1.2 | snowfall on a hot night

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''The job is for you to deliver a client's board to this location,'' Manager Oka spoke after the four of them had made it back to Dope Sketch. ''The delivery time is midnight the day after tomorrow.''

''I can't deliver it during the day?'' Langa said as he held the paper with information Oka had given him.

''The gates don't open until late at night,'' Reki said, slightly raising his head and still slightly sulking.

''Gates?'' Langa asked.

Oka put his hand on his chin. ''Have you heard about a skateboarding race that takes place in an abandoned mine?'' He smirked. ''Only chosen ones get to take part in this special race. The race is called 'S'.''


''Normally I'd go, but things aren't working out for that night,'' Oka explained.

''A woman,'' Reki spoke, disappointment written on his face.

''It isn't!''

''It's that childcare worker from the other day!'' Reki pointed at Oka.

You grinned. ''I knew I wasn't seeing things! Oh, Manager Oka, did you find your soulmate and didn't tell us?''

''I didn't! It's about the debt!''

Your grins got wiped off your faces. ''Debt?'' asked Reki quietly.

Oka sighed. ''About money I owe,'' he said. ''This shop . . . is about to go under.''

''I didn't hear about it!" Reki exclaimed.

''Manager Oka, you can't be serious!'' you added. You couldn't imagine the shop closing, it couldn't close, right?

Oka stuck his tongue out, indicating he was joking. ''Lies like that are the worst! And you're the manager!'' Reki protested, unamused at the joke, as were you.

''Then you should listen to what I have to say more,'' Oka spoke teasingly.

''That was still mean, though!" you huffed and crossed your arms in front of your chest as well.


The three turned to look at Langa after he yelped, seeing that Oka's pet had bit him on the finger. He held his wrist as Reki grabbed the pet off the counter.

''I mean, Manager Oka, you're always coming later than I do,'' Reki said, just before the pet bit him as well and jumped at you, cuddling into your arms. You stroked it's fur affectionately, letting it relax.

''There, there."

- - -

''Why did I have to come as well?'' you asked as you yawned. It was very early in the morning and Reki had to go pick up a sticker for Langa so he can enter 'S' - but why were you dragged out at six in the morning as well?

''Because you'd have to walk to school alone then,'' Reki said.

''I was fine walking on my own!" you protested.

''It's dangerous for you to walk around alone you know,'' Reki said, causing your eye to twitch.

You lifted lifted leg. ''Dangerous my ass!" you said as you kicked him in the back, causing him to scream and fall on the ground in pain. You straightened your uniform then turned around, seeing Langa look at you in bewilderment. ''What? Let's hurry up, we'll miss the train.''

That was kind of . . . hot, Langa thought as he watched you skip ahead. He shook his head, remembering he had a soulmate somewhere out there and he should stay faithful to them.

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now