5.2 | passionate dancing night!

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okokokok so idk how to feel about this chapter as i feel like i could've written it better but uh yeah ENJOY

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You stood next to Miya, peering over his shoulder to watch the game he was playing. He was struggling with passing this one level, and you sighed when he died for the third time. ''Hand the game over, kid.''

Miya looked at her, quite weirded out. ''Don't call me a kid. Do you even know how to play?''

''Of course I do,'' you said as you swiped the game from him, causing the boy to protest. ''Give me a minute.''

You ended up beating the level, surprising Miya. ''Woah. You don't actually suck.'' Your eyebrow twitched slightly as you stared at Miya in unamusement.

''It's Snow!'' you heard someone say and looked up, seeing Langa and Reki approaching you.

''So, you're here,'' Shadow spoke.

''Where's Adam?''

''Not yet.''

''Is he gonna pretend like this is the Battle of Ganryujima?''


''You know, Ryoma Sakamoto . . .''

''It's Musashi Miyamoto, dumbass,'' you corrected Reki, rolling your eyes.

''How embarrassing,'' Miya added.

Reki sweatdropped. ''That was a joke, okay?''

The crowd cheered and everyone turned to look behind to see a red carpet roll out, stopping right before Langa. None other than Adam appeared, slowly skating down the carpet while a light shone above him.

''Adam . . .'' Langa said, his eyes never leaving Adam's figure.

Adam waved his cape, a bouquet of flowers appearing in his hand. He handed them over to Langa, who simply stared at the roses. ''This is a sign of our acquaintance. These flowers symbolize . . . 'passionate love'.''

''Thanks,'' Langa said and took them, not looking away again.

''You're accepting that?'' Reki sweatdropped.

Langa turned to look behind himself, right at you. ''Could you hold them for me?''

You looked at the flowers and nodded, taking them off Langa's hands. ''Sure.''

''Oh? Are you guys on their side?'' Adam asked, looking at Cherry and Joe standing on the side.

Joe shrugged. ''Who knows?''

''You're the one who parted ways from us first,'' Cherry pointed out.

''Was it so?''

''Langa . . .'' Reki called.

Langa simply turned around, a reassuring smile on his face. ''I know.''

''Langa.'' He turned towards you, recognizing the worry in your eyes. ''Good . . . good luck.''

You'd said it in English. His smile widened, his eyes crincking slightly. ''Thanks,'' he replied in English.

Langa and Adam stood at the startline, waiting for the signal to go off. Once it did go off, however, the crowd cheered, but none of the skaters took off. Adam took off his pack of cigarettes again, whilst Langa simply stood, watching the road and waiting for Adam to start.

''He's doing it again,'' Miya said, slightly pushing off the fence he was leaning on.

''But . . .''

Your eye twitched. ''That bastard . . . good thinking, Langa.''

hi, soulmate | langa hasegawa x gn!reader ✔Where stories live. Discover now