9 | we were special back then

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btw y'all go check out _alicia-chan_ and her new langa x reader fanfic 'chasing after snow'! you can find it either on her account or in my sk8 reading list! give her some love because she deserves it so much😍😍

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You bit your nail as you watched the big screen, anxiousness filling you. You were alone now, as Shadow had gone back up so he can meet with the others, but you wanted to stay back so you can be the first one to congratulate him when he wins - or possibly to comfort him when he loses. You had to be a realist here, it was a 50/50 chance, considering he was going against Joe.

In all honesty, you weren't sure if you wanted Langa to win. If he won, he might end up going against Adam. You, much like Reki, were not very keen of the idea.

''Joe's in the lead!'' someone yelled from next to you, causing you to wince and rub your ear from the loud sound. You looked back at the screen, having been brought out from you thoughts, seeing Langa falling behind Joe.

He used a boulder to fly up and used his leg to kick off the wall so he can take the sharp turn. Your mouth hung open. You knew Joe was a good skater, but that . . . that was something else.

They came to a straightway and Langa managed to gain speed. He was quicker at straightways, you remembered. Joe was suddenly balancing on his board with only his arms, his body parallel to his board. Your eyes widened. He was trying to gain even more speed by minimalizing the air resistance.

Joe gained more speed, leaving Langa a long way behind. You took your phone out, as the big screen was currently only focusing on Joe as everyone around her cheered. You quickly opened the livestream, switching to a camera showing your boyfriend.

Langa felt . . . off. It was only through the screen, but it looked like he wasn't putting effort into trying to win. He's been off since he and Reki had their fight . . . was that the reason? Was Reki on his mind?

You gripped your board. He wouldn't give up now, right?

''C'mon, Langa . . .'' you whispered under your breath as your watched.

''Joe's winning for sure!''

''Yeah, good thing I placed my bets on him!''

''Snow really stands no chance anymore, huh?''

You scoffed. Langa was going to pull up, right? Or did he not want to skate anymore? Was he . . . giving up?

Langa suddenly looked to the side - you weren't sure at what exactly he was looking, but it seemed to motivate him. He took the next corner with ease and was once again shown on the big screen. He took a right turn, jumping right off the cliff.

You gasped, your heart stopping. You almost dropped your board as you watched Langa fly and the people around you cheered loudly.

''He's flying!''

''That's an awesome shortcut!''

You let out sigh in relief as Langa landed back on the track safely, catching up to Joe quickly. Upon noticing that, however, Joe used his own shortcut, breaking through an old ventilation connected to the building. Langa continued on the normal route, which probably meant he wasn't going to catch up to Joe.

''Look out, Joe!''

''There are steel frames in the way!''

Joe jumped up, using his legs and board to push the steel frame and pass it with ease, leaving it to swing. Langa suddenly jumped down on the track Joe had been using, heading straight towards the swinging steel. He, however, ollied over the steel and then used it to boost himself and fly in front of Joe.

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now