2.2 | awesome for the first time!

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''So you're alive, after all.''

You came to a halt, stepping on your skateboard to make it pop before catching it. ''Somehow, I am.''

It was Saturday, meaning you could spend their whole day skating, so you'd decided to meet at the skatepark to help Langa learn one of the most important things in skating - the ollie.

''Yeah, they stayed until really late and I just passed out right after they left,'' you explained. ''Minoru was as annoying as ever, though. I hate him so much! If only his dad wasn't my dad's boss.''

Langa looked at you in pity, though he was annoyed at whoever this Minoru guy was for having caused you discomfort.

You sighed. ''Anyway, have you tried doing an ollie yet?'' you asked as you looked at Langa, your previous discomfort gone from your features.

''No, we just got here,'' Langa explained.

''Oh, alright! Let us show you, then!'' you said as you let your board and raced ahead, climbing on and pushing off, popping an ollie mere seconds later. Langa stared in astonishment, noting how easy you made it look, whilst Reki cheered you on.

Unfortunately, it wasn't as easy as you'd made it look. He'd tried a few times already, yet each time the board would roll away from under his feet. He tried to jump over the two water bottles Reki had put down for him, but alas, he'd ended up falling on his side once again.

You and Reki, of course, noticed your friend's failed attempt and approached him, each of you on your skateboards.

''Are you okay?'' asked Reki.

Langa put his fist on the ground, not standing up. ''To think an ollie is this difficult . . .''

''You have ollies in snowboarding, too, right?'' Reki asked in curiousity.

''That's true. But your feet are attached and your feet don't change stances, so amateurs can pull off something like it,'' Langa explained. ''But in skateboarding, your feet aren't attached. It flies with you. It's completely different. How long did it take you guys before you got it down?''

Reki stood on his skateboard proudly, throwing up two fingers. ''Me? Two months!'' he said. ''But it usually takes around three months or so.''

''That long?'' Langa looked at Reki in discouragement, turning to look at you in hopes you might've done it faster.

''It took me two and a half,'' you admitted, shrugging. ''Popping an ollie isn't an easy task, so give yourself some time. It'll be worth it when you manage to do it for the first time!''

Langa sighed. ''Do you have to be able to do this?''

Reki explained to Langa how important the ollies were, whilst you took a seat down next to Langa and rolled your eyes at how extra your best friend was being. ''If you wanna pop an ollie, you won't be able to do it if you're duct-taping. Just get used to it.''

Langa looked away. ''I'm scared. I can't keep my cool.''

''How many years have you been snowboarding?'' Reki asked.

''Let's see . . .'' Langa said as he started counting on his fingers, putting more and more down. ''Fifteen years, I think.''

Your and Reki's eyes widened. ''Wait! From when you were two?''

''If you've been doing it that long, no wonder you can't shake off its sensations,'' Reki said before he got up. ''Let's go!''

- - -

''Reki, your room's a mess,'' you pointed out as the three of you walked inside, having just arrived at the Kyan household. You plopped down on his messy bed, not really caring what he'd say.

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now