5.3 | soulmates!

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okay this is not in the series, but EP 6 NEXT IM SO EXCITED

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You entered your room quietly, as to not alert your family. Falling down on your bed, you smashed your face on your pillows, the goofy smile never leaving your face.

You met your soulmate. Langa was your soulmate. Who would've though? Not only was he a good guy, but he was handsome, too - a bonus you weren't complaining about.

The tingling feeling on your wrist appeared and you sat up in excitement. The words 'hi, soulmate' were still there on your arm, which made you smile even wider.

'good night, Y/n,' Langa wrote, your name not disappearing. Have they finally cracked the soulmate system?

'good night, Langa.'

- - -

You closed the door behind yourself, taking your keys out to lock it. Putting your hands on your backpack's straps you turned around, yelping upon seeing someone behind you.

''What're you doing here so early, Langa?''

''I came to walk you to school,'' Langa admitted, his grip around his skateboard tightening. Should he not have come? Did he already make a mistake? ''Is that okay?''

You nodded your head. ''Of course it is! I just didn't expect it,'' you admitted, walking a few steps forward. ''We should go. We can stop by the convenience store on the way there!''

Langa agreed, turning around to fall into step with you. The two walked in a comfortable silence, you keeping your hands on your bag staps, whilst Langa had one of his hanging. You looked down, remembering the feeling of his hand in yours that night at 'S'. Letting your hand fall next to his, you looked away as you felt them brush against each other once or twice. You moved your pinky, blindly searching for his. Langa looked at your hands, seeing how close they were. He stretched his pinky out, letting you take ahold of it.

You smiled at the contact, turning to look at Langa. He had very faint redness on his cheeks, though there was a small smile tugging on his lips as well. He's adorable.

''What do you want to buy from the store?'' Langa asked, breaking the silence.

''Something to drink, maybe,'' you said, not really sure what you wanted to get. ''I'm kind of hungry, too. I didn't eat breakfast.''

When the two arrived at school, you let go of each other's pinkies, opting to not be too touchy in front of your classmates. You made their way to their seats, next to Reki, who was already there, scribbling in his notebook.

''Morning,'' you said as you put your backpack on your desk before turning your chair to face Reki.

Reki looked up upon hearing his friends, grinning. ''Morning! You guys alright? You didn't crash?''

Langa shook his head. ''We didn't, somehow.''

You glared at Langa upon hearing that, even though you knew you almost did crash a few times. Looking back at Reki, a grin took over your face. ''Reki, you don't know what happened yesterday!''

Reki looked at her in confusion, a cocky smirk on his face. ''What? You found out Langa was your soulmate?''

You blinked once, twice, three times. ''What the fuck? How did you know?''

''Best friend intuition.'' You didn't look convinced. ''Fine. Langa called and told me yesterday. He couldn't keep it in and gushed to me over the phone. It was gross, really.''

Looking at Langa, you spotted him look in the other direction. You smiled at yourself upon seeing it, directing your next words to him. ''Aw, don't be embarrassed! It's cute!'' Langa didn't turn, but a small smile did appear on his face. Was he going to smile every time he was around your? His mouth would start hurting.

''I'm surprised you guys aren't awkward around each other,'' Reki pointed out. ''At least I don't feel like I'm third-wheeling.''

You looked at your hands, thinking. Were you supposed to be awkward around each other? You've been writing to each other since each of you learned how to write, so technically you've known each other for a long time. Besides, you were friends before they even found out. Were you rushing it?

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''Why do we have to have a test tomorrow,'' Reki groaned as he, Langa and you walked out of the school. ''Our plans for the skate park - ruined!''

''Do you guys want to study together?'' you asked, keeping your hands on your backpack straps.

''Yeah, sure,'' Reki agreed. ''Langa, you in?''


''Who's house?'' asked Reki.

''We can go to mine, I don't think my mom would be home until later.''

- - -

The three studied for quite some time, until Reki said he had to go, leaving the two on their own. You were both sitting at the desk, you helping Langa understand some of the Japanese vocabulary.

''So this means 'divide'?'' Langa asked, saying the word in English to make sure he understood it right.

''Yeah, exactly,'' you nodded. ''Do you think you can do it now?''

Langa nodded. ''Let me try.''

He leaned over the desk slightly, while
you leaned back in his desk chair, looking around his room. It was simple, really. Blue, to match his hair. His bed was neatly made, as was his whole room. It gave off a calming aura and it was very much Langa.

Were you really rushing? Reki's statement from the morning lingered in your mind, having been stuck there through the whole day. Was it normal that you've known for a day and nothing between you had changed? Well, not completely nothing, but you were acting as you usually would, just a little more touchy.

''Y/n? Are you okay?'' Langa looked at you in worry, seeing as you had been quiet the whole time and not even using your phone. He put his pencil down, turning to face you properly. ''Y/n?''

''Hm?'' you turned to look at him, your face almost neutral.

''Is something wrong?'' Langa asked.

You gave him a small smile. ''No, everything's fine. Why?''

''You seemed off.''

So he noticed, you thought. ''I was just thinking.''

''What about?''

You sighed. ''About what Reki said in the morning . . . that we aren't awkward around each other. Like, are we supposed to be? Are we rushing into this? We haven't even known for a day and we're so comfortable with each other, is that even normal?''

Langa stayed quiet for a second. ''I think it's normal. Everyone has their own pace. And I like that we're already comfortable with each other,'' he admitted, his face slightly falling. ''Are you not that comfortable with me yet?''

Your eyes widened and you shook your head. ''No! Not all! That's not it, I was just surprised we had no awkward stage, that's all!'' you sighed. ''I'm sorry it came off like this. But you're right. I'm . . . glad we can be comfortable around each other.''

Langa smiled and leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek. You stood stunned for a second, then laid your head on the desk, hiding your face away from view. ''Well, now you're embarrassing. Let me check your work.''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now