12.2 | our infinity

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The race started and Adam was in the lead. He tried to attack Langa with a Love Hug before trying to hit him like he'd hit Cherry back then, though Langa managed to dodge it. They were going extremely fast, so fast that the camera couldn't keep up with them.

''Straying even a bit from the main line, and you crash,'' Cherry pointed out.

''A new interval record has been set,'' Carla spoke suddenly.

''You're kidding me!'' Miya exclaimed.

''They're on a different level!'' Shadow said.

You weren't sure if you were breathing. You could barely hear the others talking, too. Your focus was on Langa and Langa alone, even though you could only see him through te screen. He seemed out of it as Adam spoke to him, though none of them could hear their conversation.

''Please, Langa . . .'' you spoke, praying to whatever higher power there was to keep him safe.

Cherry explained that they were probably in the 'zone' at the moment, where they're concentrated only on their goal and don't pay attention to their surroundings. Langa followed after Adam as they crossed an unstable, makeshift bridge, which snapped right under his feet.

Langa fell down from the course.

''LANGA!'' both you and Reki yelled out as you watched your friend fall down.

He was falling. He was falling from the course. Was he about to fall to his death? He couldn't be, right? He couldn't die, he was Langa, he was your soulmate, he wouldn't leave you, right? He wouldn't leave his friends. He wouldn't leave his mother. He couldn't, right?

A million thoughts ran through your head as she watched him fall.

Langa caught his board, managing to put it back under his feet and skate down the hill, a smile on his face. You felt your good leg give in, causing you to fall down on her knees. Your broken leg hurt from the impact, but you couldn't bring herself to care.

''Y/n!'' Miya and Cherry exclaimed as they noticed you fall, though you didn't pay attention to them, your eyes never leaving the screen, never leaving Langa.

''What a guy!'' Joe chuckled.

''Simply unpredictable,'' Cherry added.

''That's the Langa I know!'' Reki exclaimed, casuing you to laugh in relief.

Langa and Adam ended up colliding with each other not too long after Langa's death-scare, causing you to gasp again. You could hear someone turn around to run, but you couldn't bring yourself to do anything.

''Hold it!'' Reki said.

''But Langa . . .'' Miya tried to reason.

''He'll get up,'' Reki said, causing you to look at him.

''Huh?'' Miya asked.

''He will.''

You looked back at the screen, managing to nod. ''He's Langa, after all.'' Just as you said, Langa started to get up, earning gasps from the crowd. He went up to Adam, holding up his skateboard.

The race resumed, though this time it felt less tense than before. It almost looked like they were . . . having fun.

''Those guys are on a completely different level!'' Shadow said.

''It's way too reckless . . .'' Miya tried to reason with everyone. ''. . . but . . .''

''He looks like he's having tons of fun!''

Adam pulled in front of Langa as the two were nearing the finish line. Reki looked down at you, who was still on the ground. ''Y/n, c'mon, let's go greet him!''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now