4.2 | adam, the matador of love

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man this ep in particular hit so hard when it came out, I literally cried at the part where Reki and Adam were like racing and the music started because it was so epic holy shit-

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Reki stood with his back towards them, making sure his skateboard was in top condition. Langa simply stood at the entrance of his small workshop, whilst you leaned against the wall, your arms crossed and looking down. ''Reki . . . Are you ready?'' Langa asked.

Picking up his skateboard, Reki turned around to face his friends, a grin on his face. ''Yeah! All good!''

''What did you do to your board?'' asked Langa, stepping inside the shed.

''Just made sure everything was as it should be, nothing special,'' Reki said, looking down at his board.

''We should hurry up, Shadow and Miya should be at the diner soon,'' you pointed out as you pushed off the wall and checked the time on your phone. The three picked up their boards and skated on the way to the diner, racing and laughing the whole time. Calm before the storm.

Shadow's pink car came into view and the three approached it, Langa holding the door open and bekoning you to go in first, resulting in you being squished between Langa and Reki once again, to your unfortune. ''Thank you, old man!" Reki said as he closed the car door.

''Get out.''

''I was just joking.''

The three noticed the slight tension between Shadow and Miya, Reki leaning in to get closer to the two, causing you to lean closer to Langa and away from Reki again. ''Is something wrong?''

''Your face is so close,'' Miya said, looking away.

''Reki, do you brush your teeth?'' Langa suddenly asked, causing you to snort and choke on your saliva, resulting into you hunching over and coughing while Langa patted your back.

''I do brush! Salt Crystal toothpaste is my favorite!'' Reki said as he rubbed under his nose.

''Just don't eat it,'' Shadow reminded.

You finally managed to catch your breath, leaning back and blinking your eyes a few times. Wiping the tears that had gathered at the corners of your eyes, you unintentionally leaned your head on Langa's shoulder, causing the boy to tense up slightly, but not say anything.

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''We can watch Adam skating today!''

''Woo-hoo! I've been waiting for this!''

''So many people,'' Langa commented as he looked around - he'd never seen 'S' this full before. And, to be fair, neither have you.

''Of course. It's because they can watch Adam,'' Reki explained. ''The legendary man. The undefeated champion. The god of 'S'.'' Reki counted on his fingers.

''You sure made a frightening guy your enemy, Reki,'' Langa pointed out.

''Do you get it?'' Reki pointed at Langa. ''If I lose, you're gonna be up next!''

''Oh, right.''

''Let's call it off.'' The three teens stopped and looked behind them to see Miya, who'd fallen behind slightly. He was staring at the ground, his bangs covering his eyes. ''There's no need for him to apologize to me. 'Empty' isn't necessarily a lie anyway!''

''Miya . . . You . . .'' Reki started. '''For me . . . I don't know why or how all too well . . . but right now, I wanna blow that Adam guy outta the water and change that smirking face in a crying one!''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now