8.2 | the fated tournament

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btw did you guys notice that 'snake' was in the op too? literally after tadashi is shown there's this random guy with a cap showed and like it turned out it's tadashi like bruh

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You walked into the classroom, Langa right behind you. Your eyes immediately fell on Reki, who was already sitting on his seat and staring out of the window. You would've been surprised he was here early if they hadn't actually been the ones who were late.

''Hey, Langa!''

''Y/n, could you help me? I didn't do the homework!'' a classmate of theirs spoke. You looked at Langa, asking with your eyes if he was going to be okay sitting alone with Reki. After all, Reki was ignoring him. Langa simply nodded, telling you to go ahead.

Once you'd let your classmate copy your homework you went to your seat, turning around to face your best friend. ''Hey, Reki.''


''We got past the qualifiers, did Langa tell you?'' you spoke with hesitation, not sure how he was going to react.

''He did. Good for you, I guess.''

Ah. So he hadn't thought everything out yet. You looked at Langa, who was looking at his desk in disappointment. You sighed and turned around to look at your own.

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''Good job, Langa!'' you cheered as you watched him go up and down the ramp. It was yet anotehr night at 'S', yet another night that Reki wasn't there. ''You're going higher and higher, I'm jealous.''

Langa came to a halt and turned to face you. ''I'm sure you can go even higher.''

You chuckled. ''Langa, you really seem to be overestimating me.''

''Well, you're extremely good in my eyes, so I think you can do it. You just need to believe in yourself.''

You looked at the ground, taking in his words. Extremely good. Believe in yourself.

What a thought.

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The bell above the door rang, causing Joe to look up. ''Sorry, we're- Oh. What're you doing here, Y/n? Alone, no less?''

You walked further into the restaurant, standing in front of the counter. ''I need a favor. Or, two favors.''

Joe rose an eyebrow at you. ''Favors? What is it?''

Sitting down on the chair in front of the counter, she looked up at Joe. ''Could you maybe try talking to Reki? He still seems to be contemplating and I don't know what to tell him.''

Joe put down the dish he wiping to grab another one. ''Sure, I'll talk to him if I see him.'' He nodded. ''What's the second favor?''

You shifted in your seat. ''Could you maybe . . . coach me for a bit?''

Joe furrowed his eyebrows. ''Coach you?''

''Yeah.'' You nodded. ''It's just . . . all of you guys are so much better than me and you all qualified. I'm nowhere near as good. I don't want to be left behind. I wanna stand a chance, you know? And Langa has such high expectations of me. He believes so much in me, I just don't want to disappoint him.''

''You seem very good from what I've seen, though,'' Joe said, looking at you. ''You managed to copy my trick, too, back then.''

''I fell on my ass.''

''Sure, the landing wasn't graceful, but it was good for a first time,'' Joe said, putting down the last dish and walking in front of you. ''You have the potential, skills and brains. You just don't have the confidence. You should believe in yourself more, kid.''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now