5.1 | passionate dancing night!

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i have decided to stop torturing you guys lmfao, though i feel like my writing is starting to look slacky sksksksksk

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You were looking at the ground as you leaned on the wall next to Langa, your tears long dried. They were in the hospital, in the ER to be exact, so Reki could get his wounds threated. You bit your nail, waiting for him to come back.

Steps were heard and everyone looked up, seeing Reki standing in front of them. His head was bandaged up and his arm was in a cast, but otherwise he seemed okay. ''They said two weeks to full recovery,'' he said, looking down at his arm. "Nothing wrong with my head!''

You let out a relieved sigh as you slid down the wall.

''You're lucky you got off with just that much,'' Miya said, looking at the ground.

Reki approached him. ''Sorry about that, Miya. I told you I'd win.''

''That's why I told you. There's no way a slime can beat the final boss.'' Miya stood up and walked away, though stopped and added, ''But you know . . . I'll promote you to a golem or something.''

''What was that?'' Reki asked.

''He said you looked cool,'' Langa cleared.

Miya took a few steps back, standing right between Reki and Langa, turning to yell in Langa's face. ''I didn't say anything like that!''

''Huh? Man, Japanese is so difficult,'' Langa said, causing you to chuckle. You pushed off the wall, straightening up to stand next to Langa.

''Let's not fool around,'' Shadow spoke, causing everyone to look at him. ''We have someone here who's next in line for skating against Adam.''

Reki's eyes widened and he turned to look at Langa. ''It's my fault. I roped you into all of this, too . . . Langa.''

''It's not your fault, Reki. Besides . . .''

You looked at Langa, seeing him slightly freeze in place. ''Langa?'' Reki asked, looking at his friend in worry.

Placing a hand on his shoulder, you spoke as well. ''Langa, are you okay?''

That seemed to shake him out of his trance. He looked down, giving a nod. ''Yeah, sorry. We should go home.''

You looked at him with doubt, but didn't press further. ''Yeah.''

The five started heading out of the hospital and towards Shadow's car so he can drop them off at their houses. ''Hey, Reki,'' you called, causing the boy to stop and turn around. The rest continued, possibly not having heard you.

''What's up?'' Reki asked, turning to face his best friend.

''You're a dumbass, you know that?'' you said, causing Reki to chuckle.

''You've told me a that a lot of times,'' Reki said. ''But what?''

''But . . . that beef was reckless. You scared the literal shit out of me,'' you said, looking down. ''I'd never seen you this hurt before . . . and I don't want to see you this hurt ever again.''

''I'm sorry for worrying you,'' Reki said. ''But I'm fine now, really. I appreciate you worrying for me, though.''

You chuckled, punching his good shoulder lightly, as a way to show affection. ''I'm glad you're better now.''

Reki grinned, walking next to you and wrapping his arm around you shoulders. ''C'mon, the others are waiting for us. We gotta teach Langa how to possibly survive now.''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now