6.3 | what are we?

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ep 7 has broken me and I will now be crying myself to sleep

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''Which movie are we watching?''

''Whichever you like, we got to kill time until 'S' anyway,'' you said as you unlocked your front door, letting Langa come in after you.

''Couldn't we just have stayed out?'' asked Langa, itching to get back on his skateboard. Nevertheless, he took his shoes off and placed them neatly to the side, putting his skateboard next to them.

''We have to eat something and I'm sure my parent's wouldn't mind you staying for dinner,'' you said as you, too, placed your shoes next to his, along with the skateboard. Your eyebrows furrowed as you noticed three pairs of shoes that most certainly did not belong to anyone in her family.

''Is something wrong?'' asked Langa, noticing your confusion.

''I think we have guests,'' you said as you took Langa's hand and led him further into the house, the boy having no other choice but to follow.

''Y/n, dear,'' your mom said as she noticed her child entering, along with the boy. ''Oh? Is this Langa? Oh dear, I've heard so much about you!''

Both you and Langa observed the scene, seeing your parents on the dining table, though three more people were there. Langa didn't know who they were, but you most certainly knew - and you weren't too thrilled about it.

Langa looked at your mother, bowing slightly - Reki had pushed his head enough times to know by now. ''Yes, that's me. It's very nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs L/n.''

''No need to bow, dear,'' your mother dismissed him before turning to look at her child. ''I didn't know you were bringing your boyfriend over, Y/n.''

''It was a last minute thing,'' you admitted, trying your best not to react at the word boyfriend. Was Langa your boyfriend? You threw a look at the guests. ''I didn't know we have people over.''

''That was a last time thing, too,'' your father said as he stood up, approaching Langa and putting his arm out. ''Very nice to meet you, Langa.''

''You too, sir,'' Langa said as he shook the older man's hand. Your father didn't seem intimidating at the moment, but maybe he was hiding it? Was he going to ambush Langa when he least expected it? Was he going to threaten him? Kick him out, maybe?

''Come, you two, have a seat,'' your mother said as she brought out two more plates and putting them down on the table next to each other.

''It's fine, Mrs L/n, I can just go home. I wouldn't want to intrude,'' Langa said.

''Nonesense! There's enough food for everyone,'' your mother said, guiding the boy to sit next to you, who had already sat down. You looked at Langa, giving the boy a reassuring smile.

''Y/n, dear, is he your soulmate?'' the woman, Mrs Mineta, questioned, looking at the young couple.

''Yeah, he is,'' you gave a cheeky smile, looking at Langa for a second. ''Thankfully, he is.'' Langa looked away with a light blush coating his cheeks.

''That's wonderful! Of course, I'm quite disappointed that you and my dear Minoru hadn't ended up being soulmates, but Langa - that's his name, correct? - seems like a fine young man.''

Langa immediately looked at the teen sitting right in front of him, recognizing the name. The guy looked his age, but he seemed shorter. He seemed to be also glaring at Langa, which confused the boy until he remembered what you had told him before.

''Yeah, he's really nice,'' you said as you finally started putting food in your plate. ''We won't be intruding for long. We'll just eat and then go watch a movie in my room, if that's alright.''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now