10.2 | dap not needing words

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hey besties we are now waiting for ep 11 oop. hope you like this chapter btw! also, i always forget to thank you guys for 36k reads y'all i didn't think this book was gonna blow up so much so THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!! <3

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''Careful, now,'' Langa said as he watched you try to balance on your crutches. His arms were outstretched, ready to catch you if you feel. ''Are you managing?''

''Yeah, I think,'' you said, moving your knee slightly. ''I'm gonna have to endure this for six to eight weeks, so I gotta get used to it.''

When Langa had received your call, he hadn't expected you to be calling him from the hospital, asking if his mother can go and check you out of it, since your parents still weren't back. You'd broken your leg, you'd said. It was a minor break, so it would heal soon, you'd said. That, though, did not ease his worries.

Now, since an adult had come to pick you up, you were getting ready to leave and let the Hasegawa's pick you up. You still weren't used to the crutches, though, as you'd just received them, so it was taking some time.

Langa's phone buzzed, but he ignored it - you were more important to him right now. It started to bother him when it kept on buzzing with texts and you chuckled. ''You better check what they want, it might be urgent.''

He gave you an apologestic look, taking his phone out and seeing that Joe had texted him. He swiped the notification open, his eyes widening.

''What's wrong?'' you asked as you furrowed your eyebrows.

''Shadow was attacked by some guy from 'S' and is in the hospital, too,'' Langa said, quickly typing a reply to Joe that they were in the hospital as well and they would meet him in the waiting room in a bit. He quickly pocketed his phone and turned back to you. ''Joe's waiting for us in the waiting room.''

You, still wide eyed at the new information, nodded and started moving with your crutches again - it was still difficult, but you had to rush now. Why did Shadow get attacked? Who attacked him?

''Don't rush so much, you'll fall,'' Langa said upon noticing your distracted state. He stood in front of you, placing his hands on your shoulders to stop you. ''You already broke your foot, you want to break your nose as well?''

''Sorry, I was just worried,'' you said, looking down. Langa chuckled and kissed your forehead. Of course you were worried about someone else when you'd broken your own leg.

''C'mon, let's not rush, the others aren't going to run away,'' Langa reassured you and you nodded, the two of you finally leaving the hospital room you had been waiting for Langa in.

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''What happened to you, kid?'' Joe cocked an eyebrow when he noticed you and Langa approach him, you in your crutches and cast, while Langa stood anxiously next to you, your backpack slung over his shoulder.

''I fell with the skateboard,'' you admitted, as if it was no big deal.

''So, you're out of the tournament?''

You looked down. Your leg was broken, meaning you were out of the tournament. How had you not thought about this? Was this a blessing? Was it a curse?

''Maybe now isn't the time, Joe,'' Langa sweat-dropped, looking at his partner with worry and expecting you reaction. Though, if he had to be honest with himself, he was glad you didn't have to go against Adam anymore. It brought him a piece of mind, to some extend.

''Yeah, I guess I'm out,'' you answered. It felt quite relieving to say, you admitted to yourself. A small smile stretched on your lips.

Joe chuckled. ''You seem oddly cheerful for someone who just broke their leg.''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now