8.1 | the fated tournament

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ah yes i was writing the reki fanfic im working on but then THE EP CAME OUT KHAFJKASHFJ THIS EP WAS JUST SO IDEK. it was so good tho i can't wait for next week. ALSO ALSO ALSO props to _alicia-chan_ for helping me come up with reader's skater nickname!

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You looked at Langa as you walked. You were at 'S', each of you holding your boards. Langa was looking at the ground, obviously bummbed because Reki wasn't here. Of course, you were sad as well, but you tried not to show it. This was probably your first time at 'S' without Reki . . .

You shook your head, linking your pinky with Langa as you walked. ''Hey, let's go check out who we're against,'' you said. Langa looked up, giving you a small smile and nodding.

''Langa, Y/n,'' Miya called when the two finally got close enough and looked at the placement board. I'm in Cherry's group, you thought as you noticed your name on the board. Yuki. You smiled as you remembered how you came up with it.

''Hey, Langa,'' you said as you sat on his bed, whilst he sat on his desk chair, each of you having your phones in your hands. ''You're entering as Snow, right?''

Langa nodded. ''Yeah. It's my nickname, after all.''

You looked down at your phone, not sure what to enter. Your own name? But everyone else has cool nicknames. What about you?

''Are you entering with a nickname?'' asked Langa, causing you to look up at him again.

You shrugged. ''I'd like to, but I don't have one. I'm not that aknowledged in 'S', you know.''

''That's not true,'' Langa said as he got up from his chair to move and sit next to you on the bed. ''We can come up with a nickname for you right now. Let me think.''

You looked at him as he looked at his ceiling, seemingly deep in thought. ''What was the Japanese word for snow again . . . uh . . .''

''Yuki?'' you asked, raising an eyebrow.

''Yeah! You can be Yuki!'' Langa spoke with a glint in his eyes.

You frowned. ''But that's just your name in Japanese.''

''But we can match!'' Langa pointed out. ''Besides, it fits, you know? Mine's in English, because I'm Canadian, and yours is in Japanese because you're Japanese.''

You snorted. ''You know, sometimes your brain does produce smart stuff that's not about skating.'' You looked down at your phone, quickly typing the name in the slot. ''Fine. Yuki it is. We'll see if I'll live up to the title.''

You felt his lips press to your cheek, causing your cheeks to grow warmer. ''I'm sure you will. You're better than me anyway. Can't wait to tell Reki!'

''Reki isn't together with you? Looks like he didn't even enter the tournament.''

Langa looked down again. ''Reki won't be here.''

''Why?'' Miya asked.

You and Langa shared looks. ''Well . . .''

''He's just scared of skating against Adam!'' Shadow laughed, mocking Reki.

Langa looked down, whilst you glared at the man. ''Shadow, could you shut the fuck up?''

Shadow looked at the you, his grin disappearing. ''Hey, what's got your underwear in a twist?''

''You-'' you were about to jump him when Langa wrapped his arm around your waist to keep you back. You huffed when you couldn't wiggle out of his arm, looking around to huff. ''You can let go now, Langa.''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now