2.1 | awesome for the first time!

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''What's up, Langa?'' Reki spoke as the two of you approached the boy in question, Reki grabbing Langa by the collar of his shirt. ''You're . . . awesome!"

''Yeah! You were amazing! I can't believe you skated down the broken pieces!'' you spoke excitedly, then hit him in the side lightly with your skateboard. ''But it was reckless! What if it had given out from under your feet, huh? Do you know from how high you would've fallen?''

''I didn't think about it in the moment . . .'' Langa admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

''Y/n, cut him some slack, he did something so cool!'' Reki said, wrapping his arm around Langa's shoulders, causing the blue-haired boy to grunt. ''You have a talent! It's time to teach you to skate properly!''

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'Hey, you there?'

'Yeah, I just got home :)'

'How was work?'

'It was quite eventful, one could say,' he wrote. 'How was your hang out with your friends?'

'It was eventful as well. One of my friends skated so cool today! I'm surprised he pulled it off.'

'Really? I was told I skated really good today, too,' he wrote.

'When we meet, we should skate together. You better improve till then, though.'

'I will.'

You looked at the clock, seeing it was nearing four in the morning. Realizing you had school in a few hours and barely had any time to sleep, you scribbled on your arm a 'It's almost four a.m., we should probably go to bed.'

'Yeah, probably. Let's talk again tomorrow? :)'

'Of course <3'

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''I've never seen skating like that!'' Reki exclaimed for maybe the twelfth time today. ''How did you do that thing at the end? Was it a snowboard trick?''

''Yep,'' Langa said as he fastened the tape on his legs, ensuring the board would stay strapped to his feet, which you found extremely dumb, but smart at the same time. ''Backside Rodeo.''

''Leave to a guy who comes from America!'' Reki said, casuing Langa to rise an eyebrow.

''You mean Canada?'' Langa asked.

''That so? Well, details don't really matter!''

''Reki, that's two different countries,'' you pointed out, then turned to look at Langa. ''Ignore him, he's not good at geography. Or any subject.''

''Hey!'' Reki protested at being indirectly called stupid, then turned back to Langa, his smile coming back to his face. ''Let us see how you skate!''

''You don't have to tell me!'' Langa spoke confidently as he stood up.

''Are you sure you want to strap your feet?'' you pointed out as you watched him. ''You were lucky you didn't end up in a hospital yesterday, skating with your feet strapped is dangerous.''

''I'll be fine,'' Langa said as he stood in the middle of the road, closing his eyes and mentally preparing himself. You watched him in curiosity, waiting to see how exactly he was going to push the skateboard if his feet were strapped. ''Going in!" Langa yelled.

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now