10.3 | greetings

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omg guys i can't wait for tpn s2 to be announced, it's gonna be so epic!! can't wait to see yuugo and oliver animated <3 also here's a random chapter which is mostly fluff and kinda cheesy oop

BTW! if you haven't already, go check out my reki x reader fanfic, 'the girl from 's''!

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Langa stared at his wrist in confusion after he'd felt the thingling sensation. Why was Y/n using their soulmate connection?

'Good morning <3'

It was their usual good morning greeting. The one they've had since they were ten. Of course, they kept it up - but they'd started doing it over the phone ever since they found out they were soulmates. That was exactly what he was about to text you, but you'd beaten him to it.

Looking at his desk, he spotted a stray pen laying on it. He picked it up and wrote on his wrist, right under your words.

'Good morning :). why on here tho?'

It took a moment, but Y/n answered. 'Force of habit sorry. But it felt more right.'

Langa smiled. 'Yeah it does. I'll see you soon, alright? Love you :)'

'Love you too <3'

You grunted as you shuffled around the house with your crutches - they were a pain, really. You were close to stepping on the broken leg out of frustration, but you knew if you did, it would only hurt more. So, you sucked it up and continued walking towards the front door, your backpack slung over her shoulder.

It was early, way earlier than you would usually leave to go to school or to meet Langa and Reki. You had to leave earlier today, as your dad had apparently left in a rush for work earlier than usual, leaving you with no other choice but to have to walk to school.

''Mom, I'm leaving!'' you called, getting a response from your mother wishing you a good day. You sat on the chair your parents had placed next to the door specifically for you, putting a shoe on your good leg.

Opening the door has been a pain for the past three days - you opened it, your eyes fixed on your feet so you wouldn't fall, then closed the door behind yourself. On top of everything, you had to carry your backpack along.

It was going to be a great day, wasn't it?

''Good morning!''

You almost jumped out of your skin at the greeting, looking up from your feet. Langa and Reki were both standing in front of you, their skateboards strapped to their backpacks. It was a little past seven in the morning, what were the two doing here so early?

''Uh, hi?'' you shifted your gaze between the two. ''What're you guys doing here?''

''Your mom texted me in the morning saying your dad was leaving early and you would have to walk to school,'' Langa explained. ''So, we came to walk you to school.''

''Yeah, 'cuz we're just good friends like that,'' Reki said, pointing at himself with a grin.

You chuckled. ''You guys didn't have to.'' You shuffled slightly on your crutches, your leg getting tired already. ''But, thanks.''

''Of course,'' Langa said before his hand fell on your shoulder, gripping your backpack's strap. ''Give me your bag, it's heavy.''

''You don't have to carry it,'' you said, not unhooking your arm from it. It was heavy, sure, but you didn't want to burden Langa.

''Y/n, it's fine, just give it,'' Langa persisted, causing you to sigh and unhook your arm from the strap. Langa threw it over his right shoulder, his own backpack on his left. ''Let's go, we have a long way to school.''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now