12.1 | our infinity

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second to last chapter . . . damn.

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''Y/n, what did you get on number seven?''

You jumped slightly at Langa's call. You'd been spaced off for a while now, your pencil having stopped moving a long time ago. Your gase shifted from Langa's pencil case to Langa himself, who was looking at you expectedly.

''Sorry, what did you say?'' you asked, straightening up slightly. How long have you been out of it?

''What you got on number seven,'' Langa repeated, looking down at his paper. ''I'm not sure if I did it right.''

You looked down at your own paper. ''Oh . . . I'm not that far yet.''

Langa furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes falling to your paper, too. The answer to number seven was indeed missing. ''Are you okay? You usually finish your work quickly.''

Were you okay? You weren't sure. ''Yeah,'' you answered, shrugging. ''I'm just thinking.''

''Thinking about what?'' Langa asked.

You leaned back in your chair, letting out a sigh. ''Your beef is today.''

''Yeah.'' Langa nodded.

''I'm just . . . worried,'' you confessed.

Langa took your hand in his, causing you to look up at him again. ''You don't have to be worried about me.''

''But I still do,'' you reasoned with him. ''It's like when you worried about me when I was supposed to go against Adam.''

There was a moment of silence, thoughts running through Langa's head. ''Oh. I see.''

''Yeah.'' you nodded. ''I know you're an amazing skater and I have faith that you'll beat him . . . but I can't help it.''

Langa gave you a soft smile. He didn't want you to worry, but at the same time, he was glad you worried. He put his hand on the back of your head and pulled you closer, kissing your forehead. ''It's gonna be okay. I promise.''

''Such promises don't mean much at 'S', you know,'' you chuckled, half-amused. It was funny, really, how you always promise you'll be okay, and then you end up getting injured anyway.

''Yeah, they don't,'' Langa agreed. ''But I'll try to keep it.''

''We'll see how that goes,'' you said as you rested your head on Langa's shoulder. You felt tired, having to worry about your closest people like that. If only they could go back before Adam had appeared at 'S'.

The moment was interrupted when Langa's phone buzzed. He pulled away from you, quickly pulling his phone out of his pocket and checking his screen. Reki had texted him, reminding him their shift was starting soon.

''I forgot I have a shift today,'' Langa said as he stood up, quickly packing his school bag. Once he was done, he leaned down, pressing a kiss to your cheek before straightening up again. ''We'll pick you up around midnight, alright?''

You nodded, waving as he left your room.

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You sat in the passenger seat of Cherry's car, your casted leg barely being able to fit inside. Shadow and Miya were sitting behind you, Reki and Langa sat in the trunk of the car - you were sure how legal that was - and Joe was riding his motorbike behind you.

''Your injuries have healed already?'' Miya asked as he looked at the still-bandaged Shadow.

''I can't just be sleeping it off in a hospital,'' Shadow reasoned.

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now