3.1 | undesired hero

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''Hey you there, run a beef against me in 'S'. I want to hear the ding of leveling up for the first time in a while,'' Miya said, not paying any attention to Reki. ''You're fine with it, right?''

''Don't do it, Langa,'' Reki warned. ''This guy is on a different level.''

''You're a snowboarder, right?'' Miya asked. ''I'd like to see . . . your skating that won against Shadow.''

''Shadow . . .'' Langa spoke quietly.

He stood silent for a second, thinking. ''Langa, if you feel underprepared, you don't have to do it,'' you spoke, causing both Langa and Miya to look at you. Miya looked annoyed, whilst Langa's expression was neutral.

''I think . . . I think I'll be fine,'' Langa said, then looked back down at Miya. ''I'll do it.''

''Stop it! Don't get cocky just because you nailed an ollie!'' Reki said as he stepped closer and pointed at Miya. ''This guy is a Japanese national team hopeful!''

''I'll do it.''


''Langa, think it through.''

''Then, it's settled,'' Miya said and all three turned back to him. ''I'll think about . . . what we should bet on.''

- - -

''If anything, they should leave it open all the time.''

''It's a top-secret course nobody can talk about. There's no way they can just thoughtlessly keep it open,'' Reki explained. ''In any case, you really do act recklessly.''

''About what?'' Langa questioned.

''It was the same with Shadow, too. You talk about challenges so simply,'' Reki said.

''Reki's right, you shouldn't have accepted Miya's challenge so quickly, he's a Japanese national team hopeful,'' you spoke from Langa's other side, causing the boy to have to crane his neck around almost fall off his bord. ''Careful!''

''I mean . . .'' Langa looked ahead. ''. . . it seemed fun.''

You and Reki made eye contact, then grinned at your friend's attitude.

There were a few jokes thrown back and forth, and some laughs exchanged before Reki asked, ''You think you can use the Reki RSP-Maru here, too?''

''What's that?''

''Reki RSP-Maru?''

''The name of that board,'' Reki spoke as if it was obvious. '''Reki Royal Straight Prince-Maru'!''

''So tacky. What do you mean, 'Prince-Maru'?'' Langa asked.

''I mean, the girls call you 'Prince', right?'' Reki pointed out.

''They don't,'' Langa denied.

''Oh, they do,'' you spoke. Langa looked behind himself again, this time more careful. ''You're really attractive, and girls recognize that, you know?''

Langa felt his cheeks get warmer as he held eye contact with you for a short time.

''See, even Y/n says it! And Y/n actually communicates with the girls,'' you said, further proving his point.

Someone approached them from behind, driving through Reki and Langa, causing Reki to loose his balance and almost fall. The three came to a stop, much like Miya, who turned around to face them, his hood over his head.

''That was dangerous, dude!'' Reki scolded as he stepped away from his skateboard.

''You know, trash mobs . . .'' Miya spoke as he started taking off his hood. ''. . . are always grouped up.''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now