6.1 | steamy mystery skating!?

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honestly i was so hyped up to write this chapter but i feel like i kinda messed it up. i expected more of myself so idk i might be judging myself too harshly. anyway, off to reading!

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''Thank you,'' you said as Langa straightened up, handing you the water he'd fetched from the vending machine. You twisted the cap and took a sip while Langa got a drink for himself as well. ''It's so warm today, aren't you dying with those pants on?''

''I'm fine,'' Langa said, getting his drink as well. You made your way back to where Reki was leaning on the railing of the ferry you were on. He was looking at a girl standing not too far away, a big hat on her head.

'''So cute . . .' That's what your face says,'' Langa said as he leaned next to Reki, grabbing the red head's attention.

''N-No way!'' Reki shook his head in denial.

''So, someone like that is your type?'' Miya asked, appearing next to the three.

Shadow came next to Miya. ''Don't bother. You're in a different world than her.''

Reki turned around in annoyance. ''What do you mean by that? You never know unless I talk to her!'' Shadow nodded his head towards the girl, beckoning Reki to do so.

He gulped, taking slow steps towards the girl. You simply chuckled as you took a sip of your water, knowing Reki is most likely not going to end up talking to her. Besides, what was he playing at? He had a soulmate already.

''Langa, go talk to her!'' Reki told his friend, earning no reaction from Langa, but rather from you, who looked at Langa, almost daring him to go talk to her.

''Why me?'' Langa asked, looking at your neutral expression as you drank your water, which confused him.

''You know, if it's me, they get cautious!'' Reki said, wrapping his injured arm around Langa.

Miya and Shadow laughed. ''You know your place!''

''Shut up!''

''In Japan, how do you approach someone?'' asked Langa, out of curiocity.

''Of course . . .'' Reki said, taking a moment to think. ''Like, 'Where are you from?', or . . .''

''Like, 'Are you hungry?'''

''She's not you,'' Reki face-palmed.

''Yeah, but why would you ask her where she's from if she's on a ferry departing from Okinawa?'' you asked, swirling the left-over water in your bottle. ''Besides, Langa's got a point. If a hot guy approached me and offered to buy me food, I'd probably go. I'd run away right after, though.''

The girl suddenly started approaching the group of five. ''What?'' she asked, surprising Reki.

He blushed as he spoke. ''I-I do a bit of skateboarding, but if you'd like-''

''Hello? Yeah, sorry . . .'' the girl took a turn and walked away, revealing she was talking to someone on the phone and not to Reki. The boy stood there dumbfounded at the realization, whilst you, Miya and Shadow all burst out laughing.

''You just got rejected!''

''That misunderstanding is so embarrassing!''

''Don't worry,'' Langa spoke in English, trying to reassure his friend.

''I'm not depressed!" Reki argued.

''Oh! What a coincidence to see you here!''

The group turned to look at the source of the voice, seeing a familiar skater. ''Joe?'''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now