6.2 | steamy mystery skating!?

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bruh this chapter is so short wtf. but yeah the next ep is supposed to come out in less than an hour and im literally so scared you have no idea. BUT next chapter isn't going to be ep7 yet, i have sth else planned heh

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''The hot spring isn't here at all?''

''Looks like you didn't read the data you were given.''

''I got a map from the hostess,'' Cherry said as he placed the piece of paper on the table, everyone getting closer to take a look. ''It's in the mountains five kilometers here. It's what you call 'a secluded hot spring'.''

''Five kilometers, huh?'' Joe asked, a slight smirk on his face. ''That's the perfect distance to have a beef.''

''Beef . . .'' Langa spoke in amazement. You chuckled at your soulmate.

''That plan . . .'' Shadow opened the doors, having put his make-up on and gelled his hair up. ''Count me in!''

''You're all ready.''

''Didn't you go off to sober up?''

''My weak self that gets controlled by booze . . . was left behind underneat the mask!''

You propped your head on your hand, eyeing Shadow. ''You're going to a hot spring with make-up on?''

''Don't question my methods!''

You simply rested your head on Langa's shoulder in exasperation. Langa didn't mind and simply patted your head before looking at the map again. ''What's this mark?'' Langa asked, pointing at a symbol on the map.

''Some kind of a face,'' Joe said, holding his cup.

''Maybe some monkeys show up,'' Cherry suggested.

''Listen up!'' Shadow exclaimed, though no one paid him any mind.

''Maybe it's the thing that shows up that the hostess was talking about,'' Miya thought out loud.

''There's no way they'd draw something like that on the map!'' Reki yelled.

''Can it be that you're scared?'' Miya suggested.

''No way!'' Reki dismissed him. ''A ghost? We're not grade schoolers.''

You stood up, slowly walking behind Reki. His eyes were closed so he didn't notice you until you set your hands on his shoulders and yelling, ''BOO!''

''ARGH!'' Reki yelped and jumped up slightly, turning around to glare at you, who had fallen on the ground laughing.

''Have you guys been hearing a strange sound?'' asked Joe as you crawled back to your seat next to Langa.

''Stop saying stuff like that!'' Reki exclaimed.

''One . . . Two . . . Three . . .''

Cherry was stacking small plates on top of each other, creating a sound. His hair was dishevelled, a strand in his mouth whilst Miya was pointing a flashlight at him, making him look scarrier - to Reki, at least.

''I'm telling ya. Stop that!''

''Four . . .''

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''The first one to arrive at the hot spring will be deemed the winner. You're free to choose whichever path.''

It was already dark outside, the group standing in front of the inn, everyone in bathrobes and skateboards in hand. Each of them had a copy of the map as well, looking at it as Cherry explained the rules to their makeshift beef.

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now