7.1 | we don't balance out

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this one hurts to write.

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You looked at her phone as you stood next to Langa, who was staring into nothing, your pinkies linked. You had some time before school starts, so the three of you were going to skate on your way there. Reki was currently the only one missing.

''When do you think he's coming?'' you asked, putting your phone away and looking at your boyfriend.

Langa shrugged. ''Any minute now, probably,'' he said just as a skateboard moving on the ground was heard. Langa turned around, a smile making its way on his face. ''There he is.''

Langa and Reki did their handshake. ''Morning!'' Langa greeted.

''Morning! What do you guys wanna do today?'' asked Reki as he then did the handshake with you. 

''How about the Big Wood course?'' asked Langa.

''Sounds good!'' Reki grinned.

The three of you took off, passing a bottle of water on the day. As they made it down to a steeper way, Reki popped an ollie and skated down the handrail, impressing Langa. You followed right after your best friend, doing a quick flip as you made it to the end of the handrail, landing next to Reki.

Langa grinned as he watched the two, taking off and gaining as much speed as he cold. He skated up a propped plank, flying up the wall right in front of him and touching a grafitti, which were drawn pretty high, before nailing the landing as well.

''Woah! That was pretty good!'' Reki exclaimed.

''That was amazing, Langa!'' you called as well.

''So cool!''

''What was that?''

''You can jump that high on a skateboard?''

You, Reki and Langa looked behind yourselves, seeing three middle school boys watching the scene. Reki simply crossed his arms with a grin, nodding smugly. You nudged Reki's shoulder and popped your board, starting to run before jumping on top of the skateboard to catch up to Langa. Reki followed and, once the three of you were close, you high-fived.

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''Can I have some more coke?'' you asked, looking at Langa, who was polishing the back of his board.

''Of course,'' Langa said as he put his things on the ground, going to fetch his partner a coke. His partner. He couldn't help but smile at the thought. ''Here. I had to restock, knowing how much you like coke.''

''Thank you,'' you said. As Langa sat back down and grabbed his board, you shifted closer to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek, causing the boy's cheeks to flush pink.

He looked at you shyly, a part of his hair covering his face. ''What was that for?''

''Just 'cause I love you, you know,'' you said before popping your can of coke open, taking a sip. You looked around the room, seeing the single photograph propped on the table. There was Langa, with his mother and, assumingly, his father. He was still young there, holding a small snowboard, and his parents smiled at the camera.

You laid down on the ground to stare at the ceiling. Langa looked behind himself, watching you for a second before setting his board down again and leaning to lay back next to you. ''What're you thinking about?''

''Nothing in particular,'' you admitted, turning your head slightly to the side. ''I'm really glad I got to meet you, Langa.''

''You're being awfully affectionate today,'' Langa said as he turned his head to face you as well. ''But I'm glad I got to meet you, too.''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now