10.1 | dap not needing words

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yk writing while the whole anime is not out yet is a whole ass challenge i hope i manage to somehow connect it KFHSHDF

also ep 10 was a whole ass rollercoaster lmfaoo

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''Langa, Y/n!'' The two of you turned towards the voice, seeing Miya looking at you.

''Miya!" Langa said as he tugged you towards the younger boy. ''Have you seen Reki? I'm sure he was here. I heard his 'Langa' while I was skating.''

''Maybe he ran away because he doesn't want to see you.'' Miya looked away. ''You're in the way. I'm about to start my run now. But make sure to bring him to the next beef even if you have to put a rope around his neck. I wanna show that slime the moment where I'm crowned champion.''

You watched as Miya walked away. So Reki not being there anymore was affecting him, too . . .

You and Langa watched the screen as Miya and the mysterious skater started, Miya taking the lead at first, but Snake quickly making it in front of him, starting to dance on his board to avoid the rocks.

''That skating is . . .'' Langa spoke as he watched the screen in confusion.

''He's using Adam's style . . .'' you added.

In the end, Snake ended up winning, leaving Miya out of the competition.

Now, it was just Adam, Langa, Snake and you.

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At the end of the night, you and Langa weren't able to find Reki. 'S' ended for the night and you started making your way towards your homes. Your house came first, as usual. ''I'll see you tomorrow, Y/n.''

You didn't say anything and just as he turned around to start making his way towards his house, you tugged on his sleeve, causing him to stop.

''What is it?'' Langa asked, turning around to face you.

''Could I . . . stay at yours tonight? My parents aren't home and I don't want to be alone,'' you admitted. Was there something wrong?

''It's no problem, of course,'' Langa said, looking at his phone's screen to see it was nearing midnight. ''I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind. She'll probably be asleep, anyway.''

You nodded and quickly grabbed your uniform and schoolbag from your house, making your way out and locking the door after yourself before you and Langa made your way towards his house.  He led you in once you arrived, the light still being on, which confused both of you.

His mother stood up from the couch, turning the TV as she turned around to face them ''Langa - oh, Y/n is here, too?''

''Yeah, sorry for the intrusion, Mrs. Hasegawa,'' you said, scratching the back of your head.

''Why're you still awake, Mom? It's late,'' Langa questioned. ''Also, can Y/n stay over tonight? Their parents aren't home and they don't want to stay alone.''

His mother looked between the two of them before letting out a sigh. ''Fine, you can stay, Y/n. But no funny business, alright?''

You couldn't help but chuckle, whilst Langa blushed at her words. He led you towards his bedroom, where you placed your boards next to the door. Langa opened his wardrobe and fished some clothes for you to wear to bed before turning around to give you the privacy to change.

''Thanks,'' you said and quickly switched your clothes. ''I'm done.''

Langa changed as well and the two crawled into bed, Langa putting each of your phones to charge on his nightstand and turning the lamp off. He ran his fingers up and down your spine soothingly, almost lulling you to sleep.

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now