3.2 | undesired hero

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who wants to start an adam hate club?

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You stood next to Langa, biting your nail. It was almost time for him to go up against Miya in a beef, and you were getting quite anxious. Why did Langa love to pick on more skilled opponents? And why was Reki not here with the skateboard yet?

Langa fixed his gloves, the momentary silence broken. ''Langa.''

He looked at you upon the call of his name, your gazes meeting. ''What is it?''

You looked at his eyes - have they always been so shiny? - staying quiet for a moment. There was no point in trying to convince him to call it off, so you just said, ''Be careful and . . . good luck.''

Langa nodded, the tiniest smile on his face. ''I will, thanks. You really shouldn't worry that much about me, your soulmate might get jealous.'' He felt uneasy upon mentioning your soulmate, but he ignored it. He had no right to complain, right? You were nice and pretty, and cool, and hot, but he had no right to think such things, right?

''I heard that rookie's gonna go up!''

''Huh? That duct tape guy?''

''If he's up against Miya, there's no way he's gonna make it!"

''An amateur is no match against a pro.''

''Is that the snowboarding dude?''

''He doesn't have duct tape today!''

''More like, he doesn't have a board?''

''He forgot his board?''

''Like, seriously, no way.''

''No way!''

''I'm so beyond disgusted that I can't laugh. Are you mocking me?'' Miya spoke, casuing both you and Langa to look at him.

''I didn't forget it,'' Langa said. ''It's being made right now.''

''Huh?'' Miya questioned.

Pants were heard coming from their right and Langa turned towards the sourse, seeing Reki run towards you with Langa's board in hand. ''Reki!"

''Sorry I'm so late,'' Reki said as he bent down, putting his hands on his knees, and trying to regain his breath. He pushed Langa's board against his chest, saying, ''Here's your board. Go skate to your heart's content!''

Langa nodded. ''Yeah.''

''Using that for the first time on your actual challenge?'' Miya questioned, reminding the three that he was there. ''Power of friendship? How embarrassing.''

''Langa's skilled enough to beat you with whatever board,'' you pointed out, directing the attention towards yourself. ''Don't get too cocky, kid.''

Miya scoffed before looking ahead, then a smirk took over his face. ''I decided what to wager.''

''If I win . . .'' Miya said as he looked straight at you, pointing his finger at you. ''You'll become . . . my maid!''

You blinked, looking at the middle schooler. ''Your what now?''

''You heard me - my maid,'' Miya said, smirking, thinking he could humiliate you. He looked at Langa. ''Your precious partner is going to become a maid because of you.''

''Oi, kid, don't get too ahead of yourself,'' Reki said, joining the conversation.

''In the unlikely event that I loose, I'll be a dog or a cat or whatever,'' Miya continued, as confident in his skills as ever. ''How's that?''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now