed the back of his neck as he looked down. ''It's nothing.''

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''Hey, Langa, are we still meeting?'' you asked as you grabbed your board from next to your bedroom door.

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now