11 | king vs nobody

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hey sk8 fandom, how are feeling now that sk8 is over? i feel empty. praying for a season 2.

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You leaned on the wall, in front of the school gates. You'd just arrived at school, after your father had given you a ride, and was now waiting for Reki and Langa - who were about to be late, probably because they were skating somewhere.

''I win! You owe me a drink now, Langa!"

You looked up from your phone at the familiar voice, a smile finding its way on your face as you watched your best friend and your boyfriend stand in front of the school. Reki was laughing in delight after having won their little competition, whilst Langa didn't seem as amused, as he now owed Reki a drink.

''Guys! Good morning!'' you waved at the two, grabbing their attention. Langa smiled upon the sight of you, popping his board and approaching you.

''Hey, love,'' Langa said as he pressed a quick kiss on your lips and then snatched your backpack from your shoulder, throwing it over his own - a habit he'd acquired ever since you broke your leg.

Reki grinned at his friends. ''Look at you guys being lovey-dovey with each other,'' he gushed. ''It's so cute!''

Langa looked at his shoes, his cheeks becoming red. You looked away, too, as your cheeks were becoming warmer by the second. ''Reki!'' you called in embarrassment. ''Let's just go to class or we'll be late.''

''Alright! The elevator is waiting for us!'' Reki said excitedly. ''You know, Y/n, you should've broken your leg earlier! We're really living the highlife.''

You glared at him. ''How about I break your leg next? So we can continue enjoying the highlife?''

Reki waved his hands in front of his face, smiling awkwardly. ''Maybe the stairs aren't that bad either.''

''That's what I thought.''

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''Well then, try it out,'' Reki spoke as he stared at the pet treat intensely. Langa, who was looking at it as well, nodded. Reki threw the treat, yelling, ''Go, Sketchy!''

Sketchy jumped up from the table, catching the treat mid-air and landing down on two skateboards that Reki had put out earlier. He skated a few centimeters, causing Langa and Reki to look at each other in amazement. ''See! See!''

Just as Reki said that, Sketchy kicked back the two skateboards, each of them flying in each of the boys' eyes.



You burst out laughing at the sight of them holding onto their eyes, whilst Sketchy waved his tail around, unamused.

Manager Oka walked inside the shop, seeing the scene. ''You done cleaning up?'' he asked, causing the three teenagers to look at him.

''We just have to toss the water out!'' Reki said, remembering they hadn't done it yet.

Langa grabbed the bucket from the ground. ''I'll throw it out,'' he said as he walked to the back of the store.

You remained seated on one of the chairs in front of the cash register, finally having calmed down from your laughter. Reki picked up the pack of pet food from the ground, placing it on the table so he can close it.

''Looks like you're good again,'' Oka spoke as he approached the two teenagers, looking at Reki.

Reki turned around and bowed to Manager Oka. ''Sorry about suddenly taking some time off!''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now